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PL Exclusive RedBet Poker Promotions - €150gtd - Tues 24th Jan


PL Exclusive RedBet Poker Promotions - €150gtd - Tues 24th Jan  

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Re: PL Exclusive RedBet Poker Promotions - Freeroll - Tues 20th Dec Drinking game for those playing... For everyone of the below you DON'T recognise you have to down a shot :ok Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 40 (28 members and 12 guests) Samba_SamPa, 7piotrek8, ygryy, anji71, ulasevich, frede, ColU_FC, Washman, boga, DasBoot, stamp, BLANKA, kewals75pl, geegee21, LeooeL, DoctorFabius, The80, colo30, beatyou, dracosul, ne$$$y, gazza, moula64, deanimus, ianculescu_g, KummerLidande, scorpio771

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Re: PL Exclusive RedBet Poker Promotions - Freeroll - Tues 20th Dec GG all - little sick in my demise but that is poker......called 33 with AA and lost then called another shove with jj and lost to kj...then finally got it all in with jj and ran into kk......quite a sick little run.....you may say what goes around comes around for all those that i knocked out along the way with inferior calling hands......:p

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