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All in EV


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Is the All-EV base on your hole cards only or what your hand is in each betting round Example Dealt: AsKs, you contribute 100 units to the pot, 1 caller - What is your All-in EV at this point Folp: 2h7hAd, I now have a pair of AA but there is a Flush draw and straight draw out there - put in another 100 unit into the pot, 1 caller - what is your All-in EV here? Turn: Ah, Improved to a set but now there ae flush possiblities on the board and still the straight draw - put in another 100 units into the pot, 1 caller - what is the All-in EV? River: Kh, Improved to a full house, have a flush beat and at worst will just just split the pot - put in another 100 unit, 1 caller - what is the All-in EV at this point. What is the over all All-in EV for this hand?
In this example your All-In EV will be EXACTLY the same as your actual winnings. All in EV looks at your equity in pots when you are all in, regardless of the outcome of the specific hand you are looking at. If there are no further cards to be dealt when you end up all in, then your equity is either 100% of the pot, or 0% of the pot, which is exactly equal to what you will win (or lose). There are weaknesses and issues with the way All In EV is tracked, however it is still a significantly better measure of your profitability in the short run than your actual winnings. One of the weaknesses of All In EV, which I think is what you were heading towards, is that it only looks at your equity in a pot at the point all the chips are put in the middle and ignores the betting rounds (and your equity at that stage) prior to all the chips going in. Once all the chips are in the middle then your All In EV is fixed and will not change after the dealer deals the remaining, random, cards. In contrast, your actual winnings will be determined (in the short run) entirely by which of the random cards the dealer deals after you have made all of your decisions.
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Re: All in EV Now I understand something a bit better. Example AA v TT. If I call all in pre flop and get called my EV is affected more. If I just put in small raises each time and then go all in after river has been dealt then the EV is not affected at all?

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Re: All in EV Yes - All in EV only measures your results at the point ALL the chips are shipped into the middle. If you ship all the chips pre flop, as an 80% favourite, then you "own" 80% of the pot and your All in EV is 80% of the pot, regardless of what random cards the dealer puts on the table, and who wins the pot. If you ship all the money after the river card has been dealt, then your all in ev is exactly the same as the chips won, because the dealer has no more random cards to lay on the table. All that all in ev tries to do is to ignore the random cards that a dealer puts on the table after you have made all of your decisions.

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Re: All in EV

If you ship all the chips pre flop' date=' as an 80% favourite, then you "own" 80% of the pot and your All in EV is 80% of the pot, regardless of what random cards the dealer puts on the table, and who wins the pot.[/quote'] To add to that: If you "get lucky" and your aces hold up, then your all in ev will be lower than your actual winnings. If you "get unlucky" and your aces are turned over, then your all in ev will be higher than your actual winnings. If you play enough hands, then you will have "got lucky" and "got unlucky" the amount you should have done and your actual winnings and all in ev will be the same.
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Re: All in EV

So on reflection it can be the downfall for a more aggressive player? I should try and build a pot more rather then get the chips in ahead.
No. Because when you get all the money in pre flop with AA against TT, sometimes the TT will win, but on this occasion the All In ev will still show you as having made a profitable play. Over enough hands the number of times your Aces hold up, and the number of times your Aces are turned over will roughly balance out (80% win, 20% lose) so that your all in ev and actual winnings are the same.
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