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Rivrd's Palm Beach Big Game Staking 32% Sold


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Re: Rivrd's Palm Beach Big Game Staking 32% Sold Had a fantastic night last night, and with 87 runners was the most they have had in months and was certainly a night for the pro players being there, James Akenhead, Praz Bansi, Ross, Barney Boatman, Ian Woodley, Rob Cooper, John Duthie, JP Kelly, Nick Persuad, the EPT winner (cant remember his name) Teddy Sheringham turned up, Boris Becker and quite a few more, so never looked like it was going to be an easy night. I just had one game plan in mind to sit tight and pick my spots. Amazingly 2 players went out in the first half hour level :loon calling every raise and bet from players. My first real hand was AQo in the cut off were i raised and got called by the BB, with a K hi flop bb checked i c-bet he calls no help on the turn and i have to shut down and fold the bbs turn bet. Pokers a funny old game as we all know and waiting for the cards doesn't always work, as after 2 levels with the one bet there is 5 limpers and i call from the sb with 5 8off, and bb checks. Flop comes 7 7 5 and it checks all around the table, turn is a 2 and again checked around, i fire out a small 200 bet as i now feel i'm ahead and everyone folds except "Albert" who calls river is a 10 and i check and Albert checks behind and i take down the pot. It's such a nice feeling to win your first pot of the evening. My first pocket pair was 8s which i folded pre as there was too much action before me, then a couple of rounds later in the bb i get k 2o again there is 5 players in the hand, a lovely flop of 2 2 8, its gets checked round with a K on the turn i chk, call a bet (think i should of raised here instead of the flat call here) river is a blank, i fire out a value bet here and the bettor folds and shows his K, as do i :) and i pick up a nice pot. Nothin happened for a few rounds and everyone knew i was playing tight so thought i would test that out and raised from the cut off with junk only to be called, c-betting the k hi flop again im called again and then shutdown and fold my hand, 2 hands later i raise again with AQs only to be called by 5 players, lovely flop of A Q 9, its checked to me i bet out and take the pot down. I later dropped to about 7k and badly needed a double which i duly got again from the BB. Having q 10 a great flop comes a 10c 5c 10d, i bet out this time as the flush draw was there and get called by Albert who loved chasing the draws, turn is an 8d, i then played it risky and checked the turn knowing Albert would fire out, which he duly does and i reraise all-in to be called, river is a blank and i double, Albert has Ac8c. A few levels go by and nothing to play, i get AA and raise and no action :( another couple of levels and with the blinds and antes im in shove or fold mode with 20 left, first shove was KJ sooted from cut off and folded round, i also get JJ from the button and again no action, then comes my exit hand. I needed to take a risk as most of the latter stages players were stealing my blinds but this time its folded around to me in the sb with JJ praying the bb will raise as he had most of the night, but this time he checks flop is Q high and i ship hoping he has missed but of course he had flopped 2 pair and i'm out. Still kicking myself about the way i played this hand but knew i needed a double rather than just the bb and antes as would still only give me a few hands more, and as most of the night had been card dead literally with no paint to be seen anywhere. Overall i saw AQ (x2)lost once, won once, JJ(x2) lost once, won once, 88 x(1) folded pre, AA(x1) won, KJ (x1) won and that was that. I'm pleased with my overall performance from a tough field and never felt out of my comfort zone there were some great characters there which made it a fun night as well, just sorry to you guys for not making the cash :sad

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Re: Rivrd's Palm Beach Big Game Staking 32% Sold

Had a fantastic night last night, and with 87 runners was the most they have had in months and was certainly a night for the pro players being there, James Akenhead, Praz Bansi, Ross, Barney Boatman, Ian Woodley, Rob Cooper, John Duthie, JP Kelly, Nick Persuad, the EPT winner (cant remember his name) Teddy Sheringham turned up, Boris Becker and quite a few more, so never looked like it was going to be an easy night. I just had one game plan in mind to sit tight and pick my spots. Amazingly 2 players went out in the first half hour level :loon calling every raise and bet from players. My first real hand was AQo in the cut off were i raised and got called by the BB, with a K hi flop bb checked i c-bet he calls no help on the turn and i have to shut down and fold the bbs turn bet. Pokers a funny old game as we all know and waiting for the cards doesn't always work, as after 2 levels with the one bet there is 5 limpers and i call from the sb with 5 8off, and bb checks. Flop comes 7 7 5 and it checks all around the table, turn is a 2 and again checked around, i fire out a small 200 bet as i now feel i'm ahead and everyone folds except "Albert" who calls river is a 10 and i check and Albert checks behind and i take down the pot. It's such a nice feeling to win your first pot of the evening. My first pocket pair was 8s which i folded pre as there was too much action before me, then a couple of rounds later in the bb i get k 2o again there is 5 players in the hand, a lovely flop of 2 2 8, its gets checked round with a K on the turn i chk, call a bet (think i should of raised here instead of the flat call here) river is a blank, i fire out a value bet here and the bettor folds and shows his K, as do i :) and i pick up a nice pot. Nothin happened for a few rounds and everyone knew i was playing tight so thought i would test that out and raised from the cut off with junk only to be called, c-betting the k hi flop again im called again and then shutdown and fold my hand, 2 hands later i raise again with AQs only to be called by 5 players, lovely flop of A Q 9, its checked to me i bet out and take the pot down. I later dropped to about 7k and badly needed a double which i duly got again from the BB. Having q 10 a great flop comes a 10c 5c 10d, i bet out this time as the flush draw was there and get called by Albert who loved chasing the draws, turn is an 8d, i then played it risky and checked the turn knowing Albert would fire out, which he duly does and i reraise all-in to be called, river is a blank and i double, Albert has Ac8c. A few levels go by and nothing to play, i get AA and raise and no action :( another couple of levels and with the blinds and antes im in shove or fold mode with 20 left, first shove was KJ sooted from cut off and folded round, i also get JJ from the button and again no action, then comes my exit hand. I needed to take a risk as most of the latter stages players were stealing my blinds but this time its folded around to me in the sb with JJ praying the bb will raise as he had most of the night, but this time he checks flop is Q high and i ship hoping he has missed but of course he had flopped 2 pair and i'm out. Still kicking myself about the way i played this hand but knew i needed a double rather than just the bb and antes as would still only give me a few hands more, and as most of the night had been card dead literally with no paint to be seen anywhere. Overall i saw AQ (x2)lost once, won once, JJ(x2) lost once, won once, 88 x(1) folded pre, AA(x1) won, KJ (x1) won and that was that. I'm pleased with my overall performance from a tough field and never felt out of my comfort zone there were some great characters there which made it a fun night as well, just sorry to you guys for not making the cash :sad
Your rubbish, ive just had to cancel my deposit on a caribean cruise :( Seriously though;), well done Jase,to get to the the last 20 in that field is good, glad you enjoyed it :cigar
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