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Hand from tonight a9 ft


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Like the 5th hand in on the final table of a 90 man $3 buyin. When he bets I'm like WTF I did fold but thinking about it now and how bad these players are can we get it all in here? PokerStars Game #55582994241: Tournament #350596624, $3.00+$0.25 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVII (500/1000) - 2011/01/08 19:42:31 WET [2011/01/08 14:42:31 ET] Table '350596624 3' 9-max Seat #2 is the button Seat 1: shyla140 (16089 in chips) Seat 2: woodiejr (21809 in chips) Seat 4: PoL_028 (21375 in chips) Seat 5: Hajamax (29241 in chips) Seat 7: pvportela (17841 in chips) Seat 8: dem005 (22731 in chips) Seat 9: cuentasivan (5914 in chips) shyla140: posts the ante 125 woodiejr: posts the ante 125 PoL_028: posts the ante 125 Hajamax: posts the ante 125 pvportela: posts the ante 125 dem005: posts the ante 125 cuentasivan: posts the ante 125 PoL_028: posts small blind 500 Hajamax: posts big blind 1000 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to woodiejr [Ac 9c] pvportela: folds dem005: folds cuentasivan: folds shyla140: calls 1000 woodiejr: raises 2500 to 3500 PoL_028: folds Hajamax: calls 2500 shyla140: folds *** FLOP *** [4d 7s 9h] Hajamax: bets 10000 woodiejr:?????????

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Re: Hand from tonight a9 ft My initial instinct would be to stack off here, unless you have a reason to think he was being tricky preflop. Doesn't make sense for him to fastplay a set on a rather dry board which leaves some draws and vulnerable 2 pair combos in his range, which you do have outs against anyway.

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Re: Hand from tonight a9 ft agree with above - unless you have previous on this guy to tell you otherwise theres excellent chance that your ahead - surely hed reraise pre flop with an overpair - if hes got pocket 7s or 4s then fair doos but id say that most o the time you are winning here id have him on either top pair or 8-10/6-8

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Re: Hand from tonight a9 ft Hmmm don't know why I always read hand histories wrongly the first time round lol. Anyway thought it was blind on blind but in this situation his range can be slightly stronger. You were probably trying to isolate the limper but ended up playing with the BB instead. Anyway same decision I'll still stack off.

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Re: Hand from tonight a9 ft

Once you have decided to bet pre-flop in that manner what you hoping to come on the flop? Could not have come much better for you and an easy stack off for me too.
Obviously stacking of here on this flop if the original limper and I were heads up in the hand but that's not the case I raise pre to isolate the limper who has limped the last hand also but then the guy in the smal blind calls original limper folds. Then fires out a 10k bet. Looking back at the hand now I think glceud is right also and I think folding was an easy fold in the end.. He turns up with 1010 99 so soften here no?
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Re: Hand from tonight a9 ft Think i'm always stacking off here, his limp pre-flop if it's a big hand indicates he's trappy and so even if he's flopped a set he'd play it trappy and not over-bomb the flop so i'd go with that and stick it in here expecting to see something like T9 most often.

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