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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!!

    told ya mate, given up been there, done that, had the nickname and what ya get for it? abuse, people targetting you, and pressure to perform meaning you change your game to tighten up so u dont lose BPP.....im free and happy!
    not sure how to take that,you being my mentor....has the pupil overtaken the master??????????:lol :lol :loon :loon
  2. Re: Who is DanPL?

    no andy has said hes come across dan pl before i play as dan the man pl mostly thats alrite m8y i can understand him we all get abused i dnt like it either
    okay mate,did check with les and he said it was you,but he obviously got confused with text,,,BIG APOLOGIES DAN:dude :dude
  3. Re: Mansion $3000 Freeroll + Blackjack discussion

    This week you are not automatically entered' date=' but have to register yourself .............................. so make sure you don't miss out :ok[/quote'] :lol :lol still slow in typing neil,,gaf posted that already,but thankyou :ok :ok :dude :dude :dude :dude :dude
  4. Re: **Poker Tuesday 12th September**

    Quick mention for Virgin...managed 10th in Vroll on Sunday. Used to take ages for points creditted' date=' then several days to cash in. Well not now...less than two days and the cash is in my account! Now that's fast.[/quote'] mine was done within 2 hours:nana :nana :nana :nana
  5. Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners if i can just touch on what morlspin has posted,,like him i was one of the first to win the ibiza trip,and yes it was a good time albeit i believe that was down to the great people that won through and not necessarily goalpoker...what was promised by them was spot-prizes like swimming with sharks and other similar prizes which they never done,,i have been searching for the actual advert and if i find it i am sure that trading standards would be very interested, i would like to say big-up to NUFC for pulling all the advertising:notworthy

  6. Re: APAT's Des Duffy - A word of thanks...

    Good luck' date=' fella. We'll have someone from PokerPlayer up covering the event. I won't be there as I'll be getting lagered up in Munich for Oktoberfest, no doubt trying to find some krauts who know how to play Hold'em.[/quote'] wouldnt you prefer that they didnt know holdem and milk em for what you can get?:rollin :rollin
  7. Re: Online Forum Challenge part deux very disappointed,,,was doing really well in top 10 for a while and chip leader at 1 point for a minute or so then in 3 hands pow!!!!! out. got beat by full/house,,,,straight and then pocket aces:wall :wall :wall ,finished 48th i think,,hope i made some points for punters even if only a couple

  8. Re: Full Tilt Inside Edge Freeroll Hello Alan, Thank you for your email and your interest in our ?Win a Hummer for the Weekend? promotion. Since you have already participated in the Hummer Freeroll you are ineligible to compete in any future Hummer Freerolls. Thanks for your understanding, best of luck at the tables. Regards, Braden Full Tilt Poker Support what a stupid state of affairs,,nowhere in the rules does it say you can only play once,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  9. Re: Online Forum Challenge part deux

    We only have 6 in the last 250 odd ....... We lost 15 in the first 600......
    well i`m bloody angry at the cards and the players that play crap,it the standard of players i was thinking was gonna be a lot better
  10. Re: Online Forum Challenge part deux

    Not sure we can complain too much about the standard of play' date=' because as a forum, our performance is well below the average :unsure :sad[/quote'] well on the 2 tables i played on it was like being with a load of hungarians, was expecting the standard to be of our high forum play which is excellent,but if your saying we`re not as good as anybody else..what can i say
  11. Re: Online Forum Challenge part deux do ya know what?, i expected a better class of play in this.......had pocket jacks put 4 x 300 big blind got 2 calls,,3/6/8 flop,,same raise 1 call ...2 raise again called ace on turn,,,,,he had 5/a :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :wall :wall :wall :wall

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