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APAT National Online League Restarts 30th Sept


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Re: APAT National Online League Restarts 30th Sept

Hi Guys, and Girls. Please be gentle with us Yorkshire folk, because we are kind, and caring, and you shouldn't take advantage of our kind nature, but if you do................ Then beware ;) GL Will post up my winnings, and nickname when 1st round done :ok
and there is a man with an abundance of confidence
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Re: APAT National Online League Restarts 30th Sept

2nd tonight for S.E. 22 points and €218 :) wp miss hoolie for 3rd :clap
Well played Bags, was a tough game with 3 left. I was at one stage miles ahead in chips and got them all in with AK v 75 pre...yes you read that right. Lucky fecker hit but fortunately I know where he lives :)
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