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This isn't really a system, or really a method. I've been a data consultant for 7 years and decided that my somewhat uncanny talent with data trends and other boring stuff could be well used in horseracing. I hunted for a system that worked for 5 years. I never really found one but did notice a number of trends. For the last 6 months or so I've tried combining most of them to produce a super selection 'method'. It's worked well so far, pretty damn well actually. My only fear is going public will turn it pants, but we'll soon see. How strong a selection it is, combined with odds, size of field etc... determines the points bet, but I will also be keeping a track of all bets to 5pt level stake. I don't bet if it's under evens so if no EP at evs or better then no bet. This shouldn't come into play, but just in case a couple make it past my sometimes tired eyes, I thought I'd let you know. Starting bank in both instances is 100pts and maximum bet is 10pts. All selections are WIN selections. 2.20 Newbury - Rebel Rhythm 4pt Win Bet :dude Sorry about the inane rambling.


Re: My Method Welcome to the PL and good luck with the system mate :ok I wouldnt worry too much about going public with the system, even if it goes tits up for the first 7 or 8 bets, its the long run returns that count. :)

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