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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Poker Room / Poker Player Team Challenge Question btn_pokerroom.gif btn_casinoroom.gif

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  2. Re: **Poker Sunday 1st October** out 15th from 70 players in mansion pokerdome final,thanks all for the support:clap :clap :clap :clap you really are a very special community... lets hope this never changes....i dont know of any other forum like this one and a big ty goes to paul and all the mods for their very hard work:ok :ok :ok :ok :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

  3. Re: mansion pokerdome,my final well i finished 15th out of 70,,,,very hard game with no decent cards to play,,1 missed opportunity when i threw away q/8 and would have hit quad queens:sad ...it was very much like playing a live game..... thankyou all for the support,i cant say enough how this forum really does support each other and i have never known this kind of community spirit anywhere....you really are all very special people:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

  4. Re: mansion pokerdome,my final

    all the best spidey still only 60 in what will you get if you win it tonight?
    a $7000 package to vegas,and play a televised 6 player table for $50,000 and win that play for $1,000,000 top 2 get paid in this
  5. well done me :loon :loon :rollin :rollin

    Hello teaulcsg1, We are pleased to confirm that you have accumulated $0.14 over the previous month as part of our 25% Rakeback Promotion. This is a monthly rakeback bonus which is returned to your account every month as part of our Rakeback loyalty scheme. Click here for more information about the promotion and to learn about Rake. Your rakeback funds are now in your account and available for you to continue playing at Stan's Poker. Best of Luck, Stan’s Poker Team To view all our great promotions click here! Stan's Poker Team
  6. Re: mansion pokerdome,my final there are only 58 players in this so far,was expecting a lot more,i feel this is definately in my favour as i like the smaller turn-outs:hope ...so although i will be playing elsewhere as a buffer you may not get much chat from me tonight any advice about how to play this as well would be much appreciated

  7. Re: By Posting this me and Fenners lose $10,000 joe,feel so bad for you both but as they broke your agreement in the first place i dont see how you can still lose the money offered,,i am sure you have a very good solicitor acting for you both and i hope:hope it all ends with good news .. all the very best alan

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