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Rivrd's Palm Beach Big Game Staking 32% Sold


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Re: Rivrd's Palm Beach Big Game Staking

  • Name: Jason Bass (Rivrd)
  • Stake Requested: £500 @ 100 shares of £5
  • Event/Tournament: Palm Beach Big Game
  • Offer: 100% paid back = 1 share worth 0.5%
  • Date of Event/Tournament: November 7th

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I (Jason Bass) agree to play the above tournament and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. I am taking a minimum of 50%, so 50% available to stakers. As i have already agreed in game with Damtrix that he will get 10% of any winnings, that leaves 40% left for you the stakers. Transfers can made to therivr (pokerstars) or bank transfer if you prefer - pm for details

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Re: Rivrd's Palm Beach Big Game Staking 29% Sold

1% = 10 GBP sent (gemxxx) :hope:hope:hope:hope
Received Thanks :ok
reserve £50 plz
Will reserve :ok
2 please. $15.79 sent via Stars.
Cheers Hen received :ok
10 shares Jason' date=' is 888 ok?[/quote'] 888 is fine
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Rivrd's Palm Beach Big Game Staking 29% Sold From HMF: "The Big Game runs next Monday from 7pm. Buy In till 9pm. £1000 + £80 No Limit Hold Em Following the WSOPE and London EPT, we expect a return to good numbers, with 10 online qualifiers so far. The Mob are out in force - Joe, Ross and the in form Barny all down to play. Joe won it last time, and hope for good things from them again. Pras Bansi and Gentleman James Aikenhead both in as well, along with the lovely Baltic Blonde."

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Re: Rivrd's Palm Beach Big Game Staking 29% Sold

From HMF: "The Big Game runs next Monday from 7pm. Buy In till 9pm. £1000 + £80 No Limit Hold Em Following the WSOPE and London EPT, we expect a return to good numbers, with 10 online qualifiers so far. The Mob are out in force - Joe, Ross and the in form Barny all down to play. Joe won it last time, and hope for good things from them again. Pras Bansi and Gentleman James Aikenhead both in as well, along with the lovely Baltic Blonde."
Nice easy field then :p...Godd luck Jase :hope
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Re: Rivrd's Palm Beach Big Game Staking 32% Sold Should be around 20 left. When I finished 6th, it was after 3am. I texted him 30 minutes ago and no answer, meaning, that he is probaly still playing on. There is no signal in the casino (and I think no live feed). He would have answered me otherwise. :hope

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Re: Rivrd's Palm Beach Big Game Staking 32% Sold

Should be around 20 left.
Sorry guys exactly where i went out 20th :( 10 short of the money, played the last hand really stupid :wall will do a write up later as have now been up over 24hrs (sleep so over-rated) :zzz:zzz
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