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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: mansion pokergod 6/9/6

    It starts at 8.30 not 8. 271 registered at the present time.
    cheers mate,they must have moved it on half an hour during the day was sure it said 8 at 6.30 this morning,either that or i was still half asleep:dude
  2. Re: apat live tourney birmingham

    Just been sent this as well - but didn't apply for a seat, as far as I remember - I only signed up on Saturday and definitely didn't do anything then about the live tourney!! I still think it's NOT a good idea to have a clickable link in the e-mail as it leaves them open to dishonest people trying a phishing scam...
    well mate then i will get well and truly fcuked:loon
  3. Amateur Poker Association & Tour

    English Amateur Poker Championship

    Dear Member,
    Congratulations, you have been allocated a seat at the English Amateur Poker Championship, to be held at the Broadway Casino in Birmingham on September 23rd and 24th.
    To retain the seat, you must pay the entry fee before midnight on September 8th. To avoid mishap, I recommend you confirm your place by using the secure payment link below as soon as possible! The link will take you to the payment page of our payment provider Metacharge.
    The seat is reserved in your name and cannot be transfered or sold. Any payments made by individuals not on the list of 120 players will be refunded at a later date. Please do not post the above 'payment link' onto a public forum.
    A complete list of players with an allocated seat, and players on the reserve list will appear at www.apat.com in the next hour of two.
    APAT English Amateur Poker Championship - Member Draw Process
    To review your position in the member draw process, please refer to the stages below.
    August 30, midnight: The APAT website will stop recording interest in the English Amateur Poker Championship. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    September 3, midnight: A finalised list of members will be downloaded in preparation for a members only draw for tournament seats.

    September 4, midday: A draw for tournament seats will be made. The draw will be overseen by an independent scrutineer. The first 200 members drawn will receive a number between 1 and 200. These members will form the ‘Seat Allocated’ list and the ‘Reserve’ list.

    September 4, from 8.00pm: Confirmation will be sent to members on the ‘Seat Allocated’ list. Members will be able to pay their £75 tournament entry fee via a payment link within the email. Please note ALL entry monies will be paid in prize money, in addition to the European Poker Tour seat which will be awarded to the event winner. The "Seat Allocated" list and "Reserve List" will be posted within the Tour section at www.apat.com. If your name appears there, and you do not receive an email from us, then please email [email protected] with your details, after checking your spam filters etc.

    September 8, midnight: Members who have not completed the payment process for entry at this time will lose their allocated seat.

    September 9: Unallocated seats will be offered to members in ascending numerical order of their position on the ‘Reserve’ list.

    APAT’s decision in this process will be final. No individual ‘case’ merits will be looked at, as to do so would further delay the process.
    If necessary, accomodation can be booked at the following hotels in Birmingham. They are both within walking distance of the casino. If you intend to stay over, I recommend you make accomodation arrangements as soon as possible. Novatel Hotel - 0121 6432000. Rooms (double) can be had with breakfast from £85. Please speak to Louise. City Inn Hotel - 0121 6431003. Rooms (single & double) can be had from £74. A double with breakfast will cost £89 and for that price 2 occupants can use the room. Please quote code APAT2309. Rooms would need to be vacated on the morning of the 24th, however both hotels will allow you to store any luggage in a secure room.
    Please remember to bring either a passport or driver's license with you to the venue on September 23rd. You will not be permitted to play without one of these forms of identification. Players must be aged 18 years or over.
    If you have a queries with any of the above, please contact me at [email protected].
    The APAT team will do everything in our power to make sure your tournament experience is second to none, and we all look forward to meeting you in Birmingham!
    Kind regards,
    Des Duffy
    Managing Director
    Amateur Poker Limited

    who`s a lucky boy then? i can wear my punters lounge polo shirt :clap :clap :clap

  4. Re: Mansion $3000 Freeroll + Blackjack discussion

    http://promo.mansion.com/email_images/casino/freeroll/sides.jpg bgColor=#ffffff>Dear Member Congratulations, you have qualified to play in my 'BB Freeroll' tournament on Wednesday 6th September 2006 at 21.15 GMT. The tournament ID is #58376. If you have previously entered the MANSIONPoker client, you will be automatically registered for this tournament. To join the tournament simply click on BB Freeroll now displayed in the Tournament lobby. Join me at the tables for your chance to win a share of $3,000 If you have not yet downloaded the MANSIONPoker client software click here to download it now. After logging in go to the Tournament Lobby, click on the BB Freeroll and register the tournament ID #58376. If you require any further details please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Kindest regards, Erica x Ps. Remember if you knock me out you can win another $1,000
    knock her up would be better:lol :lol :lol :spank :spank
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