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Dash to Supernova


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Re: Dash to Supernova The 1st hand i'd probably call, but i'm a huge calling station ;) but the reason is villain is 3betting 10% - 5% premiums and 5% most likely other broadways or mid suited connectors. So we only lose to JJ,TT or JTs. I'm right that he's snap over-shoved the river here? This could lean more towards JT as with JJ he'd make bet-sizing much better to get stacks in, but still that's too small a range to fold to i think particularly as our hand is under-repped. It's worth noting if you think he thinks you won't call a turn bet with 88 or 99 then that puts a couple of more bluff combos in his range? He's bombed the turn though $38 into $59 so though hasn't set up stacks he's trying to rep something big so maybe rule out JTs as he'd prob bet smaller for value wanting to get called by 88/99 like you say. So it's JJ-AA or air. The thing is with the T hitting the river, villain must think TT is a solid part of your range here so to snap over shove just looks suspicious to me. I'm an expert in running into the top 1% of people's ranges so he prob has JJ but i call as there's not much we lose to, not everything adds up and he does have bluffs in there. 2nd hand: Really gross spot. Villain can never get to river with air, every draw got there so now the question is is he shoving for value with worse? Only KJ looks a possibility but it's v unlikely they'd shove this board with 2pair. As annoying as it is i think this is always a fold and i'd expect to see something like Axhh 95% of the time.

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Re: Dash to Supernova Thanks for the comments Nade. Heading out now so will respond later, but yes he snap over-shoved the river. Day was going good till I had a set over set 200bbs deep and a flush over flush a minute after. Current VPP Balance: 85750.42VPPs Days remaining: 9 Required VPPs/day (average): 1583.29

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Re: Dash to Supernova Interesting hands and thoughts but I think to make an informed desicion we really need to know your stats. For the record I couldnt fold either of them but at 10/20% of those stakes I dont think anyone should. Out of curiosty why didnt you raise on the flop in the queens hand?

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Re: Dash to Supernova

Interesting hands and thoughts but I think to make an informed desicion we really need to know your stats. For the record I couldnt fold either of them but at 10/20% of those stakes I dont think anyone should. Out of curiosty why didnt you raise on the flop in the queens hand?
Thanks for the insight mate. My stats for the month over 56248 hands: VPIP: 14.1% PFR: 11% Call 3bet: 24.5% Flop fold vs cbet: 46.5% Turn fold vs cbet: 48.2% Flop raise cbet: 16.5% I guess that's pretty much all the relevant information for this hand, let me know if you need anything else :ok I do raise sometimes with my queens. I guess I didn't raise this time because I was unsure as to how I would respond to a shove if I raised, hence the passiveness. I do admit that I haven't completely figured out the game when playing with deeper stacks.
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Re: Dash to Supernova Awfully hard to keep going amidst all the festive partying:cheers Gonna do some nl200 if I think the table is soft enough, hope I won't regret it. Current VPP Balance: 85750.42VPPs Days remaining: 8 Required VPPs/day (average): 1781.19

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Re: Dash to Supernova

Thanks for the insight mate. My stats for the month over 56248 hands: VPIP: 14.1% PFR: 11% Call 3bet: 24.5% Flop fold vs cbet: 46.5% Turn fold vs cbet: 48.2% Flop raise cbet: 16.5% I guess that's pretty much all the relevant information for this hand, let me know if you need anything else :ok I do raise sometimes with my queens. I guess I didn't raise this time because I was unsure as to how I would respond to a shove if I raised, hence the passiveness. I do admit that I haven't completely figured out the game when playing with deeper stacks.
So your villians will know that your are a pretty tight player? Does that change the likelyhood of what they are holding or representing?. Thats just my modest thoughts I dont actually know the answer I just thought that your stats might help Nade work out the answer:ok Regards deeper stacks the mole often referred to "the fear" and "power poker" and I think thats what seperates winners and losers at 200+bb's. The cards no longer matter assuming everyone has the same luck and your profit is made through winning more hands that you shouldnt than your opponents. Me, I'm shit scared at 150bbs and should cash out:lol The qq hand to me though is an auto reraise on flop, villian is either c-betting a/q-a/k-k/q and has just donated or has hit his a/j-k/j and is going to pay me off.
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Re: Dash to Supernova

The qq hand to me though is an auto reraise on flop, villian is either c-betting a/q-a/k-k/q and has just donated or has hit his a/j-k/j and is going to pay me off.
If they have a hand we cooler then we get their stack no matter what. The value comes from getting people to put more money than they should in behind. A call call call line like Averick's gets people to donate not for 1 street but 3. Another thing is balance, if you raise the flop you're repping big or air, just calling leaves your range wide so people will make more mistakes vs you on turn and river.
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Re: Dash to Supernova

If they have a hand we cooler then we get their stack no matter what. The value comes from getting people to put more money than they should in behind. A call call call line like Averick's gets people to donate not for 1 street but 3. Another thing is balance, if you raise the flop you're repping big or air, just calling leaves your range wide so people will make more mistakes vs you on turn and river.
I am very guilty of the call call call line and I thinks its ok for a 100bbs but both players here are 250 deep. For these kind of stacks I think you should ask the questions first chance not have to answer a major one on the river. I think 99% of us would be happy to get stacks in on this flop but to have to make a call for 200 bb's on the river is scary to say the least. Maybe the villian has'nt looked at his cards yet and the plan was from bet one to bet, bet again but keep the pot at a size to have enough chips left to scare Averick of on the river? Do Avericks stats suggest he is the sort to scare easily? Any way, I'm back playing fixed limit it's so much simpler.
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Re: Dash to Supernova I think you miss my point, but for the sake of argument it's possible a raise with QQ could induce a 3bet bluff on the flop as our range looks so polarized so it could work but in my experience that only really happens in an aggro dynamic 6max game or HU game. If we raise the flop and villain shoves 250BBs that's not much more of an easier decision than them 3barrelling. I'd be much more inclined to call a 3barrel shove because there's more air (inc. weak 1pairs turned into a bluff) in their range than a flop 3bet shove.

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Re: Dash to Supernova

I think you miss my point, but for the sake of argument it's possible a raise with QQ could induce a 3bet bluff on the flop as our range looks so polarized so it could work but in my experience that only really happens in an aggro dynamic 6max game or HU game. If we raise the flop and villain shoves 250BBs that's not much more of an easier decision than them 3barrelling. I'd be much more inclined to call a 3barrel shove because there's more air (inc. weak 1pairs turned into a bluff) in their range than a flop 3bet shove.
Think the point that I'm trying to make is do the far deeper stacks change the way that you should play the hand out. For a 100 bbs calling down a disguised hand is ok, but for a much bigger stack do you have to protect your hand more? Obviously with just 3 cards on the board there is a lot less beating you than with 5 on board. You might be right to let the villain cbet for 100 bb's stacks but for 250 the amount of times he hits means you are almost giving implied odds for overcards to bet or even weaker pocket pairs or one pair hands to improve. Is it just the tourney player in me that thinks stack sizes are overly important?
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Re: Dash to Supernova Firstly, sorry for the lack of updates guys. Sorry to disappoint you guys Nade and glceud, but I folded both hands so no results. Have two more hands in mind, will get them up soon. Really appreciate the discussion though, keeps me looking at things from different perspectives when grinding hands can turn you into a robot. Been trying to squeeze in hands as and when I can which resulted in a (relatively) massive 3.5k VPP session last night. Sad thing is I'm down almost 5 buy-ins at nl200, if it's anything encouraging i'm down four BI ev adjusted. Current position: Current VPP Balance: 90785.99VPPs Days remaining: 5 Required VPPs/day (average): 1842.80

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Re: Dash to Supernova Started extremely well, including winning a 400bb pot with set over set. Dropped it all and lots more by the end of the session though. Dammit! Current VPP Balance: 95652.37VPPs Days remaining: 2 Required VPPs/day (average): 2173.82 Barring any unforseeable circumstances, I should be able to wrap this up by the 30th:clap

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Re: Dash to Supernova

Awesome stuff mate. Can we get a screenshot of you at a table with the supernova stars!! :ok
No problem mate, will try to do so at a table where I have a nice stack too:tongue2 I never show my status though, so if you look me up normally you won't see anything!
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Re: Dash to Supernova

Superb going getting so many vpp in one month! Next year aim for SNE?
Thanks for the compliments. Definitely not possible at my current stake and table capacity, add the fact that I'm studying full time and maintaining Supernova status itself is not going to be easy.
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Re: Dash to Supernova Wanted to put in a massive final session, but was feeling tired. Realised i can actually squeeze 21 tables into my tiny monitor, but 17 was roughly my limit. FINAL STRETCH! Current VPP Balance: 98583.13VPPs Remaining VPPs required: 1416.87 VPPs Will try to do this within 5 hours.

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Re: Dash to Supernova Thanks hen and staffy. Might be hard to make a profit because it's so hard to table select at this hour due to a lack of players. Nothing significant like supernova elite, but basically my rakeback will increase by 40% due to the higher FPP multiplier, and they have some decent bonuses for supernovas to redeem. They also have a pretty neat concierge service which allows me to use my FPPs to pay for some of my personal shopping. That's about it. Oh, and of course the red stars:lol, though I probably won't be showing them off.

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Re: Dash to Supernova Not worth it imo, you still have to grind the bonus out after that right. Might as well go play some sunday 1/4 million sats. Alright getting started, will just sit myself at every available table. Not the best strategy for profit, but hey it's new year's eve and it's already evening!

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