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Trips raised on river


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This hand is vs a guy who'd been playing like a huge nit this session he'd pretty much folded 100% of BB steals i'd made from SB in about 100hands and just wasn't playing any hands, but his stats overall i kind of TAGish 21/16 but that session he was 16/10. Poker Stars $100.00 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 1115430 DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter BB: $139.65 UTG: $108.00 MP: $68.00 Hero (CO): $100.00 BTN: $113.60 SB: $121.90 Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with Kdiamond.png Jheart.png 2 folds, Hero raises to $3, BTN calls $3, 2 folds Flop: ($7.50) Jdiamond.png 3spade.png 2club.png (2 players) Hero bets $5.00, BTN calls $5 Turn: ($17.50) 9club.png (2 players) Hero bets $11.00, BTN calls $11 River: ($39.50) Jclub.png (2 players) Hero bets $28.00, BTN raises to $94.60 He snap shoved river. What range can we put him on? Can we call?

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Re: Trips raised on river Without history I'll lean towards folding this. He isn't representing much but at the same time you have alot of Jx and backdoor flushes in your range. Will he flat 33 and 22 on the button? That is something that would be good to know, but his hands look alot like nines however narrow this range is. I'm not too sure how a 6-max reg might play Jx here though. And does he float often? What's his fold to 3bet %.

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Re: Trips raised on river Do you mean fold to cbet %? It's 60%. Will he flat 33-22 on the BTN is really hard to know exactly, but a 16/10 will probably have that in his range, he wouldn't 3bet it either. I get the feeling a nit would play a set like this (not raise flop/turn) so as not to 'give away their hand'. There was a hand today where a nit had AJ top pair A vs me on the flop and they checked behind to the river where i bet $3 with 2nd pair K and they just called and the reason they played it like that is because they knew i knew he was a nit so if he bets the A flop or turn i know he has it, but the problem is then i weight his barrels more towards air so that's just bad thinking - balance means a lot.

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