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+/- Ev - Hows this work out ??


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***** Cassava Hand History for Game 325994197 ***** $0.05/$0.10 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 06 06 2011 21:19:10 Table Tacoma (Real Money) Seat 1 is the button Total number of players : 7 Seat 1: stwnchaaaa ( $16.48 ) Seat 2: icemusicclub ( $10 ) Seat 3: Jaruk220 ( $4.60 ) Seat 5: dmbr9 ( $9.41 ) Seat 7: voiceofjoe ( $11.92 ) Seat 9: 88Leopard ( $10 ) Seat 10: belpa14 ( $10 ) icemusicclub posts small blind [$0.05] Jaruk220 posts big blind [$0.10] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to voiceofjoe [ Ks, Kh ] dmbr9 folds voiceofjoe raises [$0.30] 88Leopard folds belpa14 folds stwnchaaaa folds icemusicclub folds Jaruk220 raises [$0.85] voiceofjoe raises [$11.62] Jaruk220 calls [$3.65] ** Dealing flop ** [ 5d, 2s, Qs ] ** Dealing turn ** [ Kc ] ** Dealing river ** [ 8d ] ** Summary ** Jaruk220 shows [ As, Ah ] voiceofjoe shows [ Ks, Kh ] voiceofjoe collected [ $8.79 ] In the above hand I pushed AIPF holding KK and sucked out on a small stack holding AA (I know first time its ever happened, misread by me ;)). The question I'm wanting to raise is that in HEM it shows my expected EV as -$7.20 but how can I possibly have an expectation to lose more than I could possibly win ?? - as he was shortstacked and the effective stack was only $4-60 ?? I'm never going to lose $7-20 as I only risked $4-60 :\- if the stacks had been deeper I wouldn't have shoved.:eyes

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Re: +/- Ev - Hows this work out ?? Sounds like an error in the way HEM calculates EV :unsure Your pre flop equity is 17.363%. If your opponent had you covered, then you would have put in $11.92 in total, for the chance to win $23.89. Your expected return would be $23.89 * .17363 = $4.15. Your EV would therefore be $4.15 - $11.92 = -$7.77. Damn, close, but I expected that to come out at $7.20 :sad So lets reverse engineer this. What effective stack size would be needed in order for you to have an ev of -$7.20? I wont bother explaining my maths, but I reckon its an effective stack of $11.05. I cant see any reason HEM would use that :unsure I think the real EV of your hand was -$2.99. :unsure Might be best to ask the question on the HEM forum (or of HEM support)

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Re: +/- Ev - Hows this work out ?? i knew I could rely on you to help Gaf :) I'm not sure I'll venture HEM forum unless it crops up constantly. But for completeness below is the screen dump from my HEM just to show ... it also calculates my Equity as 18.1% slighlity more than you quote. [ATTACH]1652[/ATTACH]


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Re: +/- Ev - Hows this work out ??

Im not sure whether it calculates it correctly but what it means is you ran 7.20 above ev' date=' so although you won 4.19, your EV was 4.19-7.20 = -3.01 which sounds roughly right to me.[/quote'] Of course - what was I thinking :wall :wall
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