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Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn

Simon Trumper

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All We have another £50 unlimited rebuy this Friday at 8.30pm with £10,000 and a £1000 Monte Carlo seat guaranteed. Late registration is open until 9.30pm. On Saturday at 2pm we have a Super 50 with £15,000, and a late registration of 5.15pm. Next week we have the last chance satellites for the £300 deepstack guaranteeing a total of 105 seats both online and at the club, running at 9pm online Monday - Friday and at the club Wednesday - Friday at 8pm. We have also added a seat to the Monte Carlo satellites as of Monday 27th, the daily €30 rebuy's and the €90 freezeout on Sunday will be guaranteeing 2 seats a night. I have set up a dedicated personal facebook account for club members only to keep players updates with main events at the club, and will be offering exclusive promotions to those club members. If you are a Dusk Till Dawn club member and still visit the club, please feel free to add me as a friend via this link http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=185932291447734&pending#!/profile.php?id=100002484586086. Cheers ACES

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Saturday Super 50 re entry £15,000 guarantee Hi All Saturday at 2pm we have another Super 50 re entry guaranteed at £15,000, last week average spend was £75 so with 10,000 starting stack it doesn't play like a rebuy. 30 minute levels and at least £4700 for the winner so great return even if you re enter. Re entry for 6 levels up to 5.15pm Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All Tonight online we have the last chance £300 Deepstack satellites, with 15 seats guaranteed. €10 rebuys are running at 9pm Monday to Friday this week with 15 seats guaranteed tonight and tomorrow night, and 10 seats guaranteed Wednesday to Friday for this weekends £100,000 £300 Deepstack. We are also running live club satellite this week for the £300 Deepstack with 15 seats guaranteed each night at 8pm, for a £15 rebuy. Also this week we have added a Monte Carlo seat to the 9pm €30 satellites which has doubled the guarantee, we are hoping this attracts more runners as we have been receiving low runners so far, creating excellent value for our players. Also running are the Grand Prix satellites for €2 at 7pm & 9pm, please be aware that there are no more Golden Chips to be won. Cheers Nicola

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi Nicola, Sorry to post here, probably not the best way to contact you guys and probably still far too early to say, but any help in pointing me in the right direction is very much appreciated. I'm looking at travelling up from the south coast to see you guys for the APAT Worlds in August again, any idea yet on which regular events you will be running during that weekend (25th-29th Aug). I'm guessing you will still run the odd £15+4's subject to available space right? Just trying to sort my diary out and justify the fuel/hotel costs :ok Don't worry if too early to say, I can always check with you/the website nearer the time. Many thanks, Bart

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All There are new start times for the £300 Deepstack this weekend. Day 1A on Friday will start at the later time of 7pm. We hope this will allow those who work during the day to be able to make it on time. We have also brought the start time on Day 1B on Saturday forward to 2pm. The final day on Sunday will still be starting at 12pm. There is still time to win your seat. Club and online satellites are running tonight and tomorrow night, with a total of 50 more seats guaranteed. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All Great weekend at the club for the £300 Deepstack, and of course satellites start tonight at 7pm & 9pm for the August event held between Friday 5th and Sunday 7th August. Same buy in as before €10 rebuys with €1 feeders. The Monte Carlo satellites are running every night at 7pm & 9pm for €30 rebuy satellites and €3 feeders, numbers are still low creating excellent value, £1090 seat guaranteed every night. The Grand Prix IV is now open for registration via the poker lobby for €60, satellites are still running at 7pm & 9pm every day, guaranteeing 2 seats a night. Email Nicola for more details [email protected] Cheers ACES

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This week at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All Starting tonight at 9.30pm we have introduced a new event for tournament junkies. It is a Turbo Freezeout satellite that will run every night except when we have a Mega Satellite and will have 1 seat guaranteed to either the Deepstack or the following weekends event. Buy in tonight is £30 + £6, you get 5000 chips with a 12 minute clock which should take approx 2.5 - 3 hours, last reg is 10pm and we need 10 players minimum to run. Thursday nights 6 Max is now a Deepstack 15,000 chips 15 minute clock as this event has proved to be very popular with working players as it is normally finished by 1am. Friday we have a Mega Sateliite, starting at 9pm, last reg 10.30. It is a £50 + £6 rebuy with 5 seats guaranteed to the £1090 Monte Carlo. Having consulted several regular satellite players our Mega Satellites now offer a double add on for a single buy in, eg this Fridays Monte Carlo you will now get 3000 chips for £50, please support these events so we can continue to offer the value we do. Saturday at 5pm is a Super 50, 10,000 chips 30 minute clock guaranteed at £7500 then at 8pm we have a new event £30 + £6 10,000 chips 15 minute clock which we are hoping to grow to 120+ runners for a fun event for the lower bankrolls. So, lots happening this week and with the Monte Carlo in just 2 weeks time and the Grand Prix in August both guaranteed at £250,000 there is something for everyone, enjoy. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All Just a quick reminder about the MEGA SAT tonight at 9pm. It's a £50 Rebuy satellite with 5 x £1090 Monte Carlo Seats GTD. Double ADD-ON available, and late resigration until 10.30pm. Also don't forget the Super 50 this Saturday at 5pm which is back to being a frezeout tourney. If any club members would like to follow my progress in Vegas please add me as a friend on facebook Simon Aces Trumper. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All This week we have online satellites running for our 3 main club tournaments, all of which are less than a month away. With just over a week to go until the £250,000 Monte Carlo, we are guaranteeing seats every single night in our €30 rebuy satellites. You can also grab your seat in our new live £50 rebuy MEGA SATS, this Friday at the club we are guaranteeing 10 Monte Carlo seats. You can now buy in online for the Grand Prix IV for €60, or qualify via our €2 satellites every night at 7pm & 9pm. Qualify for the £300 Deepstack both online and at the club. Satellites are running at 7pm and 9pm online from €1 feeders and €10 satellites. We are also running new £30 freezeout turbo satellites most nights at the club for the £300 Deepstack. Runners have been low for our online satellites so we have dropped the minimum runners creating excellent value for our players. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All WSOP Day 1... Played the first 6 hours on the ESPN feature table. I was very rusty, made a few mistakes, not betting at the right time etc, ended first level with 16,000. In level 2 i called a raise of 550 with JJ, sb rr to 2150, initial raiser flat called as did i, flop was 9 8 4, two spades, all checked, turn was a 6, bet of 3600, i went all in for 10,200, he called with AKs for 15 outs, ended level with 28,000. The player to my right was up to 80,000! Had a very unusual style, one pot was raised to 525, he rr to 10,800. In SB he made it 1050, i called in BB with 9T, flop was 9 T 4, he bet 3600, i raised to 9000, he went all in, i called, he had KK, doubled up to 52,000, level 4 ended with 57,000. Last level called a 4 way raise of 900 on button with 33, flop was Q 9 3 rainbow, all checked to me , i bet 3600 and was reraised to 30,000 all in, left me 13,000 if it was set over set, called he had AT ! Picked up flush draw but missed. Up to 80,000, won another with JJ, got check raised all in for 12,000 on a 7 9 T flop, he had QQ, turned a J, river 3, ended day 1 with 97,000. If you are a Dusk Till Dawn member and would like to follow my progress in Vegas, please add me as a friend on facebook. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All Couldn't resist checking stats on players before going to pool! I am in seat 8 so seat 1 CL is my BB. Seat 1 110,825 No results in last 3 years. Seat 2 81,300 No results at all Seat 3 90,300 3rd in $2500 SH this year so will be confident and agg. Seat 4 15,175 No major results Seat 5 47,475 No major results Seat 6 18,350 No major results Seat 7 109,525 Solid, won $1000 event in Feb, 35th in $1500 at WSOP this year. Seat 8 HMDB have used my full name so no results showing lol. Seat 9 69,350 Mhin Ngyuen, several players with this name but only one at WSOP this year, if him multi casher, specialises in $1500 events, not cashed at WSOP since 2008 but cashed in Main Event 2002 ( 24th ) 2003 ( 11th ) . Conclusion, seat 3 has best position on table but not near me and would have to raise through second chip leader to steal my blinds, only one to avoid is seat 7 unless serial blind stealer in which case will put a stop to that !, seat 9 will be tricky but otherwise as long as i can get my blind steals through and catch a few cards pretty happy with line up. I have 194 bb so plenty of time to watch and learn before getting creative. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All Day 2 didn't go to plan! I was hoping to end the day with 100bb ie 160k going into level 11 on Day 3 which is 800 1600, instead having had a rollercoaster day i am down to 58,400, still a playable stack and approx half the average which is 108,000. 5 of the 9 i started with made it through. In level 1 i didn't get a hand or any opportunities dropped to 86,000. Level 2 there was a raise , an all in for 12,000 and i found AA, the all in had A2o, missed his gutshot and i was up to 100k then the very last hand as players were getting up for the break i had QQ in the sb, made a standard raise and the bb 3 bet to 4100, i asked if he had AK again as he had showed it 3 times and he said better, i just called, flop was J 8 3, we both checked, turn 8 i check called 3000, river 7, we both checked, he had AA ! Most players would have stacked off but all i lost was 7000. Ended level with 93,000. Level 3, won one pot with AK, finished with 86,000. Level 4, won 2 pots, ended on 102,000 Level 5 best hand in 2 hours was 88 and with blinds and antes 3600 a round got blinded away, one time i 3 bet i got 4 bet so had to decide to wait till day 3 and hope for a good table draw and some hands to go my way. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All WSOP update... During first round table looked pretty soft, got a couple of blind steals through then for some reason everyone started defending, 3 betting and 4 betting. Was getting blinded away, only saw AQ, 44, then with JTd raised on button, sb called, flop was A 9 6 with 2 diamonds, c bet 5200 into 10,600, he called, turn was J spades for another flush draw, he bet 7000, i called, river 6 spades, he bet another 7000, pot was 41,000, sure he didn't have a flush, called, he had AKs. Blinded away to 18,000, found JJ, went all in, one caller, flop was 9 8 6 3 5, he had KK. I could have just blinded away hoping for a premium hand to double through but even if i fold to the last bet on the previous pot it still all goes in pre or on flop with JJ so a little disappointed as i was really enjoying it but on a positive note this is the furthest i have got and the experience is invaluable so will be back next year. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All Tonight we have a £15 freezeout at 7.30pm and a £50 freezeout at 8pm. Unfortunately the Monte Carlo MEGA SAT is no longer running tonight, however we are still guaranteeing 15 seats at the club on Wednesday and Thursday at 9pm both nights. Saturday's Super 50 is a freezeout with £7,500 guaranteed. Last week we had 197 entries which generated a prize pool of £9,850. Starting at 5pm, late registration is until 8.15pm. We also have a £30 freezeout at 8pm and a £300 Deepstack turbo satellite at 9.30 which needs a minimum of 10 runners to run. On sunday we have another £300 Deepstack turbo satellite at 8.30pm, a £50 freezeout with £2,500 guaranteed at 8pm and the usual £15 freezeout at 6.30pm. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All It's the Monte Carlo festival week this week, with the £250,000 Monte Carlo main event, held between Thursday 21st and Sunday 24th. There are MEGA SATS running all this week, starting tonight online at 9pm. We have 70 seats guaranteed in total, 15 online both tonight and tommorrow night, and 10 seats guaranteed on Wednesday. These are €45 rebuy satellites and we need 150 runners, so excellent value at stake especially if we get an overlay. £50 rebuy Club satellites are running on Wednesday and Thursday at 9pm with 15 seats guaranteed. We are running online and club satellites at the same time on Wednesday so we expect lower numbers. Also online this week we have the £300 Deepstack satellites and Grand Prix satellites at 9pm, with feeders running at 7pm. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All MEGA SATS are running again tonight and tomorrow at 9pm. There are 15 seats guaranteed tonight, that's £16,350 worth of seats! Tomorrow night there are 10 seats guaranteed, as this is running alongside the club MEGA SAT. The satellites are €45 rebuys, and we have corrected the blind structure for tonight. Any questions or queries as always contact us at [email protected] Cheers ACES

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Monte Carlo this week Hi All If you're back from the WSOP or didn't go then here is the event you dont want to miss. It's our £250,000 guaranteed Monte Carlo. Buy in is £1000 + £90 or you can still win a seat via our Mega Satellites. Online tonight at 9pm €45 rb with double add on and 10 x £1090 seats guaranteed or live at the club tonight and tomorrow at 9pm £50 rb 1500 chips with a 3000 double add on and 15 x £1090 seats guaranteed. Monte Carlo starts Thursday at 2pm, late reg is up to 8.45pm with no chip deductions and if you get knocked out at any time you can re enter into Friday day 1b. Monte Carlo starts 2pm Friday and Saturday then 12pm Sunday. Friday at 9pm we have another Mega Sat, this time £30rb with 10 seats guaranteed for our £500 Hgh Roller event on Saturday. This starts at 2.30pm and is a one day comp 20,000 chips 30 minute clock. At 5pm we also have an Incredible 100 guaranteed at £10,000 with 10,000 chips 30 minute clock. Finally on Sunday at 2pm we have a £150 FO guaranteed at £15,000 with 15,000 chips 30 minute clock. Looking forward to a fantastic week of poker here, hope you will join us. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All A fantastic weekend at the club which saw local lad Alex Goulder take home first prize of just over £77,000, well done Alex. It's now less than 2 weeks until the Grand Prix IV and after the success of my facebook freeroll last night where 371 players entered for a chance of winning one of 20 Golden Chip seats, the hype around this event is phenomenal. Satellites are still running everynight at 7pm & 9pm for €2. The £300 Deepstack is being held the weekend before the Grand Prix which is Friday 5th to Sunday 7th August. These satellites are also running everynight from €1 feeders. The APAT World Amateur Poker Championships is being held at the end of August, and you can qualify online for both the main event and all 5 side events which include a heads up, stud, HORSE, Six Max and Omaha. Satellites are running Monday to Friday from €8 Freezeouts. Hope to see you all in August for another busy month at Dusk Till Dawn. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All This weekend’s Monte Carlo was a huge success attracting the UK's finest young stars to Nottingham, most of which are literally just off the plane from Vegas! A total of 252 players entered the £250,000 guaranteed tournament, 82 of which chose to play day 1a on Thursday with the option to re-enter if they were knocked out. These included Aussie Millions runner up James Keys, WSOP bracelet winner Steve Jelinek, EPT winner Toby Lewis and Irish Poker Open champion Neil Channing. Day 1b saw over double the number of players with a total of 170, including 26 re-entries from day 1a. JP Kelly arrived straight from Vegas Thursday night having finished 26th in the WSOP Main Event collecting $300,000. The field also included Roberto Romanello, James Dempsey, Stuart Fox and 2011 WSOP bracelet winners Jake Cody and Matt Perrins. We welcomed 81 players back for to day 2 and just 16 were left for the final day. Finishing in 10th place was Danny Toffel, who had just cashed 657th of 6865 entrants in the WSOP Main Event and picked up £3339 for his efforts here at the Monte Carlo. When the final started, it included Matt Perrins and local player Alex Goulder. Alex was chip leader with 3,800,000 of the 7,560,000 chips in play. After 5 hours Stuart Fox finished 3rd for £27,189, leaving Matt and Alex heads up playing for the title, trophy and a difference of £32,000 between first and second place. Alex held the chip lead 2 - 1 and never lost it. The final hand was ATs v TJo; flop was A high with a gutshot possible for Matt who also picked up a flush draw on the turn but the river was a blank. Therefore, Alex Goulder became the 4th home player to win the Monte Carlo following Waheed Ashraf, Fraser Bellamy and Julian Thew. He took home £77,512 for his efforts and Matt added £45,315 to his bankroll. The weekends play was streamed with a 30 minute delay using a feature table on day 2. The whole final day was streamed with commentary provided by Dusk Till Dawns host Simon Trumper and JP Kelly. This proved extremely popular with 8,602 hits and we hope to be doing a lot more in the future. JP may have been knocked out of the Monte Carlo but he still made the trip worthwhile by entering our 54 player £500 High Roller 6 max and coming 2nd for £6,220. An impressive feat when you consider he also won the UKIPT 6 Max beating 176 players here in 2010 for £11,682. Another great event here at Dusk Till Dawn and we are now looking forward to the €250,000 guaranteed Grand Prix in August, running 8th to 21st. Full details are available Here>> Cheers ACES

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£20,000 guaranteed and £1000 added tomorrow Hi All Saturday at 5pm we have an Incredible 100, this is a 10,000 chips 30 minute clock one day event guaranteed at £20,000 with £1000 added by Betfair sponsored " I love playing poker " Late reg till 8.15pm, no deduction in starting stack. Cheers ACES

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Grand Prix IV Hi All The €250,000 Grand Prix IV is just 10 days away! 5,000 entries, €60 buy in and one quarter of a million Euros up for grabs! From 8th August 2011 Dusk Till Dawn will be hosting yet another fantastic Grand Prix tournament. Set to smash our current UK record OF 1564 for the largest field, we currently have 390 players registered for the event and expect 5,000 entries in total, so we have a long way to go. It’s going to be a historical poker event so spread the word and get all your friends involved. The tournament is affordable by all, and you can qualify from just €2 online at 7pm and 9pm each night up to Sunday 7th August. There are 20 day 1 flights spread over 12 days, 5 online and 7 live at the club. Day 1 structure Online Monday 8th August – Friday 12th August There will be 2 x Day 1 flights per day at 7pm & 9pm (Online) 10,000 chips 10 minute clock Top 10% progress to Day 2 Club Saturday 13th August – Friday 19th August There will be at least 1 x Day 1 flight per day at 7pm (Live at Dusk Till Dawn) In addition on Saturday 13th, Sunday 14th and Friday 19th there will be an extra flight at 12 noon. 10,000 chips 30 minute clock. Players can Re-Enter into any day 1 flights if they get knocked out. Day 2, all players are in the money and start with 15,000 chips 40 minute clock. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All The Grand Prix IV is just one week away. The online day 1 flights start next Monday 8th August and will be running for 5 nights with 2 flights per night at 7pm and 9pm. These are followed by 7 live day 1's in the club between Saturday 13th and Friday 19th. You can buy in online now via the poker lobby for €60. You can enter the Grand Prix as many times as you like, there are 20 day 1's in total and €250,000 guaranteed. This weekend it's the £300 Deepstack and we are guaranteeing 95 seats in our MEGA SATS this week. Satellites are running online Monday to Thursday at 9pm for €15 Rebuys, with 15 seats guaranteed on Monday and Tuesday and 10 seats guaranteed Wednesday and Thursday. Live £300 Deepstack club satellites are running Wednesday to Friday with 15 seats guaranteed each night for £20 rebuys at 8pm. See our website for more details . We have so much in store for you in August, add me on facebook for club updates Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All So far this week we have had €2205 overlay for our £300 Deepstack MEGA SATS. We guaranteed 15 seats online both Monday and Tuesday and have another 65 seats guaranteed this week for this weekends event. The club satellites start tonight at 8pm and are running until Friday night. There are 15 seats guaranteed each night for £20 rebuys. Late registration is open until 9.30pm each night. Online satellites are still running with 10 seats guaranteed tonight and tomorrow night at 9pm for €15 rebuys. Running satellites both online and at the club is risky so we expect more overlays over the next 2 nights but this is great value for our players. Don't forget this is the last week to qualify for next weeks 5,000 runner Grand Prix IV for just €2, online every night until Sunday at 7pm and 9pm. You can also buy in directly via your online account. Email [email protected] if you have any questions. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All The Grand Prix IV starts this Monday online. There are 10 online day 1's to chose from over 5 days Monday to Friday next week, there are 2 chances a night at 7pm and 9pm. Then we start on the club day 1's on Saturday 13th August for 7 days with at least 1 flight a day at 7pm. On Saturday 13th, Sunday 14th and Friday 19th there will be an additional flight at 12 noon to accommodate our expected 5,000 entrants. It is online buy in only via our poker lobby for both online and club day 1's. The top 10% from each day 1 both online and at the club will qualify to day 2 and will automatically cash. Day 2 is being held at the club on Saturday 20th August, with day 3 on Sunday 21st. Feel free to message [email protected] with any account queries or general enquiries. We have brand new £300 deepstack daily freezeout satellites for Monday, I will post details of this on Monday. Good luck to those playing the £300 Deepstack this weekend at the club. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All The Grand Prix IV commences in less than 1 hour. You still have time to buy in to our first online day 1's at 7pm or 9pm tonight. These are running every night this week until Friday at 7pm and 9pm each night. Followed by 7 days of live day 1's at the club from saturday 13th. Buy In is €60 and the top 10% of each day 1 will make day 2 on Saturday 20th August. All day 2 qualifiers will be in the money. This is a massive 5,000 runner event with an incredible €250,000 guaranteed. ALL day 1's are online buy in only via the poker lobby. If you have any questions or problems please feel free to contact our support team: [email protected]. Cheers ACES

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Re: Latest News at Dusk Till Dawn Hi All The record breaking Dusk Till Dawn Grand Prix has officially commenced. With the first day of Day 1’s over, how are we looking to make the 5,000 entry guarantee? The first day of Day 1’s came to a close last night. The 7pm tournament attracted a total of 82 players, and the 9pm tournament attracted 75 players. 8 players from each went through and secured their seats in Day 2, which will be held at Dusk Till Dawn on Saturday 20th August. This August’s Grand Prix stretches over a period of two whole weeks, and last night was the opening chapter of the main event. The numbers were lower than anticipated – will this Grand Prix follow the pattern of our others and snowball the closer we get to the finish date or should Dusk Till Dawn brace themselves for the overlay of the year? Tonight - The same tournaments as last night are scheduled in for this evening and for the rest of the week until Friday. The top 10% of players in the 7pm and 9pm tournaments will join those from last night and battle it out for the quarter of a million euro prize pool. Although last night’s results were somewhat disappointing for Dusk Till Dawn, players that prefer the shorter fields were happy! Every night this week, and across all our club Day 1’s which start on Saturday, we’re sending through the top 10% of the field, whether there are 40 players or 400. All players that make Day 2 will have made the money. They return on Saturday 20th August with a brand new starting chip stack of 15,000 and a longer clock of 40 minutes. RE-ENTRY 50% of our 9pm winners last night had re-entered! For all the players that don’t make the top 10% they have the option to RE-ENTER back into any other Day 1 tournament. Just over 25% of last nights 7pm tournament opted to re-enter into 9pm 4 of which made up the final 8 players that made it through to Day 2. Action resumes tonight at 7pm. If you're not playing yourself, you can head to the Online Poker Lobby, go to the tables and watch the action live! Cheers ACES

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