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DanShot's MTT Combo *Finished with slight loss and Money Paid Out*


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Name: Daniel Rapley (DanShot) Stake Requested: $60 @ 100 shares of $0.60 Event/Tournament: Pokerstars / Full Tilt Offer: 1 share worth 1% Date of Event/Tournament: Over by Monday 28th Upon acceptance of my stake request, I (Daniel Rapley) agree to play the above tournament and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. I will take around 50% of myself but will drop to 40% if get more interest. The events I will take part in are as follows: Tilt $11 Super Stack 11pm 15k 26th March '177th/2155 $22.63' Shoved K2 in SB vs BB he called A9 Tilt $11 HU Tourney 7.05pm 27th March '13th /53' AK into Aces in the bubble round Tilt $2.20 Rush Rebuy (2R and Add on) 7.35pm 27th March '907th / 3949' Aces lost to Flush/Gutshot Draw all in on Flop. Stars $11 Sunday Storm 8.30pm 27th March '12292 /113770 ' Shortstacked the whole time 33 called cut off shove after already getting lucky 33 to 99 with 30000 left that time shoving them' Stars $8.80 500 Cap *Replaced see below Stars $11 Daily 40K 7pm 27th March '10713th 15575' 3 Bet over 40BB with 99 got snapped by QJoff who opened to 4x. Playing Tilt $5.50 KO with 2 Entries now instead. This comes to $61 but for the ease of calculations round down to $60. I would prefer stars transfers but Tilt and moneybookers(PM me) are fine. DanShot89 on stars DanShot on Tilt Stakers : Me 40% BurnleyJoe 20% $12 Payment Recieved $9.64 Returned Teaulc 10% $6 Payment Recieved $4.82 Returned ooblio 30% $18 Payment Recieved $14.45 Returned

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Re: DanShot's MTT Combo *Sold Out* *Playing* Super Stack 1st Break: played few hands then just before break cut off raises I call KQ in big blind flop KQ8 rainbow he bets just under pot I flat call and blank 3 hits turn I aim to check raise all in. But he shoves over 2.5x pot with aces and I fade the river. Just under 10k now

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Re: DanShot's MTT Combo *Sold Out* *Playing* Trips aces into KJ who called and hit gutshot on turn and I rivered trips down to average 2 hands later with QQ on button middle position open I 3 bet he shoves AQspades I knock him out. Stack 12.5k Average 7.5k

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Re: DanShot's MTT Combo *Sold Out* *Playing* 2nd Break update picked up KK vs 88(short stack) added 2.5k and then AJ got almost 3k shoving all in on J 10 9 flop for 3x pot he calls with 10 7 I fade up to 17.5k 1026 left from 2155 starters i'm currently in 140th top 234 paid

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Re: DanShot's MTT Combo *Sold Out* *Playing* Multiway pot I have KQhearts Flop Jh 9h 2s someone bets pot I flat player aafter my shoves a min raise all in call and I call ( should of shoved ) Turn King of spades check check River 8 Diamonds Check check All in player has 22. I should created a side pot with the bigger stack Just under average now with 779 remaining

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Re: DanShot's MTT Combo *Sold Out* *Playing* 3rd Break Got a double up to playable stack picking up aces with 1 limper and betting small to induce a shove or a loose call as he'd been spewy flop 932 two diamonds I lead less then half pot he shoves I snap he shows A9 hearts and I fade the 9 Average 19k I have 17k Current Position : 251 with 558 remaining

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Re: DanShot's MTT Combo *Sold Out* *Playing* 177th $22.63 13BB in small blind shoved on big blind with K2 diamonds he snaps with ace 9 hearts flop K 5 7 two hearts turn Jack spades River 3 of HEARTS mixed thoughts on if could of picked another spot but need to start chipping up and think was correct play.

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Re: DanShot's MTT Combo *Sold Out* *Playing* Out of the $11 40K Gtd 3 bet jammed 99 over a 4x raise he snapped with QJ off for 40BB and all his chips. Bubbled the HU tourney Won my first two then get AK vs AA in the money round hit the king but not enough. In the $2.20 No rebuy yet just under average got double up with A8 vs A2 after I check raised A 8 3 board Will play the Sunday Storm in half hour. And an $8.80 tourney at some point tonight or tomorrow. It might not be 500 Cap though unless you guys really mind in which case will play 500 cap tomorrow.

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Re: DanShot's MTT Combo *Sold Out* *Playing* Out of the $2.20 Had aces raise in early position 3 late callers to a 7h 8h 2c flop Blinds check I shove a bit over pot small blind calls with J10hearts and rivers the straight. No cards in the sunday storm yet going to try let my opponents make the mistakes.

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Re: DanShot's MTT Combo *Playing updates* Another min cash $22.75 12,292nd beat over 100,000 others Cut off shoved I have 33 less than half average so need a double up unfortunately he has tens and I'm not lucky enough to hit a 3 this time :rollin

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Re: DanShot's MTT Combo *Playing last tourney on tilt* Not the best of starts flopped a straight and got it all in he had the nut straight then go out with A5 diamonds in 4 way all in with KQ(all in 10 less then me) who's shove I call and KJ and J8 call in button and cut off. Flop ace , king , 4 two hearts turn 3 diamonds the side action get it all in with 2nd pair vs heart flush draw the big stack hits the heart. Still one entry left lets try win some money just had to fold tens on KQx board

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