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Fantastic blast off [1:1 return] **SOLD OUT**


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Re: Fantastic blast off [1:1 return] **SOLD OUT**

Will be tomorrow when I xfer, as got a huuuuuuuge meeting tomorrow and won't be 'foruming' or pokering today as need to make sure ready for it. Samba - 4 shares - 20% - $24 paid BHF - 1 share - 5% - paid - $2.17 due Rhino_Power - 1 share - 5% - $6 paid - $2.17 due ooblio - 9 shares - 45% - $54 paid - $19.50 due kevsul - 4 shares - 20% - $24 paid - $8.67 due BurnleyJoe - 1 share - 5% - $6 paid - $2.17 due Sorry it wasn't more :( Lost the flips you need to win on Friday, and then called by A4 last night who runner runnered a flush for a 33k pot. Kev, how do you want yours, back via bank? If so, PM me your details :ok

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Re: Fantastic blast off [1:1 return] **SOLD OUT** Managed to get on for a bit, so have transferred what's due to Rhino, Oobs and Joe. The BHF bit will be totted up at the end of June and sent in one go, along with the charity % from last week. Kev, I will probably just play one of the money added tourneys the next 2 Fridays on Paddy, and we'll go 60/40. Will let you know on Friday which one :ok

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