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Posts posted by a1ehouse

  1. Re: Total Corners Spreads: 102 bets, +32% yield !!! For me, it's about striking that balance between time, effort and profitability. 46/102 bets is nearly twice the effort to gain 10/170 points! I'd be inclined to focus on the 2+3's but also look into alternative ways how 1 units could be used, profit is profit at the end of the day!

  2. Re: The a1ehouse top and the plops Thank davidc. Back testing the system over the last 9 seasons I get: Bets: 2068 Wins: 1803 Strike Rate: 87.19% Ave Odds: 5.31 So there has to be a staking plan in there! I have had a play around with "the Staking Machine" and the analysis for the lay systems are pretty good. ROI between 5.4 on Maria to 10.27 on Basic Lay Ladder. Cumulative profit peaked on Lay Percentage.

    Is the above return calculated on 1pt risk or reward, if you see what I mean.
    The +13.05pt profit is based on a stake of £1 for every bet rather than ratchet and percentage of bank, and liability ranged from £3.20 to £10. At that time:
    A1ehouse LtD
    Starting Bank£1,000.00
    Current Bank£1,013.05
    Total Liability£147.40
    Number of Bets25
    Winning Bets23
    Losing Bets2
    Strike Rate92.00%
    P/L less 5% Comm£13.05
  3. Re: The a1ehouse top and the plops Disappointed with another draw, could have been worse before the last minute goal at Sp Lisbon. Looking into other staking plans to avoid wiping the winnings out as with all lay systems. Anyone offer any advice?

    Sp Lisbon:dude
    A1ehouse LtD
    Starting Bank£1,000.00
    Current Bank£1,037.35
    Total Liability£1,021.00
    Number of Bets33
    Winning Bets29
    Losing Bets4
    Strike Rate87.88%
    P/L less 5% Comm£37.35
  4. Re: The a1ehouse top and the plops

    A last minute equalizer stops a streak of 25. Had to happen sooner or later.
    A1ehouse LtD
    Starting Bank£1,000.00
    Current Bank£1,055.98
    Total Liability£885.37
    Number of Bets29
    Winning Bets26
    Losing Bets3
    Strike Rate89.66%
    P/L less 5% Comm£55.98
    Stakes as follows after the Liverpool game:
    100% of Bank
  5. Re: The a1ehouse top and the plops

    A1ehouse LtD
    Starting Bank£1,000.00
    Current Bank£1,077.14
    Total Liability£821.88
    Number of Bets27
    Winning Bets25
    Losing Bets2
    Strike Rate92.59%
    P/L less 5% Comm£77.14
    New bank = New stakes:
    100% of Bank
    Tomorrows selections:
    03/05/2009Serie AJuventusLecce92.59%129 WWDlDd4 lDlLlWJuventus:11(6) Lecce:2(1) Draws:4(1)5.26.4627.30
    03/05/2009Premier LeagueLiverpoolNewcastle94.04%2116 WWWWDW2 LdLLdlLiverpool:18(12) Newcastle:7(1) Draws:6(2)6.66.4636.18
  6. Re: The a1ehouse top and the plops Couple today:

    Date Division HomeTeam AwayTeam WinExpectancy GoalSuperiority HomeTeamForm AwayTeamForm HeadToHead Betfair Stake Liability
    02/05/2009 Division 2 Brechin Stranraer 93.32% 9 9 LLWWWl 3 lLLWLl Brechin:12(6) Stranraer:5(1) Draws:2(2) 6.2 6.39 33.23
    02/05/2009 Serie A Inter Lazio 93.27% 9 11 WWWDdl 6 LllWWL Inter:6(3) Lazio:9(3) Draws:16(9) 4.3 6.39 or 6.43 if bet1 wins 21.09 or 21.21if bet1 wins
    Hi draws on Inter/Lazio, but relying on the ratings!
  7. Re: Calling a1ehouse No worries - it what a forum is about! Good for you to try and work it out though. I started by picking up bits and bobs too, so takes years of learning and putting into practice, but a powerful thing to have at your disposal. The web has a raft of info out there - google Mr. Excel or J Walk.

  8. Re: Calling a1ehouse Don't use MSN/AOL sorry. It won't overwrite. If it's your sheet is open all the time, you can make it even easier and use the WorkSheet_Change object (from the Excel Objects again) This will fire everytime a cell is changed, no need to run it everyday as it will be immediate as soon as "Finished" appears in column C:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        If Left(Target.AddressLocal(ColumnAbsolute:=False), 1) = "C" Then
            If InStr(Target.Text, "Finished") Then
                Rows(Target.Row).Copy Sheets("Results").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
                Rows(Target.Row).Delete shift:=xlUp
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

  9. Re: Calling a1ehouse

    I ran it and nothing happpend ... I pasted the 2nd code in the same module as the first code .. was I supposed to make two seperate macros or something?
    You should be able to run the code manually by running the MoveAndPurge macro. Make sure you change "Sheet1" to the name of where your pulling the info from. In VBA editor, on the left in the Excel Objects, double click ThisWorkbook. In the dropdown list (General) select WorkBook, 2nd code should go in there.
  10. Re: Calling a1ehouse Untested, so let me know if there's a problem! :tongue2

    Option Explicit
    'Copy the whole row instead:
    Sub CopyFinished()
        Dim rng As Range
        For Each rng In Range(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C1"), Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C65536").End(xlUp))
            If InStr(rng.Text, "Finished") Then
                rng.EntireRow.Cut Sheets("Results").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
            End If
        Next rng
    End Sub
    'Then this deletes the empty rows:
    Sub DeleteEmptyRows()
        Dim lastRow As Long, r As Long
        lastRow = Sheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
        For r = lastRow To 1 Step -1
            If Application.CountA(Rows(r)) = 0 Then Rows(r).Delete
        Next r
    End Sub
    'So to run them every day we bung them together in a single macro:
    Sub MoveAndPurge()
        Call CopyFinished
        Call DeleteEmptyRows
    End Sub
    'Bung this in the Workbook_Open:
    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
        Application.OnTime TimeValue("18:00:00"), "MoveAndPurge"
    End Sub

  11. Re: The a1ehouse top and the plops I am basing my selections on my ratings regardless of market price. However, the stakes are adjusted depending on available odds. Where odds are between 2.6 and 7.4 I stake 0.6% of the bank (currently £1064.97). This makes a stake of £6.38 with a liability between £16.61 and £40.89. Two games with odds of 7.0 and 7.5 may well be similar chances of a draw, but I am going off the ratings where a win expectancy is <=10% or >=90%.

  12. Re: The a1ehouse top and the plops

    Good work on this a1ehouse. Why are you having such varied liabilities (effectively your stakes)? Are you keeping a record for level stakes (your stakes)?
    Thanks mate I am laying the draws, and the stakes are based on a percentage of my bank. Each time the bank grows, so do the stakes so with odds all being different so is my liability. At 1pt level stakes its +13.05pts
  13. Re: The a1ehouse top and the plops Full house today, 22 on the bounce. Waiting for the next draw to eat into the profit!

    HomeTeam Result
    A1ehouse LTD
    Starting Bank£1,000.00
    Current Bank£1,064.97
    Total Liability£766.82
    Number of Bets25
    Winning Bets23
    Losing Bets2
    Strike Rate92.00%
    P/L less 5% Comm£64.97
    New bank, new stakes:
    100% of Bank
    Went live with this when switched to laying draws :ok: a1ehouseltdo.th.jpg
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