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HU Match Nade v GaF (NL50) 3 of 3 Sessions played


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Re: HU Match Nade v GaF (NL50) 3 of 7 Sessions played And yes this is over. Only thing i learned so far is don't create crazy dynamics in a match for the purposes of learning if your opponent is just going to sit there and nut-pedal. A better HU player than me would apply my concepts in better situations HU so wouldn't lose so much no doubt but ultimately i gave Gaf too much credit for wanting to create an interesting match and wanting something different to learn from. I live, learn and move on no problems here :ok gg.

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Re: HU Match Nade v GaF (NL50) 3 of 7 Sessions played

And yes this is over.
For the best I think :ok
Only thing i learned so far is don't create crazy dynamics in a match for the purposes of learning if your opponent is just going to sit there and nut-pedal. A better HU player than me would apply my concepts in better situations HU so wouldn't lose so much no doubt but ultimately i gave Gaf too much credit for wanting to create an interesting match and wanting something different to learn from.
ffs Nade, when will you learn to learn from losing sessions, rather than blame your opponent for not playing the right way? In your other thread, you've mentioned how you slaughter the good players, but cant beat the fish (now we know which I am :tongue2) - I suggested that maybe you weren't adjusting your game correctly to take advantage of the way they were playing. I'm even more convinced than ever now that you are failing to adjust your game to your opponent and just applying your standard game. I know you've accused (ok "accused" is a little strong...) me of the same in your PM, but with the greatest of respect, you didn't really give me any reason to adjust my game. Your game works well against multitabling regs who you force to lay mediocre and strong hands down - but it fails against fish who call too lightly and dont lay hands down or people who are single tabling, focused and concentrated on how you're playing. From the education perspective, my goal wasn't to "create interesting dynamics" - my goal was to learn what I adjustments I needed to make when playing someone I considered (and still consider) a better player. My perception of your game was that you couldn't lay any hands down once a pot was bloated. Under any circumstances. I dont know how you think an opponent like that should be countered, but my view was that I shouldn't try and push you off of hands, because you wouldn't lay them down - I mean, ffs you called all the way to showdown with Queen high (no draw) when I raised pre flop, betthe flop, bet the turn and bet the river - I'm never betting without the goods against an opponent that does that!!
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Re: HU Match Nade v GaF (NL50) 3 of 3 Sessions played You've twice picked up on 1 small fact to base wrong conclusions. Firstly most of my money is made off fish/bad players - All i mentioned after a bad stretch downswing on PKR that it was strange i was now losing vs bad players but beating good players on Stars - this has all totally turned around - now i'm crushing on PKR - won at 7ptBB last month and continuing this month and i still win on Stars. Secondly you said your aim for offering me this challenge was to learn. How can you learn when you just play your standard game??? If you think that was MY standard game then i don't know what far away land you're on it should be pretty obvious i made a ridiculous amount of non-standard plays as i wanted to create dynamics. Creating dynamics is a bit complicated to sum up but i'll say this - I tried to create a levelling game - whereby if you'd played along we would have both have been trying to think on a higher plane and looked for more funky ways of adjusting etc. You didn't. You sat there, played your abc and made 12BI. Easy money right. I'm glad for you making money. I'm also glad i put my neck on the line and played how i wanted to play with no bothers about the money. If i ever thought this was about winning i'd have done things a lot differently and we'd have had a prop bet on it. But i thought this was about learning, after all you came to me and wanted to learn. So you renegade on that deal. The one up-side is you did well to not adjust. I tried everything in my power through crazy play - and forum pressure to make you adjust your game so i give you props for passing that mental test i set you.

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Re: HU Match Nade v GaF (NL50) 3 of 7 Sessions played

It's a different game - Nade doesnt usually play Heads Up, I think his usual game is 6max. I think (but am not sure) that he plays above this level normally.
For the best I think :ok ffs Nade, when will you learn to learn from losing sessions, rather than blame your opponent for not playing the right way?
That comment is pretty ... i don't even want to say what i think because you've shown a lack of respect there. You clearly don't read any of my strategy posts or posts in my challenge thread thoroughly because otherwise you'd know me and my work ethic. We're done.
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Re: HU Match Nade v GaF (NL50) 3 of 3 Sessions played I'm sorry you feel that way - clearly there was a breakdown in communication somewhere! I wanted to learn by being forced out of my comfort zone against a better player and being forced to adjust the way way I was playing, because my standard play was being exploited. I wanted to improve my standard play. I didn't want to create an artificial game that had no relevance to what I'm playing.

The one up-side is you did well to not adjust. I tried everything in my power through crazy play - and forum pressure to make you adjust your game so i give you props for passing that mental test i set you.
Your comment after session 2 was pretty transparent to try and get me to change my style - I read it as you wanting me to adjust to a style that your standard play exploited (I dont know how you usually play HU, but assumed it's pretty agro and pretty crazy) - I consciously decided that as what I was doing had worked so well the first two sessions, then there was no point in me adjusting - but I was watching for adjustments from you and if I'd seen them, then my intention was to adjust to try and counter what you were doing.
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