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'50/50 Live/Online' Stake Thread **Started**


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Re: '50/50 Live/Online' Stake Thread **Started** Managed to run my short stacked A9 into an even shorter stack's AA. Recovered a bit, then got Q9c in the BB with 7.5 BBs left. The SB raised, I shoved, and he had AA too. Legendary timing :puke Out in 44th with 30 paid, sorry guys - felt good tonight, thought we were gonna get a nice score :sad

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: '50/50 Live/Online' Stake Thread **Started**

The Super50 at DTD is a £50+£8 ($90) freezeout tournament with 10k chips and 30 min blinds. I will be playing this on one of the Saturdays in November - just waiting for confirmation.
So, are you playing this next Saturday Pete?
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Re: '50/50 Live/Online' Stake Thread **Started** Trying to organise a car-full to go down, there's definitely 2 of us. I spoke to Nicola from dtd :

Hey You still have a Super 50 seat to claim. Upcoming Super 50 Events Sunday 20th @ 4pm Saturday 26th @ 5pm Saturday 3rd @ 5pm I can keep your seat for as long as you need it so just let me know when you can play.
Cheers Nicola, just working on getting a car-full to come down one weekend. I will let you know, thanks for keeping it for me.
Hi Pete That’s no problem; just give me a shout when you know you’re coming :)
so I was sure I wouldn't lose the seat, which I won't. I'd say Saturday 3rd is favourite as there's a couple waiting for rotas to come out before they can commit. Will keep you updated :ok
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: '50/50 Live/Online' Stake Thread **Started** Gemic, I couldn't PM you as you don't have 50 posts yet. I'm not getting to Nottingham this side of the New Year so I have agreed with the rest of the staker to play some online tournaments up to the correct value over the next couple of weeks. If you're happy with this then that's fine, or if you would rather your remaining stake sent back on Stars that is fine also, just let me know :ok Starting with the Paddy $2k added in 5 mins :hope

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Re: '50/50 Live/Online' Stake Thread **Started**

Gemic, I couldn't PM you as you don't have 50 posts yet. I'm not getting to Nottingham this side of the New Year so I have agreed with the rest of the staker to play some online tournaments up to the correct value over the next couple of weeks. If you're happy with this then that's fine, or if you would rather your remaining stake sent back on Stars that is fine also, just let me know :ok Starting with the Paddy $2k added in 5 mins :hope
GL M8 :hope
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Re: '50/50 Live/Online' Stake Thread **Started** Took a 2.3k hit early in the 2nd hour. In SB with AK, a 2.2k stack raises to 350, a shorter stack calls, then another call. So I raise it to 1850, folds to original raiser who shoves, the next, shorter stack, calls, and the next guy folds. I call for the extra 350. AK against AQ and AT... Q on flop and T on turn to ensure I come 3rd of 3 :lol Since then I hovered around the same stack, stealing when I could. then lost 1800 on final hand before break. A8 in SB, 2 limpers, I complete, the BB checks, flop is 79T, I call a bet of 400. Turn is a J to make my straight. Check to him to raise, he bets 600, i min raise to 1200 supposedly showing my strength. He calls. River is an 8 to put a straight on the board. Check to him and he makes a small bet of 1400 into the 4150 pot :\ Sure he has the Queen and I fold. So... 49th of 108 at 2nd break... avg is 7754... I have 7356 :hope

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Re: '50/50 Live/Online' Stake Thread **Started**

Took a 2.3k hit early in the 2nd hour. In SB with AK, a 2.2k stack raises to 350, a shorter stack calls, then another call. So I raise it to 1850, folds to original raiser who shoves, the next, shorter stack, calls, and the next guy folds. I call for the extra 350. AK against AQ and AT... Q on flop and T on turn to ensure I come 3rd of 3 :lol Since then I hovered around the same stack, stealing when I could. then lost 1800 on final hand before break. A8 in SB, 2 limpers, I complete, the BB checks, flop is 79T, I call a bet of 400. Turn is a J to make my straight. Check to him to raise, he bets 600, i min raise to 1200 supposedly showing my strength. He calls. River is an 8 to put a straight on the board. Check to him and he makes a small bet of 1400 into the 4150 pot :\ Sure he has the Queen and I fold. So... 49th of 108 at 2nd break... avg is 7754... I have 7356 :hope
1 Time :hope
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Re: '50/50 Live/Online' Stake Thread **Started** 3rd break - had got up to ~14k with pocket Qs that made a flush, then back down to 8k. Slipped further through inaction and missing flops, and mainly the chip leader whom's MO was simply to shove his 30k stack in the middle. Down to 5.4k when I got 66 in the BB, had already decided it was boom or bust, when the bubble (shorter stack) raised. I shoved, they called and showed 44. 6s held. Since then, some little bits of stealing. 26th of 50... avg 16750... I have 13300... 40 paid :hope

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Re: '50/50 Live/Online' Stake Thread **Started** Out in 32nd, at the hands of the aforementioned chip daddy donk... only this time he had a hand lol Short stack raised, I shoved with 77, big stack called, and short stack called. 77 v AK v KJ Flop AKx.... Something in the kitty anyway :ok

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Re: '50/50 Live/Online' Stake Thread **Started** Will edit post 1 with the results so far Jon, playing the Fantastic Fridays on Paddy from here on, plus any other added value christmas specials there are. Cashed in it last week, and was set to play it last night but none of my iPoker skins were working (http://forum.punterslounge.com/f17/where-you-playing-friday-9th-december-124397-post2067664/#post2067664)

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Re: '50/50 Live/Online' Stake Thread **Started** On 11445 at 2nd break. Roughly 15/112 remaining (my lobby isn't refreshing with any regularity!). Avg stack is 6316 Had the opposite to frustrating hour that one. From somebody kindly donating about 18xBBs at the time with their bottom pair v my 2 pair, to a decent win with JJ... ...I raised to 420 (80/160) from early, folded to BB who had 3.4k who shipped his stack in. I had 5.4k at this point. I read his action as somebody who had one of those mid-pairs you want to win the pot with, but don't really want to see a flop (77-JJ type hand), and I called. He had QQ!! Flop came 10-high, then good ol' Jack on the turn rewarded my excellent read :p Since then I have seen QQ lose to JT and 98!! Rest assured I will fold the ladies if I get them ;)

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