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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: SO Barcelona Open

    116 runners' date=' top 5 get a package 6 -15 get $640, me and the mole both on same table :hope :hope[/quote'] all the very best to both of you:ok :ok :hope
  2. Re: Full Tilt Inside Edge Freeroll

    WTF is anyone in here gonna do with a hummer and £250 for petrol? they do little over 10 miles to the gallon lmao
    dont want the hummer,,,,,,,,,,I WANT THE CHIP SET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:loon :loon :nana :nana :lol :lol :lol :lol
  3. Re: Full Tilt Inside Edge Freeroll

    Yeah - is a lot of hassle and I'm not going to bother this week..... However, forget the chauffeur driven tank and there is $1000 being split amongst 75 (at the moment) players - is great value :ok
    didnt think of it in that way,,,mmmmmmmm,might see if i can delete it all off then and see what happens,if my account comes back up i aint gonna do it,lol
  4. Re: **Poker Sunday 27th August** :loon :loon bleeding hell,just realised how much is going on today,,,well 1st priority is champs league,but will use the others as a buffer,,,, GOOD LUCK to all in whatever you do today,and may you all finish behind me;) ;) :dude :dude

  5. Re: APAT goes Pro ? Plus revised registration process for Birmingham Tourney...) APATLogoTiny.JPG

    Amateur Poker Association & Tour English Amateur Poker Championship Entry Process

    Dear Member, Exceptional circumstances have brought about the requirement for a member draw to allocate tournament seats for the English Amateur Poker Championship, which will be held at the Broadway Casino, Birmingham on September 23 & 24. This process will NOT be repeated for future APAT events, where seats will be allocated on a strictly first come, first served basis, well in advance of the tournament. It is worth noting, that there is not a cardroom in the UK that would have been able to cater for the demand that we have seen from you for this tournament. Inevitably, some of you will be left disappointed with the outcome of this draw, and for that we apologise. Please remember, APAT has a highly competitive Online Series running on PokerStars.com, with the Italian Open taking place next Saturday evening (September 2), and we will feature our next APAT live event on the weekend of November 18 & 19. We will investigate the possibility of offering a limited number of live satellite qualifying opportunities to this tournament, and advise in the coming weeks. APAT Live - Member Draw Process August 30, midnight: The APAT website will stop recording interest in the English Amateur Poker Championship.

    September 3, midnight: A finalised list of members will be downloaded in preparation for a members only draw for tournament seats.

    September 4, midday: A draw for tournament seats will be made. The draw will be overseen by an independent scrutineer. The first 200 members drawn will receive a number between 1 and 200. These members will form the ‘Seat Allocated’ list and the ‘Reserve’ list.

    September 4, from 8.00pm: Confirmation will be sent to members on the ‘Seat Allocated’ list. Members will be able to pay their £75 tournament entry fee via a payment link within the email. Please note ALL entry monies will be paid in prize money, in addition to the European Poker Tour seat which will be awarded to the event winner. The "Seat Allocated" list and "Reserve List" will be posted within the Tour section at www.apat.com. If your name appears there, and you do not receive an email from us, then please email [email protected] with your details, after checking your spam filters etc.

    September 8, midnight: Members who have not completed the payment process for entry at this time will lose their allocated seat.

    September 9: Unallocated seats will be offered to members in ascending numerical order of their position on the ‘Reserve’ list.

    APAT’s decision in this process will be final. No individual ‘case’ merits will be looked at, as to do so would further delay the process. The APAT website will be updated to reflect the above from August 30 when the process starts. Good luck to everyone who is hoping for a seat. Kind regards, Des Duffy Managing Director Amateur Poker Limited NL32

  6. Re: HU question mmmmmmmm,,have got no idea now,,,think maybe i will stick with my original thoughts, wrong as they may be....but as i would have folded by now..................i hope your not gonna keep us in too much suspense

  7. Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds very disappointed,was doing good had a great start and after nearly 2 hours 1 hand blew me out and i didnt need to play it,but thought BA was bluffing,,,,he had the full house with 2`s:wall :wall ...oh well ...good luck all

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