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PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 6 of 6 on Thurs 28th April


PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 6 of 6 on Thurs 28th April  

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 on Thurs 14th April How to Join the League To join the club, and to have a chance at winning a prize from Pokerstars.com Please follow these instructions: Download Pokerstars by clicking the blue Pokerstars Register for an account Join the Home Game Club using ClubId: 88257 Password: girlpunt PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR PL NAME IN THE SPACE PROVIDED SO WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE BEFORE WE CAN ACCEPT YOU.

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 on Thurs 14th April Prizes on Offer 5 x Women's Cotton Spaghetti Strap Tee's 125 x Women’s Hooded Sweatshirt's 3 x Women's Blk/Red Leather Bike Jacket 60 x Black Women's Cotton Long Sleeved Scoopnecked Tee 90 x Ladies Black Polo 80 x Ladies Pink Polo 20 x Ladies two tone long sleeve T shirt Im going to liase with Helen and Gina with regards to how to allocate these, but there should be prizes in each game.

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 of 6 on Sunday 10th April

Close to 400 prizes for just one month league huh? Not bad :lol. Seriously, with so many, even 3 prizes in each leg, would last for 2 years of runnig :loon.
Thats the plan mate, a long term investment by stars, which is surely going to reap the rewards for not only PuntersLounge but for our female members too.:ok
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 of 6 on Sunday 10th April

Close to 400 prizes for just one month league huh? Not bad :lol. Seriously, with so many, even 3 prizes in each leg, would last for 2 years of runnig :loon.
:rollin the prizes prob won't be given out all this month, as Morl said we will liase (whatever this means :$) and than allocate. So I sit here patiently waiting for him to liase
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 of 6 on Sunday 10th April

:rollin the prizes prob won't be given out all this month, as Morl said we will liase (whatever this means :$) and than allocate. So I sit here patiently waiting for him to liase
:clap:clap:clap Wonderful reply Gina! Seriously though, this is a fantastic league and prizes you and Graeme have organised, thank you and very well done for all your hard work. Mind you, have to say a Sunday is the worst choice for me :-( but never mind. Thursdays are good. Was there a poll for another night or alternate night? Sorry if I missed it. It is not always easy to preserve 2 days a week for the same league especially when you are committed for 3 other nights a week and the League started off as a once a week social home game.
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 of 6 on Sunday 10th April

:clap:clap:clap Wonderful reply Gina! Seriously though, this is a fantastic league and prizes you and Graeme have organised, thank you and very well done for all your hard work. Mind you, have to say a Sunday is the worst choice for me :-( but never mind. Thursdays are good. Was there a poll for another night or alternate night? Sorry if I missed it. It is not always easy to preserve 2 days a week for the same league especially when you are committed for 3 other nights a week and the League started off as a once a week social home game.
No there wasnt any poll :sad Sunday bad day for me as well, thought is only one and got bid :( when noticed it is more than one Sunday, never mind i will miss than few games
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 of 6 on Sunday 10th April There was no poll this time. Historically Sundays are the most popular night for poker, and always get the best attendances, so to save time and confusion i set the games up for April to trial sundays and thursdays. If this poses a problem, then we simply change it for May. Whatever we do though, you can't please everyone:ok

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 of 6 on Sunday 10th April

There was no poll this time. Historically Sundays are the most popular night for poker, and always get the best attendances, so to save time and confusion i set the games up for April to trial sundays and thursdays. If this poses a problem, then we simply change it for May. Whatever we do though, you can't please everyone:ok
True Graeme. I know you cannot please everyone all the time. It was just with you saying you had listened to your members i thought that maybe I had missed some discussion or poll on which nights are best. No worries.
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 of 6 on Sunday 10th April

True Graeme. I know you cannot please everyone all the time. It was just with you saying you had listened to your members i thought that maybe I had missed some discussion or poll on which nights are best. No worries.
I had a few PM's on here along with a couple of messages on facebook about it:ok Its just a trial run, if it dosent work, then we put a poll up and deal with it, if it does, then great:ok
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 of 6 on Sunday 10th April Fantastic work Graham and Gina, I shall spam a bit on facebook and see if we can get a few more to join in as I have quite a few female poker playing friends. Have to say Sunday is not a good night for me either as I play the apat league (2 sundays a month) and as a club captain I cant really not play :lol, saying that I will only miss this week so 5/6 isnt bad. Well done guys.

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 of 6 on Sunday 10th April Hi Girls Ive changed the timings of the Sundays games, to try and further accommodate players requests, so we now have: Sundays will be 7pm start Thursdays will be 8pm start Hope this helps :ok ps...if you registered for the games before now, you will need to re-reg as the games were all re-created:ok

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 of 6 on Sunday 10th April :clap nice one. Sunday not great for me either, 7pm even worse. :lol Anyway, will be in the Thursday ones and hopefully make some of the Sundays, even if just to sit out and hope I get home before blinded out. If we do get some more new players in, can I suggest we request them to make a post on PL to tell us their Stars alias before they are accepted into the Club, just to help with matching up names for the league, please. :)

as Morl said we will liase (whatever this means :$) and than allocate. So I sit here patiently waiting for him to liase
Correct spelling is liaise, if that helps you look it up Gina. ;)
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 of 6 on Sunday 10th April

Great work guys :clap Some superb prizes on offer. Graham it's a Ladies League so u will definately not please everyone:rollin(bet u the boys never give u this much trouble)
I daren't answer :loon I also received your email Dexter, ill sort that on monday for you:ok
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 of 6 on Sunday 10th April

Hi All, Heniek, thanks for invitation. I'm in, at least tonight. And I will try to join all April games.
Welcome Magata, have confirmed you to the club see you on the table later
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 1 of 6 on Sunday 10th April GL all tonite, I aplogise for not being able to chat at all, and for any possible sitouts due to the games are now on Sundays this will happen for me. But I will be all chatty again on Thursday So far we are 7 registered, still 2 hours more to go, so I look forward lots of more to join, specially those who wanted the Sunday If any new ones wanted to join the club, please do this soon, I have some things to do and get my dinner, so I will be on the pc just for one hour more and than come when the game starts. As I need to confirm applies would be a pity if you miss the game with applying last minute

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