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Collusion or just bad etiquette?


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Never really had anything too controversial happen to me before so maybe you can set me straight on this.... Just been playing for 3 hrs in the Daily 10k GTD twin tourney on 888 tonight - been at same table for the whole time and had quite a few run ins with the guy to my right. So new guy appears at table and puts up a 5x raise in mid position - looks like he does not want to be called as he is deep so i shove my 8k stack in to his 14k stack. He then consults the table whether i have a pp or not. The guy to my right who is not involved in the hand then proceeds to give him the run down on our history and what i have been showing down etc..... After a long pause he calls my 10 10 with his AK to catch a A on river. I can handle the result but am pretty sure that this is verging on some sort of collusion in discussing how i have been playing in order to help a fellow competitor?

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Re: Collusion or just bad etiquette? Andy, Definetly not allowed. See following from poker stars. standard rule on all sites. "Collusion, by which two or more players work together in the games or share knowledge to gain an unfair advantage over other players, is strictly prohibited." I have noticed on several sites in thge last couple of days this kind of collusion going on, but most sites seem to take little action unless you complain. During a circus qualifier for the $200,000 on sunday as we were getting near to the bubble 2 big stacks started announcing their cards to a short stack. If it happens to me I always comnplain to the site concerned.

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Re: Collusion or just bad etiquette? Identical thing happened to me at a live event the APAT forum tournament, new guy just joined the table raises comes round to me in BB i go all in then guy on my left says a few things about how i'd been aggro and going in all the time etc., dude called with TT beats my AJ, he said later on it made a huge impact on his call, but at the time i didn't know what to say ( i said nothing) as it might have been too obvious either way if i wanted a call or not. Guy on left apologised. Just seems bad etiquette.

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Re: Collusion or just bad etiquette? Seems like cheating to me. http://www.888poker.com/security-and-privacy/user-agreement.htm

Collusion: Collusion occurs when two or more players at a poker table attempt to gain an unfair advantage by sharing knowledge of their cards or other information. Any player who colludes or attempts to collude with any other player while using the Service may be permanently banned from using the Service or the Software or any other related services of the Company, their account may be terminated immediately and the Company shall be entitled to retain all monies in such player's account. We have developed and employ sophisticated proprietary technology intended to seek out and identify players acting in collusion. If the Company is informed during play about suspected collusive behavior, it may, in its sole discretion, terminate suspected players' access to the Service and/or block their accounts. No player shall have the right to require the Company to take any other steps against players suspected of collusion, cheating or any other form of fraud.
Let us know what happens Andy pls. :ok
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Re: Collusion or just bad etiquette?

Discussion Thread
Response22/11/2010 09.43 AM
Dear Andrew, Thank you for contacting us, my name is Roxana and I'll be assisting you today. Andrew, first of all, please accept our apologies for the delay in our response. We thank you for drawing our attention to this concern. It is only by listening to the cares and concerns of our members that we can realize our ambition to offer the web's premiere online Poker room. All reports of collusion or suspected collusion are followed up on and investigated thoroughly. You will be pleased to know that we have a team dedicated to constantly searching for evidence of collusion. We have in the past, come together with other poker sites to protect honest players from such incidents. 888poker has the reputation of being extremely thorough with regards to investigating such matters and bringing them to a swift conclusion. Due to player confidentiality we are unable to make you aware of the results of such an investigation. However, in the event that we can prove, or even highly suspect members of collusion, we will terminate their memberships, their accounts will be closed and no Profits will be returned to them. Funds left in their bankroll, if any, will be either contributed to the prize pools we offer on our different tournaments, or donated to one of the charities we support, at our discretion. We found that since it is not technically feasible to trace back funds and return them to honest players harmed by collusion, this would prove the best solution. We thank you once again for taking the time to contact us. Your patronage is very much appreciated and we thank you for your contribution to the wellbeing of our site. Should you require further assistance or would like details on how to contact our 888poker Member Support Center, please visit our Online Help at: http://888-external-en.custhelp.com?p_pv=1.4&p_prods=4&prod_lvl1=4 Andrew, remember you can always make another deposit with us. Please allow me also to inform you about an alternative deposit method, available for your country: you can also deposit with PayPal. To deposit with this method you must have a PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, you will be able to sign up for one during the deposit process. Sit & Go Go Go Ready, set, go! Play 10 Sit & Go’s above $1 in a week and go all the way to one of the $10,000 ‘Play Different’ Freerolls… Only 6 handed & above tables qualify. So get going! Follow the link below for more info: http://www.888poker.com/888poker/do-you-play-different.htm Andrew, if you require further assistance in this or any other matter, please feel free to contact us. Kind regards, Roxana M. Member Support Representative [email protected] http://www.888poker.com
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Re: Collusion or just bad etiquette?

Funds left in their bankroll, if any, will be either contributed to the prize pools we offer on our different tournaments, or donated to one of the charities we support, at our discretion. We found that since it is not technically feasible to trace back funds and return them to honest players harmed by collusion, this would prove the best solution.
This is pretty shocking, they have no technology in place that can track collusion or refund players?
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Re: Collusion or just bad etiquette? This kind of answer really grinds my gears. :@:@

We have in the past, come together with other poker sites to protect honest players from such incidents. 888poker has the reputation of being extremely thorough with regards to investigating such matters and bringing them to a swift conclusion. Due to player confidentiality we are unable to make you aware of the results of such an investigation. However, in the event that we can prove, or even highly suspect members of collusion, we will terminate their memberships, their accounts will be closed and no Profits will be returned to them. Funds left in their bankroll, if any, will be either contributed to the prize pools we offer on our different tournaments, or donated to one of the charities we support, at our discretion.
1st paragraph I'd be tempted to ask that, as they are referring to the past, can it be inferred that they don't take such action any more. 2nd paragraph I'd be tempted to ask why they would keep 'proactive' results confidential, as this seems to contradict the statement in the first paragraph. I'd also ask them how they can expect customers to have confidence in an organisation that allows cheats actions to be hidden. Guess the only way of finding out if they have been banned is to wait and see if you come across the other players again in the future. 3rd paragrah, I'd point them towards Full Tilts recent e-mails to glceud. Complete and utter patronising rubbish. :puke
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