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My journey to ........... (Cash Game Thread)


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Right, I was going to post this in Poker Goals and Challenges on 2+2 but decided to post it here since it wont get lost (and hopefully might spark some more interest in the cash strat forum). The main goals of this thread are - to put proper volume in for the first time in my life - to learn stuff along the way - get 1k hands in before 1pm each day I am 25 and have been living at home for about 6 months, I am moving out in January to a different area and need to get off my ass and become used to putting in some volume. I guess I have been a 'pro poker player' for about a year now, I quit my job to move to Chamonix for 5-6 months with the goal of playing poker there to get by (obviously France Telecom had other ideas as they decided to take 6 weeks to install the internet!). I am moving into a house with uni friends, they will all have jobs, so I will have plenty of time between the hours of 9 and 6 to grind, just need to get into the swing of things before I go. I will be aiming for 2k a day minimum, in Chamonix I remember aiming for 3k a day and just being burnt out completely after about 3-4 days. After coming back from Chamonix I lost my DB when my hard drive died so I only have about 60k hands worth of stats. I am hoping to increase VPIP and PFR a little bit and improve my WWSF and notably get to showdown in a few more good spots. stats.png I will be starting by mixing 30nl and 50nl on ongame, I may mix in some bodog later on but the traffic there seems to have taken a nosedive in quality. Hopefully this thread will become interesting.

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Re: My journey to ........... (Cash Game Thread) Right first day finished - 2071 hands in 3.25 hours, the hours figure makes me feel lazy but tbh playing for an hour takes a fair bit out of me. I was hoping to post a few hands but tbh the day has been pretty routine, I didn't mark any hands and cannot remember getting into any trouble really. I do have one that might prove to be relatively interesting: ***** Hand History for Game 5193699117244 ***** (On Game) $50.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, November 22, 04:50:55 ET 2011 Table Bologna (Real Money) Seat 3 is the button Seat 3: DougHeff555 ( $16.75 USD ) Seat 6: therookie78 ( $28.58 USD ) Seat 7: kkkosta ( $66.84 USD ) Seat 8: HighlordAA ( $40.27 USD ) Seat 9: bobpokergodd ( $48.25 USD ) Seat 10: Spvgg1920 ( $54.12 USD ) therookie78 posts small blind [$0.25 USD]. kkkosta posts big blind [$0.50 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to bobpokergodd [ :Th: :Td: ] HighlordAA folds bobpokergodd raises [$2.00 USD] Spvgg1920 folds DougHeff555 folds therookie78 calls [$1.75 USD] kkkosta folds ** Dealing Flop ** [ :7h: :8h: :4c: ] therookie78 checks bobpokergodd bets [$3.50 USD] therookie78 calls [$3.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ :4s: ] therookie78 checks bobpokergodd bets [$7.00 USD] therookie78 calls [$7.00 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ :6d: ] therookie78 bets [$16.08 USD] So I get led into on the river. Stat/Readless I tend to view these spots for what they are, 80%+ value imo. This guy had a 55% bet river over 1700 hands. It felt like a decent spot to call as he shouldn't really have many 5s, he can obv donk fullhouses but I just expect people to either c/c a shove or c/r turn or flop with hands that strong a pretty high amount of the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: My journey to ........... (Cash Game Thread) Right. Well that was a monumental failure. Gave up almost instantly and then completely forgot about the thread. I am now in the new house and got into the swing of things last week. Managed ~16k in a week where there were other people around for 3 days which feels promising. I am still playing a mix of 30 and 50 at ongame. Bodog has gone anonymous and I am a bit of a hudbot so that is now out of the question. The tables at ongame still seem to be pretty good even during the day. I will start looking for hands to post as I play again now.

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Re: My journey to ........... (Cash Game Thread) So first week of grinding to survive is up and it went surprisingly well. Infact the first week was up before my last post. I haven't really come across many hands that I could post. I tend to play pretty taggy and just in general don't encounter many spots that I struggle with. Pretty happy with my volume; 16,000ish last week and 13,000 already this week. I can feel myself auto piloting a bit sometimes but that is my only complaint. Will probably have a bit hunt through my stats at 50k hands so in about 7-8 days. I have had quads 11 times since monday morning (13k hands). I am not sure of the Maths but this seems astonishing to me.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: My journey to ........... (Cash Game Thread) Well, I am back. Have been playing a bit, and staying afloat, that is until I lost a lot of money (I don't have) on the football trying to get out of a small hole. I am an idiot yada yada, I am making a few promises to myself in this thread, some poker related, some not. First one: 1. I will never bet on football again in my life, If I break this, then I am the biggest twat in the history of the world and should jump off the nearest bridge. So now I am setting myself the goal of clearing any debt I have (not all related to this episode of degenism) in one month (well until the end of april, from now), that means I need to earn roughly 3500£. I have done some calculations and this will involve me playing 244,000 hands at a winrate of 7.5bb/100 (realistic estimate imo) at 30nl. So 7.5k hands per day or 11.5 hours (650 hands per hour). I figure like 9.00am-1.00pm (4) 3.00pm-5.00pm (2) 6.00pm-9.30pm (3.5) 10.30pm-1.00am (2.5) would be 12 hours. Officially start tomorrow although any hands I play tonight count. Wish me luck. I will probably post some hands, should have enough interesting ones.

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Re: My journey to ........... (Cash Game Thread)

good luck - sounds like quite a task ahead....
Thanks! :hope Just finished the first day, putting in the hours wasn't such a problem, although I have a bit of a headache now. I think I need to make sure my downtime doesn't involve a screen, I played my mate at Fifa 12 like 4 times and watched some tv, gotta give my eyes a bit more of a rest maybe. Managed 7318 hands in around 11 hours. So I have already slightly deviated from the plan, started to feel tired, not going to push it in the last session just to get an extra 100 hands in though. Add that to what I played the night before and I am at 9199 hands. I wont talk money as I dont like to tempt fate, tomorrow could be the same but in the opposite direction. Over the first 9199 hands I have almost hit my target dead on, so far I am at 7.4bb/100. The games were a lot worse than I thought they would be throughout the day, a few months ago on bwin it used to just be a case of table select and you will rarely sit at a table with more than 1 or 2 regs. Now the lobby seems to be infested with games with 4+ regs. I dont want this to become some rambling diary so hopefully I will find some hands tomorrow to post.
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Re: My journey to ........... (Cash Game Thread) So its the beginning of April tomorrow, thought I would update, havent quite managed the levels I was hoping, definately going to struggle with my initial numbers. Have played 20,748 hands in 3.x days so I am pretty pleased. Unfortunately it seems I either suddenly don't beat these games or I am still running like shit (on a 50k breakevenish spell - up like 200 over that time i think) - Up 97$ @ 1.57bb/100. Today I was quite an angry person, it kept teasing me, I would start to get some momentum and then get hit with a string of bullshit to push me back down in the red. I need to sort my attitude out really, I think if I could just start well rather than this bullcrap then I would be fine, theres always tomorrow. I realised today that I was probably autopiloting a bit, so tried to sort that out in the last session and did a little bit better. Need to start marking hands as I play as going back through 6-7k a day is not going to work. Gl

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