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Chromhead's Poker Player Grand Final Birmingham Staking Request


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Re: Chromhead's Poker Player Grand Final Birmingham Staking Request Sorry guys chromehead out, we are on way back now. Pete lost a big pot to 'Ascot' Dave and was forced to shove soon after. Dave488, fonzie still going ok on around average stack when we left hour ago, BBK was looking for a double....gl to them!

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Re: Chromhead's Poker Player Grand Final Birmingham Staking Request Sorry guys, went out in 56th . Had 20,500 chips in small blind , with the blinds at 600/1200/100a picked up :9s::Ts: raised to 3000 Called by the big blind (18,000 chips) (This immediately knocked any pocket pairs , Acex hands, and suited broadway cards out of his range as he was aggressive preflop, reraising previously with these, and had shown all his aces and pairs.) Flop: :Ah::Tc::7s: I bet 3000 villain calls 3000 Turn: :6c: I bet 3000 He shoves all in 12000 I had to think here i didnt put him on an ace, there a possibity he's on a draw and semi-bluffing me, or hit a lower pair anyway I call ... He shows :Qh::Th: I have 6 outs for chopped pot and 7 outs for a win .... river is :Qc: 18,000 chip loss.:sad a couple of hands later i picked up :Kh::9h: and shoved my now under 2 blind stack but it didnt hold up against the caller, and I was out. :(

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Re: Chromhead's Poker Player Grand Final Birmingham Staking Request Good to meet you Bene! Yes 2 cashed; quoted from the live poker thread;

11th for me for £280 and 4th for Dave for a wee bit more :p
Yeh Fonzie when out in 11th unfortunately. I was 4th in the end for £1660, which obviously i would have been very happy with at the beginning of the day, but really wanted to win it. Met with the PL crew, Pete, John, Fonzie, Dave, Ken and insider didn't actuallty get to meet Damatrix, met Alun Bowden for the first time and seemed a really nice guy and chatted for a while. Anyway back to the tourney, the final table started well when i picked up jacks on the first hand and knocked guy out who shipped over the top of my raise with 7's. So i managed to get myself up to over 200k in chips, which was around average at the time. A few more got knocked out and then we were 4 handed when the pivotal pot for me anyway arrived. The guy on the sb min raises my bb and i have 5s8s, so i call as he has been raising my blind all the time, the flop come qh5d2h and he checks, i figure he's probably missed so bet out 20k, he calls the turn is 3h, he checks and i check, the river is the 5c giving me trip 5's and he bets out 30k, now i think for a while and was unsure whether to call or raise, i just don't put him on the flush, so i make it 70k and he thinks for a while and calls, showing ah jh for the nut flush, i couldn't belive he didn't reraise me, anyway that left me short and i shoved a few times, but blinds were 8k 16k with 1200 ante and think i was down to 60k, i shipped on my sb with 10 3 off and obviously the bb has aces:eyes Anyway was wondering what anyone's thoughts were on my raise on the river, just thought it would have been pretty nitty to have just called there and was convinced i was ahead.
Didn't realise that the guy who took most of my chips comes on punters lounge under the name of Ascot, but he was proudly wearing his "Midlands Poker" Shirt at the table.
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