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Flush draw UTG.


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£40 freezeout local casino. 48 runners 15k starting stack. 28 playes left. Blinds 400/800 I'm Under the gun with KJ hearts limp 800 (23k) Passed to cutoff who raises to 2500 (22k) Button flat calls (35k) Blinds passes. I call. Flop K82 2 hearts I check cutoff checks button bets 3200 I reraise to 12k with 9k left Cutoff passes Button puts me all in I call cos i've put 14.5k of my 23k into he pot. He shows 88 for middle set. Turn 2 , for full house , game over. Question , did i play my hand correctly after the flop? If not how do i proceed with top pair and 2nd nut flush draw?

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Re: Flush draw UTG. i find that 90% of tournies that i do well in there will be a couple of defining hands - hands that could have gone either way and when the guy puts you all in this is clearly one of these. Sure you could have folded putting him on a set two pair or ak but even if he has these hands you still have plenty outs and with the amount of chips in the pot you are getting a great price to make the call. This is even more the case when playing live games as they have far fewer hands per hour so most times you just wont get as many chances to make these plays. Hand played itself i would say

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Re: Flush draw UTG. primo: Why you limp pre flop from UTG ? When playing poker, you must try to limp a minimum, so on utg u try to never limp (just with little pp). If you are not sure if limp or bet, always BET :) secundo: Your raise on the flop = pot commited... so no mater what the card on the turn, it will be very hard to fold... You call all reraise on flop too, like you said: "I call cos i've put 14.5k of my 23k into he pot" You must try to never have decision like that. Because like you see you must go in this pot to the end... So you go all in, or reraise to 6400 or you just call on the flop, but you can't make a raise that make you pot comitted. Sorry for my mistakes but i am a polish man, and I don't know English perfecto.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Flush draw UTG. Like Aleksie, I'm not fond of limping. I prefer entering with a raise (3-4BB). It deters people from limping with unsuited connectors or suited garbage (84s-T2s...). The sole exception I have is small pairs (77 or less). That said an apart from the fact he raised on the flop and continuation bet (which means you should have respect it and call), I think your call all-in is not correct. You have 15 outs (2K,3J,9 hearts). For getting an improving card on the turn and the river your hand odd is 47/30 (46/15 on the river only). It means 1.57. the pot odd is (the preflop pot 8700 + his raise 20500)/20 500= 292/205= 1.42 1.42

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