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Disgusting Behavior!


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I need to get this off my chest! Back in July, a lady friend and myself attended the local weekly pub poker tournament. We were the only ladies there, and at first were made to feel very welcome. The standard of play was poor, but even so, I was one of the first out when my KK was beaten by a flush on the river. The atmosphere began to change when my friend became the chip leader (I should mention she's an experienced internet player). When down to five players (4 male, 1 female) the men began to turn nasty. At first it was comments such as 'shouldn't you 2 be back at home in the kitchen'. Then we were called lesbians, and it got steadily worse. We did nothing to provoke, and kept our comments to a dignified minimum. My friend was unlucky to lose the chip lead to another flush, and this was met by bellowing and howls of laughter. Other people in the pub didn't seem to notice what was going on, or chose to ignore it. I'm proud to say she's plucky, and refused to give in to the mob, slowly rebuilding her stack. Every hand she won was described as lucky, with shouts of disbelief, foul language, and even physical threats. She got to heads up against the only man with any manners (and any poker skills), but the other men continued the onslaught. She won fairly comfortably, and we quickly ordered a taxi and got out of there. We'll never go back. Were we unlucky? Has anybody witnessed similar behavior? What was going through their minds? What did we do wrong? (And just in case anybody is temped to ask, no, we're not):)

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Re: Disgusting Behavior!

I'd say you were pretty unlucky. What's the chances of that rowdy mob being in on the only night you pair had no washing up to do eh?:\
LOL :rollin (For the sake of clarity I should add I washed the pots before setting off :()
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Re: Disgusting Behavior! We have a game in our village pub in which a couple of girls (much younger than me anyway :p) play. I have never seen anything like you mention, a bit of friendly banter - yes, but nothing nasty. So I would say, from my experience that you were unlucky.

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Re: Disgusting Behavior! Perhaps you should have considered making yourselves known to the locals first. Particularly in a local pub. When you play regional tourney's it's going to be natural to be in a room full of strangers but at a local pub your more likely to find a regular crowd who all have a degree of knowledge of each other. I think you can probably count yourselves as lucky as oppossed to unlucky. I reckon if two young lads had walked into a strange local one night and one of them left with every other buggers cash there would have been a good chance one of them would have ended up with a sore face or a chair across the back as they left.

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Re: Disgusting Behavior!

Perhaps you should have considered making yourselves known to the locals first. Particularly in a local pub. When you play regional tourney's it's going to be natural to be in a room full of strangers but at a local pub your more likely to find a regular crowd who all have a degree of knowledge of each other. I think you can probably count yourselves as lucky as oppossed to unlucky. I reckon if two young lads had walked into a strange local one night and one of them left with every other buggers cash there would have been a good chance one of them would have ended up with a sore face or a chair across the back as they left.
It wasn't a strange local. I'd been in there around once a fortnight for the previous 6 months - not playing poker. It's fair to say most of the men were poker regulars. The entry fee was £5 or £6. Whilst we're young at heart, our birth certificates tell a different story. Interesting that you think we were lucky to leave unscathed, and a sad reflection on our society.
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Re: Disgusting Behavior!

It wasn't a strange local. I'd been in there around once a fortnight for the previous 6 months - not playing poker. It's fair to say most of the men were poker regulars. The entry fee was £5 or £6. Whilst we're young at heart' date=' our birth certificates tell a different story. Interesting that you think we were lucky to leave unscathed, and a sad reflection on our society.[/quote'] I think it's a sad reflection on society that most men cant accept in 2011 that women may enjoy a game of poker and-lo and behold- may actually become better at it than them. I would imagine it would have to be a particularly sink estate local for a bunch of hairy arsed blokes to attack a couple of lasses but the chance is always there. There's a young lass in her early twenties that plays our local tourney's and because she's reasonably attractive with a slim figure and massive norks she often cleans up. It's a different kettle of fish when she ends up at Elland Road or Brammal lane for the regional game and the fellas there are not so bloody stupid but the worst abuse she suffers from is "put them tits away your distracting me" To which she chuckles suggestively and says something equally flirtatious back to. My advice for the next time you go in there (if you choose to do so) is take a bowie knife with you and the first time any smart alec pipes up whip the chib out and go apoplectic with all manner of threats about cutting their fcuking throats out if you get any more of this shit. You might be asked to sit the next hand out like but a line will have been drawn from there on in.
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Re: Disgusting Behavior! I have a game this Friday which is a regular monthly game in a local town which normally gets about 30-40 runners. Usually there's only one lady Leanne who plays (I call her a lady but she's more ladish than most of the blokes there). When other women do play they're warmly welcomed and what you experienced would never happen because no one would allow it especially the older guys. I guess it's because us Valleys Welsh lot are a friendly bunch;)

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Re: Disgusting Behavior!

.I think you can probably count yourselves as lucky as oppossed to unlucky. I reckon if two young lads had walked into a strange local one night and one of them left with every other buggers cash there would have been a good chance one of them would have ended up with a sore face or a chair across the back as they left.
There's the reason you should NEVER play pub poker. Too many nobheads. I'm sure there are some well run pub games, but the behaviour you describe is not uncommon, in my experience. These guys would soon find themselves banned from a casino if they showed anything like this level of intimidation. I started off playing in a pub poker league and soon got fed up of the boorish, sexist, and racist comments that were frequently thrown around. I finally walked out (mid hand) when a guy threatened to beat up a guy over the previous hand.
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Re: Disgusting Behavior! I have got very strong views and advice on this subject. I absolutely hate what has happened here, it disgusts me, to the point of making me very angry. My advice to you is NOT to play pub poker or run down casinos, you need to be playing a decent casino or a proper poker club. im afraid its the only way. My wife has witnessed this kind of behaviour when we had a night out at a run down casino in Portsmouth, that i might add, no longer is open, she unfortunately did not mention this to me, untill the next morning as she knew, i would have confronted the two persons to whom this concerned and did not want a scene to be made, fair point, but.. this really put her off of playing poker live, which is very sad, as she is imo, a very good player and really enjoys a game. I have coxed her into a few games since, but it has been hard work, to build her confidence, i recently took her to the international, a poker club and a very good one at that, she really enjoyed that and has said since, she would have no problem going back :D I would only ever take her to a well known club or a good casino now, lesson learnt. Please. please, dont be put off by your expierence, just be a lot more picky where you play and you will find everything a lot better.

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Re: Disgusting Behavior!

My advice for the next time you go in there (if you choose to do so) is take a bowie knife with you and the first time any smart alec pipes up whip the chib out and go apoplectic with all manner of threats about cutting their fcuking throats out if you get any more of this shit. You might be asked to sit the next hand out like but a line will have been drawn from there on in.
As always in poker, position is key. Ideally I take it I should time the knife revelation such that I'd have been in early position for the hand I'm forced to sit out?
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Re: Disgusting Behavior!

When other women do play they're warmly welcomed and what you experienced would never happen because no one would allow it
This is where I feel really let down. Not one of the poker players spoke up in our defence. Several none poker players were in ear shot, and again, none of them spoke up to say the behavior was unacceptable :wall
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Re: Disgusting Behavior!

I have got very strong views and advice on this subject. I absolutely hate what has happened here, it disgusts me, to the point of making me very angry. My advice to you is NOT to play pub poker or run down casinos, you need to be playing a decent casino or a proper poker club. im afraid its the only way. My wife has witnessed this kind of behaviour when we had a night out at a run down casino in Portsmouth, that i might add, no longer is open, she unfortunately did not mention this to me, untill the next morning as she knew, i would have confronted the two persons to whom this concerned and did not want a scene to be made, fair point, but.. this really put her off of playing poker live, which is very sad, as she is imo, a very good player and really enjoys a game. I have coxed her into a few games since, but it has been hard work, to build her confidence, i recently took her to the international, a poker club and a very good one at that, she really enjoyed that and has said since, she would have no problem going back :D I would only ever take her to a well known club or a good casino now, lesson learnt. Please. please, dont be put off by your expierence, just be a lot more picky where you play and you will find everything a lot better.
Thanks - Good Advice. I'm not sure if I feel better or worse to hear this has happened to other ladies too. Kudos to you for the support you've shown your wife :D
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Re: Disgusting Behavior! The big plus side to live poker is, what a great social side the game has, you get to meet some lovely people through this game and make some great friends. Please dont be put off, as i said, just be a bit more piccy as to where you play, you drew the short straw on that occasion but it was only because of the venue.

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