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Advice please - Racing Profits Service


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This service is run by Richard Mawer and he charges £60/month for his selections and laying system. I'm a pro punter but not an expert in horses and no ambition to be, hence I thought I could put some money into a bank and let this run. However I'm now into week 3 and the results are dreadful. In summary I am down 30 points from his backing system, 11 points from his lay system, and 3 points to pay for the monthly service. This totals -44 points at nearly £900. His site is full of PR crap but these are the real numbers since I joined him. Am I right to be concerned? Should I stop with him? Or is this normal variance I should deal me? He assured me his biggest down turn was -18 points from backing, well I have almost doubled that in 3 weeks. My first thoughts are just to quit with this servie, seems like a terrible service full of PR crap with no substance, his laying system has a better SR than tipping (1 win so far in week3). However I would welcome some advice from people who know more about these things than I do. Thanks.

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Re: Advice please - Racing Profits Service

but you cannot be an expert in every sport
If someone bets you they can make the jack of hearts jump out the pack and piss in your ear. Dont back against it unless you want a wet ear. In other words stick to what you do know and you wont go far wrong. :ok
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