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Where are you playing Friday 6th January 2012

Burnley Joe

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Re: Where are you playing Friday 6th January 2012 One of these days I'll win a fecking hand against these tw*** :wall Hasn't anyone heard of isolating with a strong hand and think of folding when highly likely to be totally dominated for 1/3rd of their stack? fml Priced in?? Out in 140th for min cash ($1.72), another 3 hours of my life I won't get back, sigh. Ok so I don't particularly like my limp from UTG but there were 2x hugely nitty players (12/10 & 8/5) to act after me and they were open shoving AA/KK etc. basically if one of them shoved I would've probably folded my AK, but with them out I think my isolation bet there is good. GAME #3925893448: Holdem NL - 2012-01-06 22:08:34 Tournament (611424661) Table $1,000 GP Daily Dollar Server poker18.ipoker.com Seat 1: ZintisLV (26,964.50 in chips) Seat 2: janeey51 (39,340.61 in chips) Seat 3: llACEll (69,294.50 in chips) Seat 4: paleto11 (12,025.67 in chips) Seat 5: MedveDRizZ (6,227.50 in chips) Seat 6: EngBart (21,920.50 in chips) Seat 8: lollipoptoes (25,423.00 in chips) Seat 9: realbrightside (7,968.27 in chips) Seat 10: nfeileacan (6,103.09 in chips) paleto11: Ante 100.00 MedveDRizZ: Ante 100.00 EngBart: Ante 100.00 lollipoptoes: Ante 100.00 realbrightside: Ante 100.00 nfeileacan: Ante 100.00 ZintisLV: Ante 100.00 janeey51: Ante 100.00 llACEll: Ante 100.00 paleto11: SB 500.00 MedveDRizZ: BB 1,000.00 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to EngBart [HK DA] EngBart: Call 1,000.00 lollipoptoes: Fold realbrightside: Fold nfeileacan: Raise 6,003.09 (allin) ZintisLV: Fold janeey51: Fold llACEll: Call 6,003.09 paleto11: Fold MedveDRizZ: Fold EngBart: Raise 21,820.50 llACEll: Call 15,817.41 *** FLOP *** [s4 H6 H3] *** TURN *** [s4 H6 H3 HQ] *** RIVER *** [s4 H6 H3 HQ D6] *** SHOW DOWN *** llACEll: shows [CQ CK] (Two pair) EngBart: shows [HK DA] (Pair) nfeileacan: shows [C7 C6] (Three of a kind) *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 52,044.09 llACEll: wins 31,634.82 (side) nfeileacan: wins 20,409.27 (main)

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