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Rake, Split pots and stupidity?


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Something funny happened the other day. I was just playing a normal game of 20nl 6max and I raised in the CO with A3s to 3x BB. Got a caller from the BB and flop came down as AJTr. After being checked to I fired out a Cbet of slightly more than half the pot. Opponent called and turn came an King. He checked, i checked behind and the river came an offsuit Q. Now this donkey shoved the rest of his stack for 150BB. I thought lol obviously split pot, so i called covering his stack, he showed QK and it was a split pot. However, I got back LESS money from the hand than before i called his AI on the river when the board read AKQJT, no flushes possible. Eg Lets say the pot was 13BBs and he went in for another 150BB and i called. I and him only got back like 145BBs...Even if it was a split pot i got back less money than i started with, It was more profitable to have just folded the hand and gave him the split pot... Obviously perhaps he thought I couldnt read the board but such play is just so sick that you can't win in this situation. Would any of you called or would you have just folded? Any other opinions?

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