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hand from last nights PL game


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was i right to fold? i think so,but after this hand my tournament went downhill. looking at my hands from last night,this was a pivotal time for me. please, serious replies wanted. Table Punters Lounge Poker League, 538500721, 4331703071 (Tournament: Punters Lounge Poker League Buy-In: $5+$0.50) Seat 1: RATMAN48 ($6,577.50 in chips) Seat 2: GazxBlades ($2,736.87 in chips) Seat 3: grandarobbie ($1,095.00 in chips) Seat 4: BFA74 ($2,495.00 in chips) Seat 5: LarsPL ($2,920.00 in chips) Seat 6: IRIVRDU ($1,645.00 in chips) Seat 7: akeedee ($2,750.00 in chips) Seat 8: PLDanShot ($4,442.52 in chips) Seat 9: teaulcpl ($8,194.37 in chips) DEALER Seat 10: rowatron72 ($2,940.00 in chips) rowatron72: Post SB $80.00 RATMAN48: Post BB $160.00 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulcpl [HA SQ] GazxBlades: Fold grandarobbie: Raise (NF) $1,095.00 BFA74: Fold LarsPL: Fold IRIVRDU: Fold akeedee: Raise (NF) $2,750.00 PLDanShot: Fold teaulcpl: Fold rowatron72: Fold RATMAN48: Fold *** FLOP *** [sA DQ S8] *** TURN *** [C2] *** RIVER *** [H2] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $4,085.00 Rake $0.00 grandarobbie: Shows [C10 CA] akeedee: Shows [HJ CJ] grandarobbie: wins $2,430.00 akeedee: wins $1,655.00

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Re: hand from last nights PL game The first guy open pushes with 6bb, nothing wrong there imo Teaulc, I would have folded after the initial all in is called by someone else. While you have a good hand it's not a world beater and there's little chance you're dominating both hands. You have a good stack and will find better spots where you will have the initiative Fred

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Re: hand from last nights PL game I think it was the correct decision but just, i think you would were getting good value, but given your position in the game at the time there were probably better spots to pick especially with the stack you had, also the players were not that loose (well most of them anyway ;)).

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Re: hand from last nights PL game All the action is preflop and, even though you would still have been sitting with $5k plus, I would have folded too unless the opposition had both already been playing loose up to that point - and if I'd been on a bit of a 'hit everything' roll too - then I would probably have joined in. This one hand in isolation ? - easy fold Full history of the game ? (which I don't want to see !) - decision might be different

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Re: hand from last nights PL game I'm almost always calling here.... even if you lose you've still got 5k and with blinds at 80/160 that's still a really big stack. There are very few hands that have you crushed (AK/AA/KK/QQ) and I'm happy to take the gamble here and hope that I'm racing for a nice pot! :ok

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Re: hand from last nights PL game I know I shouldn't, but I agree with Runa's suggestion that, if you're "feeling hot/invincible", these seem to be easier calls. That said, you then probably feeling bad about not calling, and might have brooded over what might have been. It's gone, move on. The other reason for not calling was that Ratman was sat behind you with $6.5k+, and could have put you in an even trickier position by shoving. I think you made the right decision, despite how it turned out :ok

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Re: hand from last nights PL game Not a tourney player but like the rest have said, it would be an easy call against the initial shover, but you're going to need a read on villain's tendencies to call/reraise. Any important point to consider is the fact that you're not the last to act which makes flatting slightly riskier as you won't be happy if the SB (who can hurt you with his stack) repops it.

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