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A.I horses (AUG)

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Re: A.I horses (AUG) Dancing Primo lost so bank now 48.03 7 bets today so that means full bank on Catt 6.55 stormy whatever 8.30 catallout Kemp 6.45 raahin 7.15 deerslayer Newb 4.20 farlow Newc 3.55 west brit Nott 2.55 lady paris 22813188.png 3 for profit :hope :ok

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Re: A.I horses (AUG) I have been analysing the past selections to see why recently selections have come to a virtual standstill. :( It is apparent that the programme is heavily biased towards non handicap(mainly 2y olds) races hence the plentiful selections (and profit) in May which then starts to taper off in June and July as more and more h'cap races are run ,therefore leaving a smaller eligible pool to pick from. :\ Though it has selected some h'cap races they are few and far between and the remaining non h'caps are either too competitive or dross hence the lack of selections. Might as well close the thread and take the small profit made overall as its pointless trying to force the prog to pick a selection(s) each day just to get something to bet on as that would be defeating the object. :ok

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