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LV team challenge II pl members


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Ok where are you all hiding??? In Birmingham for this challenge and was hoping to meet some of you who were playing but so far your all in stealth :unsure Myself and Belgareth are here and will be playing the freeroll tomorrow. Were easy to find, Belgareth is the tall good looking one and i'm the sober one :rollin

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Re: LV team challenge II pl members

Ok where are you all hiding??? In Birmingham for this challenge and was hoping to meet some of you who were playing but so far your all in stealth :unsure Myself and Belgareth are here and will be playing the freeroll tomorrow. Were easy to find' date=' Belgareth is the tall good looking one and i'm the sober one :rollin[/quote'] hi Ckitty. I was on table 18 and noticed you on 14,2. Was going to talk to you at 7:45 break, but never saw you again. Then lots of us went down to the Broadway for the 9pm game. Andy Bell was on my table, so had a chat with him. next time? :ok
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Re: LV team challenge II pl members Hi CKitty - I didn't realise there was another PL team in the event. If you had posted this a couple of days before we could have all met up. I was in Andy Bell's team and none of us made day 2. Chose to drive home rather than hang around for the freeroll. Good luck to you in the freeroll and any others who are playing in it. Reb

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