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AK in this spot ?


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I have been having an argument with a friend of mine on what to do in this situation in a tournament and am helping you can prove me right with your views. Latter stages of a tournament 25% of starting field still . You have 30 big blinds ( so not to deep and not to short stacked ) there has been two limper's and then a raise you are in middle position with ACE KING what do you do ? a) Fold B) call c) Shove all in / raise Thoughts please

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Re: AK in this spot ? Had this exact point with some earlier in week about ace king , he raised , someone shoves , someone calls he folds fair enough they show 99 and jacks. He still swears he would fold even if saw their hands saying he is still flipping but your odds are definately plus EV he still kept saying just a drawing hand

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: AK in this spot ? i need an option D here . I need to know how they are playing . (a) the limpers - do they usually limp in when they have a hand ? Or are they trying to see the flop cheap . (b) You have 30 big blinds left . Why must you thinking of shoving it all in ? AK is still not a made hand anyway . You need to hit the board to win a showdown most of the time unless u dominate the other party . Even so , 2 outer might still win u sometimes , resulting in a bad beat . For me , 30 big blinds is good enough for me to keep playing and find opportunities to increase my stack . You do need to play some hands and not wait for big hands to come .

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