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JJ in small Blind


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Ok this was in the $200 - 200k game Sunday on Ipoker. I personally dont think that i played the hand badly, but would like some thoughts on the play. I have hidden pablos hand as i would like your suggestions on what he had ? Would just say that he tanked for a while on my river bet. I will post what he had and who won after a few posts. [ATTACH]1511[/ATTACH]

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Re: JJ in small Blind Out of position like that I think you fold or re pop the pot. What were you looking to see when you flat called the 3 bet? You quite rightly weren't even that happy with the over pair. Again the utg+1 raise flat calling is pretty weak also, could have him on pocket ladies or below I suppose. So I'll guess he called you down with queens, fearing a set or maybe kings.

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Re: JJ in small Blind First thought was villian on queens too but surely he should have bet out too. I would have flat called preflop too with any pair, perfect odds and stack sizes to set mine. I would have bet 2000 on flop and folded to any raise.

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Re: JJ in small Blind

Also' date=' if I had have called, and seen the flop - I would have led out, why give AK, AQ types of hand a free card to hit their AKQ? - that should also give you a better chance of narrowing their range(s)[/quote'] I agree, it looks like he may be finding it hard to put you on a hand as well, maybe hes giving you a chance to bluff your stack away and decided to call you down with jj to aces but is worried you have hit trips or higher pair if he has QQ ,from his pov raising achieves nothing. i cant see what he can just call with after the river but not reraise. i wouldnt be surprised if hes played the hand badly PF and post flop, hes not going to show trip 7s or something is he and say he put you in trips, his check on the flop and calling you down makes me think if he slowplayed the flop but woried by your check then decent bet on the turn.
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Re: JJ in small Blind

I'd have folded pre-flop. Just calling out of position after raise' date=' reraise, rereraise, is asking for these sorts of problems. (imo :) )[/quote'] This. Pablo will show 86 or 55. Or nothing. Fold should be still the correct play.
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Re: JJ in small Blind Jacks is always a tricky hand to play regardless of position, i'm prepared to see a flop with these. I got the flop that i wanted but just couldn't understand the play from the original raiser, and thought he played the hand really badly, he showed no strength to his hand at all and felt that my value bet on the river was fine. We live and learn and move on to the next.

could have him on pocket ladies.
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