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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: APAT on Poker Stars i`m out,,,no luck at all tonight,,even with pocket aces which i folded on turn, put him on flush...............got some back when i hit fullhouse against gaf?`s pocket aces,in the end went all in with a/10 got called and he hit a king on the river,,,,,,,,,c`est la vie good luck to all left in

  2. Re: Pot Odds or Not? A Debate

    How do you feel about people slating Hodgey's play, teaulc? We've disagreed with him, but nobody's been rude to Morls in this thread. But personally, I have to say I'm appalled by the disrespect that has been shown to Hodgey.
    i am showing no disrespect to anyone here,with all honesty if hodgeys gut feeling was to go for it,whether he was bored or fecked off or whatever reason,fine,nobody can predict that,he did do a bad call,if you want to state odds and all to justify it fine,i dont have a problem with that,but if you are all honest with yourselves you know that,,,once again i am not slagging anyone off here because we are all individuals
  3. Re: Pot Odds or Not? A Debate okay,it seems a hornets nest has been stirred here,,can i just say i agree totally with morls and if i was playing that hand and got f**ked like that i would have said the same thing ,,,the ffs wouldnt have been pointed at anyone but at the cards themselves,,as for the cards, not knowing how the table was playing i cant say too much but if i was called with 7/4 and got beat that would have wrankled big time,,,,,,,i would not expect anyone to call it whether the odds were good or not, to me morls did the right thing, even if the hand was not exactly the best,and like the inter-forum match last weekend you expect a better class of play,which as it turned out was just like the normal hungarian freeroll.. now i dont expect everyone to agree with everyone else,it would be a boring world otherwise,but to ( imo ) slate morls off for having a moan maybe some of the people on this forum should have a good look at themselves...... sorry but i tend to stray a bit but i dont talk or type much but IMO that call was VERY bad and didnt deserve rightly or wrongly to take someone out whether it was me or anyone else on this forum

  4. Re: apat live tourney birmingham

    im sure you dont need to worry about that Alan :lol
    well you may be peed off at the mo graham,but i am feeling real good for this tourney and looking forward to it immensely,would like to know how much my 1st prize is gonna be and to make you proud of me kemo sabay:dude :dude :dude :dude
  5. Re: Fridays Focus games bit early for pokerstars at the moment but will they be doing a HOSE? thought it was good experience last time,and having the different formats is good for everybody i think:ok

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