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Whats going on in poker forum.


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Re: Whats going on in poker forum. the only thread that i am aware of was Shogun`s protesting his innocence,that he had done and it was decided to close and pull the thread as we really didnt want to prolong or encourage any more debates over this or what has gone on before. that is done with now and we move on. hope that explains it all Ed :ok

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Re: Whats going on in poker forum. It may be the thread about making $5 an hour (and 4 others started by the same poster) that Ed is refering to? I saw the same thread posted elsewhere, so it raised my suspicions and I looked at the old posts (5 of them) from the poster and his first thread from November 2010 had been edited in January 2011 with Spam - so I "reported" the post, but unsure whether the button was working, flagged it with morl, who I think nuked the poster and all his threads :ok

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Re: Whats going on in poker forum.

It may be the thread about making $5 an hour (and 4 others started by the same poster) that Ed is refering to? I saw the same thread posted elsewhere, so it raised my suspicions and I looked at the old posts (5 of them) from the poster and his first thread from November 2010 had been edited in January 2011 with Spam - so I "reported" the post, but unsure whether the button was working, flagged it with morl, who I think nuked the poster and all his threads :ok
oooops! :loon Have to say it's an easy mistake to make as I've done it before too. Just to explain what Gaf means Ed. We have an option to delete all of a spammers posts in one touch of a button, not just one by one and if it is what Gaf is referrring to, then that was an honest mistake. I'll make Mr Morlspin drink 14 jaeger bombs in Helsinki as punishment, unless of course you were on the shrooms?;)
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Re: Whats going on in poker forum. Yeah it was me who deleted his posts. He made 5 posts, some legitimate but then decided to come back on and alter them to give links elsewhere and basically spam the place. Rather than take any risks that he wont do it again, i removed his posts and banned him for spam, it wasnt just 1 link it was a lot. Also....if he started any of the other threads and we remove the 1st post, the thread is automatically deleted too, so if you've replied to any of those then they will disappear too.

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Re: Whats going on in poker forum. Cheers was the two mentioned here. Also a perfectly good poker paranoia thread was locked, you do realise I'll never get to sleep with Gillian Anderson if you keep binning those type of threads. Any way not to worry there will be another one along any day now:ok

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Re: Whats going on in poker forum. I've caught quite a few threads that have been post-edited a long time after they're first created and if it's turned into a normal decent thread then just delete the text in the first post. Morls you noob ;)

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