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Fold Pocket Aces Pre-Flop?


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Re: Fold Pocket Aces Pre-Flop?

Do you have the discipline to fold pocket aces before the flop? Imagine the scenario. You’re playing Texas hold’em poker in a single table sit-and-go tournament. It’s getting towards the latter stages, five players are left and you can smell an in-the-money finish. But you need to get in to the top three and stay there – while your chip stack would be nice if it was bigger. The blinds are becoming significant and you know you’ll have to make your move soon. Out come the cards – miracles of miracles, you look down at your cards and see the magic AA looking back at you. Now, surely this means it’s you right to win the hand. Announce “I’m all-in” and become the chip leader. Now, under most circumstances there’s no doubt that you should either push in a tasty raise or even all-in with those big aces. Although remarkable as it may seem, there are times to fold those “pocket rockets” and not see a flop. It takes discipline to do and is all about risk versus reward. If you’re playing single table sit and go tournaments you must finish in the first three to get a return on your entry fee. We all know that the great starting hands don’t come along too often and when they do, a lot of players become married to the hand and can’t put it down under any circumstances. The savy player knows when to fold. And that includes folding AA pre-flop. Here’s when to consider very carefully when to muck those aces before the flop. Back to the scenario. Five players left, you’re in fourth place with those Aces screaming at you to push your chips in. But you have the advantage being in last position to act. Two players with bigger stacks than you throw enough chips in the pot to force you all-in if you decide to play. And now the small stack in fifth place takes his chances and goes all-in. The action is now on you. The urge to splash your chips in to the middle is irresistible. But before you do – thnk about it for a moment. As things stand, you can fold your aces now with the chance of moving in to third place and a money finish without risk. If the player in the hand with the biggest stack wins it, he’ll take out the other two with smaller stacks and you instantly get bumped up to third place and guaranteed money without. And without risking any of your chips which you still have to fight with. Risk = zero. Reward = third place at least and a guaranteed prize money. That’s when to fold anything pre-flop, not just aces. Throw anything away at any stage if it means you can move in to the money without risk.

If are stack is 'ok' size, when is an open-raise in a STT/SNG going to be the size of our stack??? I'd doubt the 2nd player's 3bet would be the size of our stack. If you're playing any kind of volume of STT/SNG, you're really looking to take as many 1st place finishes as possible. Sorry but I'm NEVER folding AA in this situation EVER!
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Re: Fold Pocket Aces Pre-Flop?

a good question for all...can you fold AA at an important tournament in the bubble moment? other player puts u all in and he is verry tight' date=' u are in middle possition and u need to go all in or fold. soo what s your decison ?[/quote'] I always go all in and go for the win! This is where the big payouts are in the tourneys rather than a guaranteed min cash. Generates a better roi in the long term.
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Re: Fold Pocket Aces Pre-Flop? Friday night i was playing the £50 satellite at DTD, 15 seats up for grabs to the £300 Deepstack event. blind 1k/2k with 200 ante i have 55k in chips and estimate that average chips to get a seat is 44k,so im cruising really and think i can possibly fold all hands and still get in. 19 playing so 4 fallers reqd utg +1 makes it 6k (he has about 10/12k behind so why he didn't open shove i dont know) active guy in mid posn calls the 6k (about 30k behind) i'm on the button with 2 black aces call/fold/raise??

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Re: Fold Pocket Aces Pre-Flop? I'm finding this a pretty tough one to call. Generally, I think its a fold because I'd expect to be able to fold into the seat the huge majority of the time. However, you say you "think you can possible fold all hands and still get in" suggests that you give a higher chance that you can fold all hands and not get the seat than I expect. I think you qualify most of the time because of mistakes by your opponents, going up against one another lighter than they should - if the standard of play is good and players are folding good hands when they should, then your position can be more precarious than expected (which is what I presume your read is from your comment). Given that, I think the significant factor is how often Mr 30k behind calls you and how often he folds. I'm not too worried about Mr 6k Behind - I'll take my chances against him. If Mr 30k behind, I rate as a decent player who folds a significant proportion of the time (as he should), then I think I shove, if he's a bad player, who calls too lightly, then I might get out of the way. I suppose the other factor is the distribution of chips. How many shorties are there? If there are a few big stacks, and a lot of players in a precarious position, then it adds weight to the "fold". If the chips are more evenly distributed, then it adds weight to the "shove". For a more creative play (and I dont know what the rules are and what is allowed) - a comment such as "I've never folded these in my life" followed by a shove - effectively trying to tell Mr 30k that you have Aces and he should fold, or "accidentally" exposing your cards after you shove (highly against the rules I suspect! In which case I'm not advocating this, but something that has the same effect without breaking the rules). If everyone folds, I'd also show the Aces, as it may come in useful later on to establish your "honesty".

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Re: Fold Pocket Aces Pre-Flop?

I suppose the other factor is the distribution of chips. How many shorties are there? If there are a few big stacks, and a lot of players in a precarious position, then it adds weight to the "fold". If the chips are more evenly distributed, then it adds weight to the "shove".
i forgot about this. the opener is the shortie at our table,there are a couple of stacks bigger than mine and the others 20 to 25k or so. like i say,i THINK i can fold everything but am not sure. mr 30k has been quite active calling raises pre flop, but not 3 betting.
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