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Thought I'd drag out one of my old AW systems now its wintertime. :eyes I call it sand not AW and handicap races only hence the name SandyCapper Not aftertimeing here as I'm not claiming to have backed them. This is just to give you some idea of what selections it throws up. Most will be at the front of the market but as they are in h'caps only the price should be reasonable. Here are the actual selections from this week Mon ling 3.00 Sovento w 13/8 Tue South 1.30 Lenny Bee L 3/1 3.00 mediterranean w 6/1 3.30 St Oswald w 7/4 Wed Ling 2.10 Amitola L 9/2 Kemp 4.50 True To Form w11/2 6.50 Cut The Cackle L 9/2 Thur Kemp 4.30 Lord Lansing L 3/1 6.00 Wild Desert L 6/4 7.00 Lucky Royale w 11/4 Fri South 12.50 Grayfriers Choirister w 8/11 1.25 Carnac w 15/8 2.00 Irish Jugger L 5/2 2.35 Argentine nr 3.10 Wreningham w 4/1 Still to run Wolv 5.10 One Way or Another p 3/1 5.40 Berbice p 5/2 6.40 Maven 3/1 Dundalk 6.00 Pencil Hill p9/1 6.30 Tarsille p 7/4 8.00 Knockgratten Lad p 7/2 p= available price when posting* There are 3 meetings tomorrow @ Ling ~ South ~ Wolves, It only takes 2 mins per meeting so I will put up any selections later/early morning :hope the good run can continue.

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Re: SandyCapper Wolv 5.10 One Way or Another L (3rd @ 11/4) 5.40 Berbice L 6.40 Maven W @ 4/1 Dundalk 6.00 Pencil Hill L 6.30 Tarsille L (2nd @ 11/4) 8.00 Knockgraffen Lad w @ 4/1 + 4pts on the night My mistake, just looked at Sp-Life and only wolves and Southwell are on the sand tomorrow :) Lingfields over them twiggy things :loon

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