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Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars


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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars Guess you shouldn't be disappointed m8 , just keep playing and trying . The best hands are going to come out on top most of the time . Once that happens , you'll make it deep in the tourney . Cheers :nana:nana:nana:nana

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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars

5 41132117.jpg
lost with KK against AK ... all-in preflop PokerStars Game #59665025516: Tournament #413010343, $1.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2011/03/23 16:37:11 CET [2011/03/23 11:37:11 ET] Table '413010343 224' 9-max Seat #7 is the button Seat 1: Count Duff (2290 in chips) Seat 2: mniXo (1565 in chips) Seat 3: 4qnssuited (1135 in chips) Seat 4: FOX_230771 (2415 in chips) Seat 5: harekus (1810 in chips) Seat 6: metzkimetz (1065 in chips) Seat 7: telapop (3340 in chips) is sitting out Seat 8: Perez.1036 (3765 in chips) Seat 9: barafranka (1150 in chips) Perez.1036: posts small blind 25 barafranka: posts big blind 50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to mniXo [Ks Kc] Count Duff: calls 50 mniXo: raises 150 to 200 4qnssuited: calls 200 FOX_230771: folds harekus: folds metzkimetz: folds telapop: folds Perez.1036: folds barafranka: folds Count Duff: raises 1350 to 1550 mniXo: raises 15 to 1565 and is all-in 4qnssuited: folds Count Duff: calls 15 *** FLOP *** [4d As 4h] *** TURN *** [4d As 4h] [7s] *** RIVER *** [4d As 4h 7s] [Qh] *** SHOW DOWN *** Count Duff: shows [Kh Ah] (two pair, Aces and Fours) mniXo: shows [Ks Kc] (two pair, Kings and Fours) Count Duff collected 3405 from pot mniXo finished the tournament in 2894th place *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3405 | Rake 0 Board [4d As 4h 7s Qh] Seat 1: Count Duff showed [Kh Ah] and won (3405) with two pair, Aces and Fours Seat 2: mniXo showed [Ks Kc] and lost with two pair, Kings and Fours Seat 3: 4qnssuited folded before Flop Seat 4: FOX_230771 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: harekus folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: metzkimetz folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: telapop (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: Perez.1036 (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 9: barafranka (big blind) folded before Flop
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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars Still in, but lost big hands PokerStars Game #59667237665: Tournament #376203253, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (125/250) - 2011/03/23 17:29:51 CET [2011/03/23 12:29:51 ET] Table '376203253 135' 9-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: getricha (2695 in chips) Seat 2: Esfero (5220 in chips) Seat 3: Hunters_Home (11690 in chips) Seat 4: Lexa33-110vz (5625 in chips) Seat 5: stavroslouka (2995 in chips) Seat 6: supermantime (4420 in chips) Seat 7: mniXo (9330 in chips) Seat 8: 28den (6200 in chips) Seat 9: mflothmann (7455 in chips) getricha: posts the ante 30 Esfero: posts the ante 30 Hunters_Home: posts the ante 30 Lexa33-110vz: posts the ante 30 stavroslouka: posts the ante 30 supermantime: posts the ante 30 mniXo: posts the ante 30 28den: posts the ante 30 mflothmann: posts the ante 30 mniXo: posts small blind 125 28den: posts big blind 250 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to mniXo [Qh Qs] Lexa33-110vz is disconnected mflothmann: folds Lexa33-110vz is connected getricha: folds Esfero: folds Hunters_Home: folds Lexa33-110vz: folds stavroslouka: folds supermantime: calls 250 mniXo: raises 750 to 1000 28den: folds supermantime: raises 1000 to 2000 mniXo: raises 7300 to 9300 and is all-in supermantime: calls 2390 and is all-in Uncalled bet (4910) returned to mniXo *** FLOP *** [Jc 6d Kd] *** TURN *** [Jc 6d Kd] [Ks] *** RIVER *** [Jc 6d Kd Ks] [4h] *** SHOW DOWN *** mniXo: shows [Qh Qs] (two pair, Kings and Queens) supermantime: shows [Ah Kc] (three of a kind, Kings) supermantime collected 9300 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 9300 | Rake 0 Board [Jc 6d Kd Ks 4h] Seat 1: getricha folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Esfero folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Hunters_Home folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Lexa33-110vz folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: stavroslouka folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: supermantime (button) showed [Ah Kc] and won (9300) with three of a kind, Kings Seat 7: mniXo (small blind) showed [Qh Qs] and lost with two pair, Kings and Queens Seat 8: 28den (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 9: mflothmann folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars out :( Again lost better hand. :sad Today I was ... unlucky ? :@ PokerStars Game #59668176739: Tournament #376203253, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (300/600) - 2011/03/23 17:50:44 CET [2011/03/23 12:50:44 ET] Table '376203253 135' 9-max Seat #7 is the button Seat 1: Lahanaki (8230 in chips) Seat 2: Esfero (7880 in chips) Seat 3: Hunters_Home (14900 in chips) Seat 4: Perikoito (18880 in chips) Seat 5: stavroslouka (7090 in chips) Seat 6: jarkka 71 (12578 in chips) Seat 7: mniXo (2570 in chips) Seat 8: Badie_luv (12886 in chips) Seat 9: spalm8 (14661 in chips) Lahanaki: posts the ante 70 Esfero: posts the ante 70 Hunters_Home: posts the ante 70 Perikoito: posts the ante 70 stavroslouka: posts the ante 70 jarkka 71: posts the ante 70 mniXo: posts the ante 70 Badie_luv: posts the ante 70 spalm8: posts the ante 70 Badie_luv: posts small blind 300 spalm8: posts big blind 600 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to mniXo [Ac Qh] Lahanaki: folds Esfero: folds Hunters_Home: calls 600 Perikoito: folds stavroslouka: folds jarkka 71: folds mniXo: calls 600 Badie_luv: folds spalm8: checks *** FLOP *** [Ah 6d Th] spalm8: checks Hunters_Home: bets 1200 mniXo: raises 700 to 1900 and is all-in spalm8: calls 1900 Hunters_Home: calls 700 *** TURN *** [Ah 6d Th] [5h] spalm8: bets 4215 Hunters_Home: folds Uncalled bet (4215) returned to spalm8 *** RIVER *** [Ah 6d Th 5h] [4c] *** SHOW DOWN *** spalm8: shows [7h 8h] (a flush, Ace high) mniXo: shows [Ac Qh] (a pair of Aces) spalm8 collected 8430 from pot mniXo finished the tournament in 1248th place *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 8430 | Rake 0 Board [Ah 6d Th 5h 4c] Seat 1: Lahanaki folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Esfero folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Hunters_Home folded on the Turn Seat 4: Perikoito folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: stavroslouka folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: jarkka 71 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: mniXo (button) showed [Ac Qh] and lost with a pair of Aces Seat 8: Badie_luv (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 9: spalm8 (big blind) showed [7h 8h] and won (8430) with a flush, Ace high ... SPENT $9.90 IN BANK $30.10 ...

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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars You definitely should be all in pre. But once this guy limps in, his is going to call you 100%. There is no stealing blinds with the size of your stack. You have to take chances and shove lightly from late position with any two cards. I have only watched few hands while you played, but remember one spot. I think it was just before your exit. You had about 2.6k with the same blinds and you were in SB. They folded to you and you folded too. BB was on 14k and I would have pushed in that spot. Any two cards. That was the best (and probably the only) chance to steal. He might have odds to call, but there are so many numpties out there, that would fold. I actually would be proud of you to see you push with hands like 109 or J8 or even 67. Just because we asked you to post screenshot of exit hand, doesn't mean you have to show us good hand. Adjust to the situation and fire away. No one is going to judge you on your moves. We all understand dynamics of MTT and we do that all the time. Next time you get 73o in cut off, just push and enjoy the feeling all of them folding. Just remember, even if some one call you with two over cards, you will have up to 35% (roughly) to suck out. I say it last time. Mark and I didn't stake you expecting huge profit. We did it for you the get some experience. Don't worry about money. Try to explore different approaches to the ones you are playing. Have fun. If you are not sure if you play some hands correctly, keep them posting here and we discuss. That's the best way of learning. Over for now :tongue2.

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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars To be honest, even if there was no profit, it wouldn't be a problem. I'm with Hen on this, and agree with him, on finding a deeper stack tourni. Where a bit of bad luck can be recompensed later on :ok

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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars :hope

You are right Mark' date=' but just to get to the money it's about 7-8 hours :unsure.[/quote'] Depends how he wants to play, grind, or hope? :ok not bothered which though, it's his game :ok Like you said, it will come
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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars I'll rather spent your money in $1.10 and $2.20 MTT like $10. I'll play more MTTs and gain more experiences, because of more MTTs to play. I still hope I can win those $40 in remaining MTTs. ;)

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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars paid 570 places, finished 769 from 4483 PokerStars Game #59881861034: Tournament #376203121, $1.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (350/700) - 2011/03/27 15:24:41 CET [2011/03/27 9:24:41 ET] Table '376203121 117' 6-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: mniXo (4309 in chips) Seat 2: 44rus (26172 in chips) Seat 3: He04eM (30011 in chips) Seat 4: komado7 (12355 in chips) Seat 5: TEXedout (14897 in chips) Seat 6: joselitofis (21939 in chips) mniXo: posts the ante 85 44rus: posts the ante 85 He04eM: posts the ante 85 komado7: posts the ante 85 TEXedout: posts the ante 85 joselitofis: posts the ante 85 44rus: posts small blind 350 He04eM: posts big blind 700 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to mniXo [Ah Th] komado7: calls 700 TEXedout: folds joselitofis: raises 2100 to 2800 mniXo: raises 1424 to 4224 and is all-in 44rus: folds He04eM: folds komado7: raises 8046 to 12270 and is all-in joselitofis: calls 9470 *** FLOP *** [Kc 9h As] *** TURN *** [Kc 9h As] [7d] *** RIVER *** [Kc 9h As 7d] [4c] *** SHOW DOWN *** komado7: shows [Qc Ks] (a pair of Kings) joselitofis: shows [4h 4d] (three of a kind, Fours) joselitofis collected 16092 from side pot mniXo: shows [Ah Th] (a pair of Aces) joselitofis collected 14232 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 30324 Main pot 14232. Side pot 16092. | Rake 0 Board [Kc 9h As 7d 4c] Seat 1: mniXo (button) showed [Ah Th] and lost with a pair of Aces Seat 2: 44rus (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 3: He04eM (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 4: komado7 showed [Qc Ks] and lost with a pair of Kings Seat 5: TEXedout folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: joselitofis showed [4h 4d] and won (30324) with three of a kind, Fours ... SPENT $11.00 IN BANK $29.00 ...

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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars Just watching you in the other game and wondered if you were being aggressive enough? I thought this hand showed that quite well? PokerStars Game #60058095383: Tournament #378732568, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (125/250) - 2011/03/30 16:44:14 WET [2011/03/30 11:44:14 ET] Table '378732568 186' 6-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: Fjordebonker (15137 in chips) Seat 2: Cleber_bito (4020 in chips) Seat 3: mniXo (10095 in chips) Seat 4: Hartikainen (5705 in chips) Seat 5: riperial (28781 in chips) Seat 6: JKO55191 (12856 in chips) Fjordebonker: posts the ante 30 Cleber_bito: posts the ante 30 mniXo: posts the ante 30 Hartikainen: posts the ante 30 riperial: posts the ante 30 JKO55191: posts the ante 30 JKO55191: posts small blind 125 Fjordebonker: posts big blind 250 *** HOLE CARDS *** Cleber_bito: folds mniXo: raises 250 to 500 Hartikainen: folds riperial: folds JKO55191: calls 375 Fjordebonker: calls 250 *** FLOP *** [8c 3c Kd] JKO55191: checks Fjordebonker: checks mniXo: bets 750 JKO55191: calls 750 Fjordebonker: folds *** TURN *** [8c 3c Kd] [Td] JKO55191: checks mniXo: checks *** RIVER *** [8c 3c Kd Td] [Th] JKO55191: bets 1000 mniXo: calls 1000 *** SHOW DOWN *** JKO55191: shows [As Jd] (a pair of Tens) mniXo: shows [Kh 9h] (two pair, Kings and Tens) mniXo collected 5180 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 5180 | Rake 0 Board [8c 3c Kd Td Th] Seat 1: Fjordebonker (big blind) folded on the Flop Seat 2: Cleber_bito folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: mniXo showed [Kh 9h] and won (5180) with two pair, Kings and Tens Seat 4: Hartikainen folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: riperial (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: JKO55191 (small blind) showed [As Jd] and lost with a pair of Tens The min raise with K9s is bad IMO. If you are playing it then surely you should be rasing more? Also I'm no expert but you should IMO be betting more than half the pot on that flop and then you were really, really weak post flop. What do others think? Just trying to make you think about your game a wee bit, all the best :) Good luck getting a big cash in this one :ok:ok

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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars PokerStars Game #60058980426: Tournament #378732568, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (150/300) - 2011/03/30 17:05:23 WET [2011/03/30 12:05:23 ET] Table '378732568 186' 6-max Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: Fjordebonker (26732 in chips) Seat 2: Cleber_bito (2675 in chips) Seat 3: mniXo (10995 in chips) Seat 4: Hartikainen (18886 in chips) Seat 5: dario69999 (17509 in chips) is sitting out Seat 6: JKO55191 (17726 in chips) Fjordebonker: posts the ante 40 Cleber_bito: posts the ante 40 mniXo: posts the ante 40 Hartikainen: posts the ante 40 dario69999: posts the ante 40 JKO55191: posts the ante 40 dario69999: posts small blind 150 JKO55191: posts big blind 300 *** HOLE CARDS *** Fjordebonker: folds Cleber_bito: folds mniXo: raises 300 to 600 Hartikainen: folds dario69999: folds JKO55191: calls 300 *** FLOP *** [2c 5c 7d] JKO55191: checks mniXo: bets 300 JKO55191: folds Uncalled bet (300) returned to mniXo mniXo collected 1590 from pot mniXo: doesn't show hand *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 1590 | Rake 0 Board [2c 5c 7d] Seat 1: Fjordebonker folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Cleber_bito folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: mniXo collected (1590) Seat 4: Hartikainen (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: dario69999 (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 6: JKO55191 (big blind) folded on the Flop I've no idea what you had here but it was the 2nd hand in a row that you did a min bet on the flop. I would have raised you with any two cards. I don't know if you had the nuts and did the min bet to entice a raise or keep them in the pot but I feel you should be betting more. Close to the cash, go for first :ok:ok

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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars OK I'll take a closer look at these hands. :@:@:@ finished at 296th place ... 216 places paid :sad PokerStars Game #60059423825: Tournament #378732568, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (200/400) - 2011/03/30 18:14:58 CET [2011/03/30 12:14:58 ET] Table '378732568 186' 6-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: Fjordebonker (28142 in chips) Seat 2: Cleber_bito (5420 in chips) Seat 3: mniXo (12645 in chips) Seat 4: Hartikainen (18196 in chips) Seat 5: dario69999 (14619 in chips) is sitting out Seat 6: JKO55191 (15501 in chips) Fjordebonker: posts the ante 50 Cleber_bito: posts the ante 50 mniXo: posts the ante 50 Hartikainen: posts the ante 50 dario69999: posts the ante 50 JKO55191: posts the ante 50 JKO55191: posts small blind 200 Fjordebonker: posts big blind 400 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to mniXo [Ad Kh] Cleber_bito: folds mniXo: raises 400 to 800 Hartikainen: folds dario69999: folds JKO55191: folds Fjordebonker: calls 400 *** FLOP *** [3c 5d Kc] Fjordebonker: bets 1600 mniXo: calls 1600 *** TURN *** [3c 5d Kc] [6d] Fjordebonker: checks mniXo: bets 2500 Fjordebonker: calls 2500 *** RIVER *** [3c 5d Kc 6d] [9s] Fjordebonker: bets 23192 and is all-in mniXo: calls 7695 and is all-in Uncalled bet (15497) returned to Fjordebonker *** SHOW DOWN *** Fjordebonker: shows [8d 7s] (a straight, Five to Nine) mniXo: shows [Ad Kh] (a pair of Kings) Fjordebonker collected 25690 from pot mniXo finished the tournament in 296th place *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 25690 | Rake 0 Board [3c 5d Kc 6d 9s] Seat 1: Fjordebonker (big blind) showed [8d 7s] and won (25690) with a straight, Five to Nine Seat 2: Cleber_bito folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: mniXo showed [Ad Kh] and lost with a pair of Kings Seat 4: Hartikainen folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: dario69999 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: JKO55191 (small blind) folded before Flop ... SPENT: $15.40 IN BANK: $24.60 .....

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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars I saw the exit hand MniXo and what I was saying regarding more aggression couldn't have been demonstrated any more im afraid. Im not sure if you saw but Fjordebonker said something like "Sorry, you should bet more you made it too cheap for me to stay in". I am not an expert at poker, in fact I am probably a losing player over all however just watching some of those hands they were screaming BET MORE! :) Its all a learning experience and perhaps no-one else agrees with me. Just before you went out you had this as well.. I really don't understand min raising every time preflop. :\ PokerStars Game #60059274294: Tournament #378732568, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (200/400) - 2011/03/30 17:11:43 WET [2011/03/30 12:11:43 ET] Table '378732568 186' 6-max Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: Fjordebonker (27092 in chips) Seat 2: Cleber_bito (6770 in chips) Seat 3: mniXo (11895 in chips) Seat 4: Hartikainen (19146 in chips) Seat 5: dario69999 (15769 in chips) is sitting out Seat 6: JKO55191 (13851 in chips) Fjordebonker: posts the ante 50 Cleber_bito: posts the ante 50 mniXo: posts the ante 50 Hartikainen: posts the ante 50 dario69999: posts the ante 50 JKO55191: posts the ante 50 dario69999: posts small blind 200 JKO55191: posts big blind 400 *** HOLE CARDS *** Fjordebonker: folds Cleber_bito: folds mniXo: raises 400 to 800 Hartikainen: folds dario69999: folds JKO55191: calls 400 *** FLOP *** [9d 5s 7h] JKO55191: checks mniXo: bets 400 JKO55191: calls 400 *** TURN *** [9d 5s 7h] [Ts] JKO55191: checks mniXo: checks *** RIVER *** [9d 5s 7h Ts] [Jh] JKO55191: checks mniXo: bets 400 JKO55191: calls 400 *** SHOW DOWN *** mniXo: shows [Kh Ac] (high card Ace) JKO55191: mucks hand mniXo collected 3700 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3700 | Rake 0 Board [9d 5s 7h Ts Jh] Seat 1: Fjordebonker folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Cleber_bito folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: mniXo showed [Kh Ac] and won (3700) with high card Ace Seat 4: Hartikainen (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: dario69999 (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 6: JKO55191 (big blind) mucked

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Re: Heniek and Ooblio's staking mniXo on Stars

PokerStars Game #60058980426: Tournament #378732568' date=' $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (150/300) - 2011/03/30 17:05:23 WET [2011/03/30 12:05:23 ET'] Table '378732568 186' 6-max Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: Fjordebonker (26732 in chips) Seat 2: Cleber_bito (2675 in chips) Seat 3: mniXo (10995 in chips) Seat 4: Hartikainen (18886 in chips) Seat 5: dario69999 (17509 in chips) is sitting out Seat 6: JKO55191 (17726 in chips) Fjordebonker: posts the ante 40 Cleber_bito: posts the ante 40 mniXo: posts the ante 40 Hartikainen: posts the ante 40 dario69999: posts the ante 40 JKO55191: posts the ante 40 dario69999: posts small blind 150 JKO55191: posts big blind 300 *** HOLE CARDS *** Fjordebonker: folds Cleber_bito: folds mniXo: raises 300 to 600 Hartikainen: folds dario69999: folds JKO55191: calls 300 *** FLOP *** [2c 5c 7d] JKO55191: checks mniXo: bets 300 JKO55191: folds Uncalled bet (300) returned to mniXo mniXo collected 1590 from pot mniXo: doesn't show hand *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 1590 | Rake 0 Board [2c 5c 7d] Seat 1: Fjordebonker folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Cleber_bito folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: mniXo collected (1590) Seat 4: Hartikainen (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: dario69999 (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 6: JKO55191 (big blind) folded on the Flop I've no idea what you had here but it was the 2nd hand in a row that you did a min bet on the flop. I would have raised you with any two cards. I don't know if you had the nuts and did the min bet to entice a raise or keep them in the pot but I feel you should be betting more. Close to the cash, go for first :ok:ok
I had Ah8c.
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