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10NL Zoom - All in pre-flop


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Below is an example of a hand from a recent session of zoom on stars that got me thinking. PokerStars Zoom Hand #79846299923: Hold'em No Limit ($0.05/$0.10) - 2012/05/03 18:05:23 WET [2012/05/03 13:05:23 ET] Table 'Hartley' 9-max Seat 1: SPAINFALCON ($2.22 in chips) Seat 2: hfyc ($4.90 in chips) Seat 3: JBug40 ($8.86 in chips) Seat 4: Gerely7 ($10.73 in chips) Seat 5: TimThompson ($10.40 in chips) Seat 6: jrfpoker ($10.82 in chips) Seat 7: LegoPenguin ($22.03 in chips) Seat 8: chripchrap ($16.20 in chips) Seat 9: sn99k ($4.80 in chips) hfyc: posts small blind $0.05 JBug40: posts big blind $0.10 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to LegoPenguin [Ac Ah] Gerely7: folds TimThompson: folds jrfpoker: raises $10.72 to $10.82 and is all-in LegoPenguin: calls $10.82 chripchrap: folds sn99k: folds SPAINFALCON: folds hfyc: folds JBug40: folds *** FLOP *** [4d Jd 5d] *** TURN *** [4d Jd 5d] [2s] *** RIVER *** [4d Jd 5d 2s] [3s] *** SHOW DOWN *** jrfpoker: shows [6s 8h] (a straight, Deuce to Six) LegoPenguin: mucks hand jrfpoker collected $20.81 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $21.79 | Rake $0.98 Board [4d Jd 5d 2s 3s] Seat 1: SPAINFALCON folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: hfyc (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 3: JBug40 (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 4: Gerely7 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: TimThompson folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: jrfpoker showed [6s 8h] and won ($20.81) with a straight, Deuce to Six Seat 7: LegoPenguin mucked [Ac Ah] Seat 8: chripchrap folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: sn99k folded before Flop (didn't bet) I've played about 20,000 hands of zoom over the last few days and seen a few instances of open shoving hands for more than 100bb and they have not been big pocket pairs. Generally they have been high ace or broadway cards. 68off does take the biscuit though. lol. Typical of how I'm running at the minute that I lost this but as they say that's poker. As I have a fairly small sample I was wondering what other peoples observations have been and also what your calling range is in these situations? I would have called JJ+ and AK. Is this to tight for these games?

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Re: 10NL Zoom - All in pre-flop It is very much dependant on your opponent, which makes it difficult on Zoom, unless you make notes. If someone does this against me, I stop the game ( click "sit out next hand") and make a note. I also use colour codes.

I would have called JJ+ and AK. Is this to tight for these games?
I have often seen weak players push JJ and AK all in preflop. They know they have a strong hand, but don't know how to proceed post flop if they miss, or if there are overcards to their JJ. Therefore, your calling range is about right. Once I know their shoving range includes some random junk hands, I may widen my range to 99+ AQo+. The thing about Zoom is that you don't have to play marginal hands. Don't worry if your folding reasonably good hands preflop against maniac moves like this, most of your profit will come from your monsters and your AA busters.
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Re: 10NL Zoom - All in pre-flop i dunno how people can justify this he pushes with 6.8 with six players behind he is either dumb or a complete donkey he gets called by a good player with AA and hits his miracle cards if this was a once off i would say fair enough that's variance but their is a rationale behind why he won that hand the simple fact is that stars award donks and punish good players the first thing when sit a table on stars is check out who is most losing player on the table and try to avoid into getting into large pots with them though with AA its near impossible against these specific type of player i would be happy to check call to river even though most logical thing would be try to punish them for their draw but they will call you down and they constantly make their str8 or flush you might have flopped a set or two pair and the temptation is shove it all in ( i done it umpteen times) only to get called by 3,4 of diamonds or the favorite one on stars 5,6 of clubs and they nearly always hit if you are gonna push wait for the turn give them something to think about but they are such donks they are more than likely to call and you will more than suprise how often that miracle cards my advise fold against these muppets for you not only playing against the player but also the software who will give a losing player the incentive to keep playing and dumping more money into thr site

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