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full ring vs 6 max


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Re: full ring vs 6 max I highly recommend you start off playing a maximum of 4 tables. Get used to the games playing a maximum of 4 then add 1 or 2 as you go. Not many people at any limit have a good win-rate playing more than 8 tables. Full-ring and 6 max are so different. Full ring is suited to more methodical patient (tight) (abc) players whereas 6max you have to be more dynamic with less players there's more action and stacking off ranges are way wider in 6max. Only you know what your game is most suited to but most people start off playing fullring as it's easier game-wise and money wise.

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Re: full ring vs 6 max

ok cheers. Might sound stupid but if most start at full ring because its easier why do people go away from it?
There's a variety of reasons. It probably starts off as curiosity to play new games so people try 6max and can go a few ways - some lose a lot and go back to full-ring, some enjoy the action of 6max so stay there. Once you've gone 6max for a sustained period of time it's nearly impossible to move back full-time and beat full-ring, it's virtually unheard of in the online world. The reason is almost psychological. People have to learn the game to such an extent to beat tough 6max games that means their games naturally become looser than is optimal to play full-ring. This is because stacking off ranges in full-ring games is way tighter than a short-handed game. For example it's not standard to stack off with 2pair in full-ring whereas in 6max people are happy to get it in with top pair big kicker. So this translates right through both games - as a pair has a lot more value in 6max it means people are raising lighter with draws, back-door draws etc. not being worried about having to stack off vs a set every time like they would in a full-ring game if raised. That mentality change in having to open up your game is almost irreversible because playing looser against a lot of dynamic opponents at a 6max game makes you think about the game at a much deeper level and how dynamics are being created. So 6max regulars will virtually never fully transfer back to full-ring because games are so much tighter than they're used to and it would be seen as a step-backwards in learning having to go back to much tighter stacking off ranges against people who play the top 10% of hands because it's easy. That's mind-numbing for anyone who's played 6max or HU for any length of time. My suggestion for you is to play full-ring, play the top 10% of hands and print money like it's going out of fashion.
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