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givs me a break pokerstars


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this is what happens when you withdraw funds from your poker stars a/c so be warned.i finished sixth in fpp tourney for $20 and i manage to turn it into $650 playing 1/2 2/4 3/6 limit over space of three weeks i took out 500, these are the hands that i made me wonder about the fairness of pokerstars so leave your money in if you want to avoid these things from happening

scruffy987(me)-------------------------- jampots

qd jc-------------------------------- 5h 4s (3/6 limit) --------------flop qh js 2d turn 6s river 3h 1os 7d(sb)--------------------------- As ks(bb) ---------------flop 10d 10h 7c turn Ad river Ac qd qs ---------------------------------Ad 7d ---------------flop 2c 5d 8h turn 7s river 7h (that one was costly) Ah jd -----------------------------------2s 9s(who knows why) ------------------flop ks Ad 3c turn js river 3s at this stage my 150 was down to 35 so i just dug my heels in and carried on this hand i nearly flung the laptop across the room Ac As------------------------------------- 8d 7d --------------------flop qh Ad 4d turn 7c river 3d please do not talk about variance for i am not that naive to belive all the major hands i played in that session where i had the best of it on the flop could be consistly out drawn it never happened pre withdrawal of the funds l

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