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poor old Bart


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** Game ID 4099557813 starting - 2011-09-26 20:55:25 ** Punterslounge Unibet Open League[4409695]:Table 2 [4409695] [Multi Table Hold'em] (100|200 NL - MTT) Real Money - plstaffy sitting in seat 1 with 3350.00 - rejmak sitting in seat 3 with 5430.00 - McG_Uni sitting in seat 4 with 3470.00 - avongurl sitting in seat 5 with 1175.00 [Dealer] - BartMan0 sitting in seat 7 with 1615.00 - teaulcsg1 sitting in seat 10 with 9260.00 BartMan0 posted the small blind - 100.00 teaulcsg1 posted the big blind - 200.00 ** Dealing card to teaulcsg1: 7 of h, 2 of s plstaffy folded rejmak folded McG_Uni folded avongurl folded BartMan0 raised - 525.00 teaulcsg1 raised - 1500.00 BartMan0 went all-in - 1090.00 teaulcsg1 called - 1615.00 BartMan0 shows: 5 of s, 7 of s teaulcsg1 shows: 7 of h, 2 of s ** Dealing the flop: 3 of s, 2 of h, 4 of c ** Dealing the turn: 2 of d ** Dealing the river: 2 of c teaulcsg1 shows: 7 of h, 2 of s teaulcsg1 wins 3230.00 from the main pot End of game 4099557813

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