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Negreanu v Isildur match


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Re: Negreanu v Isildur match [ATTACH]1551[/ATTACH] As i had expecetd it wasn't Isildurs Good Play, or Daniels Bad Play it just Luck or Short Term Variance whatever he wants to call it - From Daniels Blog (He's so full of crap:D)

In All in pots I ran 44,000 under par, bringing my 50-100 total to -180,000 under par since I took it on. All in EV only focuses on one aspect of luck, what happens when there are no decisions to be made. For example, if you go all in with 10-10 vs AK preflop and put in 10,000 before the flop, you rate to win about 57% of the time, so your expected value is 11,400. If you win, and profit 10,000, you are 8600 ahead of par. If you lose, you'd be 11,400 below par. Lots of other factors can determine luck in a match, but the others are difficult to quantify. For example, flushes over flushes, set over set, AA vs KK preflop, etc. That doesn't even factor in how often the river card hits your opponent. I've been playing poker long enough to recognize when I've been unlucky, or when I just played really bad. When you raise with AA on the button heads up, and your opponent happens to fold every time, that can be annoying too since they'll at least call 2/3rds of the time. It's frustrating to run like that, but if you want to stay sane you have to just deal with it and move on. Sometimes that's easier said than done.
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Re: Negreanu v Isildur match Negreanus going for a rematch next Sunday :loon http://www.pokerstarsblog.com/isildur1_2/2011/confirmed-negreanu-vs-isildur1-re-match-079531.html

It's getting a little late here at PokerStars Blog HQ, but this is news that shouldn't have to wait for morning. We've just received word from Daniel Negreanu that he is 100% up for a SuperStar Showdown re-match with Viktor "Isildur1" Blom this coming Sunday. As you might have seen, the first match last night ended badly for Kid Poker. In a SuperStar Showdown that was scheduled to last 5,000 hands over two weeks with a $150,000 stop-loss, Blom dismantled Negreanu in fewer than 1,500 hands. Negreanu took to Twitter when the match was over and gracefully endured 18 tons of advice from the rail. He hinted they he'd be back for the re-match, but it was unclear whether the match was going to happen for sure. Just a few minutes ago, Negreanu's people talked to our people and it's now locked up for sure. Negreanu and Blom are going to go at it again. Negreanu is reloading for a full $150,000. Otherwise, the rules are the same: 2,500 hands (or until somebody goes broke) of $50/$100 hold'em over four tables. negreanu_isildur1_rematch.jpg If you'd like to watch the match as it happens, tune in to PokerStars at 3pm ET. We'll be there. You should be, too. Stop press: Just moments after we hit the big red button that publishes this thing, Negreanu updated his blog to talk more about his re-match. Here's a snippet: "I elected not to play the Wynn Classic, and instead devote my time to playing heads up on PokerStars all week in preparation for my rematch next Sunday. I haven't decided how I will approach the next match, a lot of that will depend how this week goes. I'll be doing some experimenting, as I mentioned, and I won't know exactly how I'm going to play him until the match starts." You can read the whole thing HERE.
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Re: Negreanu v Isildur match

[ATTACH]1551[/ATTACH] As i had expecetd it wasn't Isildurs Good Play, or Daniels Bad Play it just Luck or Short Term Variance whatever he wants to call it - From Daniels Blog (He's so full of crap:D)
Negreanu makes a lot of very good points, short term luck in HU is absolutely massive.
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Re: Negreanu v Isildur match

This is one expensive lesson' date=' 1,138 hands and down $100K this week - will be interested in Negreanu's reply to this[/quote'] He just said in the chatbox words to the effect of: "You're running even better this week than last week, and that's hard to do" Isildur now $109,300 up ....it's one way traffic. Negreanu short stacking on 1 of the tables :lol :lol ;lol
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Re: Negreanu v Isildur match I'm half expecting Negreanu to suggest that Pokerstars is actually Ultimate Bets sister company, and that Isildur is in fact Russ Hamiltons long lost Scandanavian son, spawned from a one time stand with Annie Duke.:) ..... or excuses of a similar ilk

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Re: Negreanu v Isildur match

There is huge variance in heads up NLHE
No there isn't unless you have found an opp who is exactly the same as you. I think Isidur has proved that. Looks like heads up poker is the least reliant on luck and as usual the "v" word has been overused.
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Re: Negreanu v Isildur match

No there isn't unless you have found an opp who is exactly the same as you. I think Isidur has proved that. Looks like heads up poker is the least reliant on luck and as usual the "v" word has been overused.
You've chosen a very exact circumstance (playing an opponent of exact same quality) but have generalised your own argument. Players at the highest to the lowest stakes know HU is really swingy against near all opponents. I don't know how, with your experience, you don't know the swings involved in NLHE. I do think variance is over-used and i barely ever use it talking about results as it's such a catch-all nothing word these days but there's no doubt HU can have huge swings due to short-term luck factors.
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Re: Negreanu v Isildur match

You've chosen a very exact circumstance (playing an opponent of exact same quality) but have generalised your own argument. Players at the highest to the lowest stakes know HU is really swingy against near all opponents. I don't know how, with your experience, you don't know the swings involved in NLHE. I do think variance is over-used and i barely ever use it talking about results as it's such a catch-all nothing word these days but there's no doubt HU can have huge swings due to short-term luck factors.
Heads up is surely the least card dependent form of poker therefore the least luck(variance?) dependent. Huge swings happen because when players play badly bad play is far easier to exploit if there is only you at the table to exploit it:unsure. If two equal players play then the player playing closest to his A game will win. If I play you or Gaf heads up you will both win, I will put money on that:loon If you want to try me at omaha hi/lo I would hope to see a different outcome.
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