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Finally joined the PL ranks


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Hi guys/girls, Thought it was about time to join you, after using PL as a great source of poker info in the past (always seems to come up whenever googling poker :ok) and already friends with quite a few of you. I'm Bart from Hampshire on the south coast and I'm an alcoh.... oh no wait, wrong forum. I love playing poker, mainly socially though nothing nose-bleed. Don't get time to do any serious grinding. Already know quite a few of you via the UKPPL league & WPT Mag/Bodog Ten Grand promotion amongst other things. I hope to be as active as possible within the poker threads and get to know you all in due course, but bear with me as I'm also Head Moderator for PokerStrategy which has over 4 million members now so a lot of time is taken up helping those guys out. Greetings & best regards to you all, Bart

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Re: Finally joined the PL ranks

Hi guys/girls, Thought it was about time to join you, after using PL as a great source of poker info in the past (always seems to come up whenever googling poker :ok) and already friends with quite a few of you. I'm Bart from Hampshire on the south coast and I'm an alcoh.... oh no wait, wrong forum. I love playing poker, mainly socially though nothing nose-bleed. Don't get time to do any serious grinding. Already know quite a few of you via the UKPPL league & WPT Mag/Bodog Ten Grand promotion amongst other things. I hope to be as active as possible within the poker threads and get to know you all in due course, but bear with me as I'm also Head Moderator for PokerStrategy which has over 4 million members now so a lot of time is taken up helping those guys out. Greetings & best regards to you all, Bart
:welcome to PuntersLounge Bart Good to have you on board and im sure you will be made most welcome by everyone! Hope to see you at the tables soon :ok
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