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Barrage Plan

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Re: Barrage Plan

Just wondering has anybody heard of the Barrage Plan. Is it effective?
Good logic behind it, if memory serves me right it's never given me a losing flat season but then again it wont make you a millionaire due to front end prices I have used it every year for several years to good effect, 1 of the better 'K.I.S.S' systems and easy to operate no messing about with ratings, form etc and does what it says on the tin basically. I found it around 10% more profitable using the live market just before the off rather than the papers tissue prices as 2yo's being 2yo's can get lively before a race and that will reflect in the betting market. Usually dutch the 2 qualifiers for equal profit as after trials on the sp prices found it works out slightly more profitable. Can be used on the 2yo races at the smaller meets as long as around 80% of the runners have had a race or 2 but you still have to watch out for unraced hotpots from yards that get them ready 1st time out. Hope this helps :ok
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