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PuntersLounge Oscars - Poker Winners


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Re: PuntersLounge Oscars are Back!

you nicked all mine ;)
Rules are simple. You can nominate at most 2 users per category. You don't have to nominate users in all categories. If you don't have any idea who to nominate in some category just leave it alone. Nominations will close on Dec 31st 2011 at Midnight, after that the nominations will be counted and the 3 top nominated users in each category will take part in vote poll for two weeks.
Just a reminder that you still need to nominate even if someone else has already nominated the person you want to pick as it's top 3 that then go forward to the voting. :ok
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Re: PuntersLounge Oscars - Poker Winners :clap http://forum.punterslounge.com/f129/winners-125661/#post2094288 http://forum.punterslounge.com/f129/heart-pl-awards-2011-a-125672/ Punters Lounge Poker Best Newcomer (Player that has given most to the Poker forum, with less than a years tenure (reg or 1st post) Bart (UK) Player of the Year (Player with the largest and most consistent successes over the year online or live) Washman Performance of the Year (Single tournament result that stands out as the greatest achievement, online or live) Avongirl Most Improved Player (Player that has demonstrated the best improvement in their game over 2011) andybell666 Punters Lounge Globally Lifetime Achievement (punter (past or present) who's tenure, attitude, dedication, effort and perseverance is a beacon to us all) Avongirl Best Overall Newcomer (punter that has given most to the forum, with less than a years tenure) Bart (UK) and Bathtime For Rupert (shared award) Best Avatar (user with the best avatar) Morlspin Golden Raspberry Awards PL member you'd love to see eating kangaroo penis on I'm A Celebrity Teaulc PL member whose tips you'd never follow Teaulc Heart of PL Awards Poker Mod - Avongirl Poker Member - Washman

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