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$3 rebuy 70 odd left


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This guy I've seen play one hand. he limped pre and potted every street to show a bluff he had 9 7 that was for like a 120k pot to a few orbits ago. Average stack is like 140k what do we do here? Full Tilt Poker Game #25807176040: $14,500 Guarantee (Rebuy) (199956111), Table 140 - 2500/5000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 140 - 2500/5000 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Ante 600 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:31:51 ET - 2010/11/23 Seat 2: butter822 (64,927) Seat 3: cashur (251,861) Seat 4: uuupppsssshipit (229,247) Seat 5: donkriver22 (124,986) Seat 6: beakeds (137,982) Seat 7: Chiva888 (157,602) Seat 8: mr edvin (107,014) Seat 9: AvalancheBoy (206,250) butter822 antes 600 cashur antes 600 uuupppsssshipit antes 600 donkriver22 antes 600 beakeds antes 600 Chiva888 antes 600 mr edvin antes 600 AvalancheBoy antes 600 cashur posts the small blind of 2,500 uuupppsssshipit posts the big blind of 5,000 The button is in seat #2 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to uuupppsssshipit [2c.png7h.png] donkriver22 folds beakeds folds Chiva888 folds mr edvin folds AvalancheBoy folds butter822 folds cashur calls 2,500 uuupppsssshipit checks *** FLOP *** [7c.png7d.png8h.png] cashur checks uuupppsssshipit checks *** TURN *** [7c.png7d.png8h.png] [qh.png] cashur checks uuupppsssshipit bets 5,000 cashur raises to 29,800 uuupppsssshipit calls 24,800 *** RIVER *** [7c.png7d.png8h.pngqh.png] [9c.png] cashur bets 216,461, and is all in uuupppsssshipit huh.gifhuh.gifhuh.gifhuh.gif?

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