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Genting Poker Series (Live Tour) 2012


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Re: Genting Poker Series (Live Tour) 2012 [h=5]Chip Count Day 2 - After Level 2 . Gabriel Forde 321000 . Wesley Wiemes 227000 . Daniel Hardy 220000 . Mo Kazi 210000 . Tim Chung 206400 . Yucel Eminoglu 193000 . Antonis Poulengeris 186500 Ahmed Waseem 166000 . Ellie Biessek-piechota 155000 . Eirimas Livonas 150000 . Elliott Panyi 145000 . Gabriel Tuna 144000 . Ramey Shaio 129700 . Callum Smith 127000 Chiang Jen-Yue 123000 . Simon Deadman 116500 . Claudi Cambianica 112000 . Marvin Babal 110000 . Chaz Chatta 108000 . Neophytos Neophytou 105000 . Alex Rousso 102100 . Craig Sweden 100000 . Leon Campbell 95000 . William Kassouf 93500 . David LaRonde 90500 . Paul Mctaggart 90000 . John Littler 88300 . David Montague 86400 . Kirit Patel 86000 . Stefan Wittmoss 85700 . Victor Iluukin Jnr 83000 . Surinder Sunar 83000 . Andrew Abernetny 79000 . Nick Jenkins 72300 . Pratik Ghatge 66000 . Philip Long 65000 . Genal Husnu 60000 . Warren Wooldridge 59900 . Matt Davenport 58800 . Louise Duffy 56000 . Paul Jackson 54300 . Ben Jackson 45000 . Joe Laming 43600 . James Burland 42000 . Keith Bartholomew 40000 . James Brady 40000 . Neil Channing 39000 . Kevin Parkes 31000 . Anthony Gaughan 16700 [/h]

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Re: Genting Poker Series (Live Tour) 2012 Well played Bart to finish so high up the leaderboard - as you know the GPS series does attract the top UK players. Me thinks you must have been more than 15 minutes late to have only 17k on arrival if you finished day 1 on 31k - more like an hour and 15 mins???

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Thx everyone. No definately didn't miss much of the start, only part way through level 1, but with 1600/800+200 and playing 8/9 handed, soon leaks away I guess. Had a stack of red (100 value) chips which I can't remember now if I included in the count or not. Must've been 2k in reds so maybe it was nearer 19k. Didn't matter as picked up kings early on and twice more in level 2. The slow structure actually meant that there was no desperate urgency in getting a double up today. I basically played very solid shoving a tight range, most were called by someone or other and i was managing to get a small net gain in stack each time net of folded blinds. This was working extremely well and seemed to be the way forward until i could get a decent raising stack. Tried a raise on a couple of occasions and got multiple callers and was forced out of the pot each time. Gradually ground my stack up to around 46k (avg 118k), which slipped to around 37k before finding AQ in BB. Guy in MP had been raising a lot of my blinds, more so than anyone else, so decided that I was going to shove unless others got involved and if he had AK or QQ+ so be it.. After tanking for a couple of minutes he calls with 33, not bad as it turns out, but my range had been so small what was he beating? it was obv I either had a better pair or two decent overs. 1/2 the time he'd be flipping & remaining times he'd be behind to a better pair, can't see the value for him only potentially winning 25% of times at just over 2:1 but each to their own. No help on the board so out in 45th from 176 entries, no complaints, had a great time and finally broke my day 2 duck.

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Re: Genting Poker Series (Live Tour) 2012 Ul Bart funny but the only real regret I have about all the big buy in events I have played was not shoving AQ in Coventry. WAs thinking of starting a thread to try and work out deep stacked valuable tourneys as they have nothing in common with our normal games As a forum our record is very poor, thankfully we mostly free roll into them.

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Re: Genting Poker Series (Live Tour) 2012 Agree with you Ed in that they play very differently to even a normal live GUKPT/GPS game. Going back with 20bb I thought I'd have to get busy quickly, but actually had a lot of time to seek out opportunities. The blinds are slow going up as well as long (time wise), in that 1k/500 > 1.2k/600 > 1.4k/700 > 1.6k/800 etc as opposed to doubling online each time (or seemingly so). Saw just 1 limp the whole weekend, mostly people just min raise and everyone tends to fold to the 1st in or 3bet. I must admit I was calling raises in position with hands like AJ, AT, 76s etc and it seemed to work well for me. Gave me ability to pot control & able to represent certain hands, probably not ideal way to go about it though. I did double-barrel bluff a couple of times which is probably also not recommended against this caliber of player. I got caught on the first one as hadn't priced him out properly, live & (hopefully) learn. Think we as a forum do exceptionally well considering our relative inexperience and lack of proper bankrolls. Just qualifying for the things we do is a tremendous achievement in itself. One of our strengths being that everyone is always willing to discuss hands/share experiences, got to be good for all of us going forward.

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Re: Genting Poker Series (Live Tour) 2012 Best moment of the weekend: Waking up with aces and getting my 4bet & value bets called on every street :nana Most embarassing moment: Having to show the double-barrel bluff. Funniest moment: Making Chaz sweat a full 5 minutes in a big pot whilst I was seemingly tanking for ages. Next to act I just hadn't seen his chips go over the line after he had tanked himself for quite a while. Thankfully there was much laughter and everyone including Chaz himself took it in great spirit.

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Re: Genting Poker Series (Live Tour) 2012 The Chaz hand is similar to one I had in Vegas which ended up with the clock put on me, "sorry thought I had folded I was looking at the blond dealer with the big breasts over there" was not the best reply but I liked his " was sure you had Jacks" response

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