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Posts posted by robilaruk

  1. Re: Coolers - lets discuss strategy

    My exact thinking, I called and he showed AKs He went off on a mega rant, so I explained to him the push indicated weakness not strength and if he'd bet 500 I'd have folded. He didn't get it at all......
    HAHAHAHA :clap:clap:clap You should have just said sorry :rollin I find it best not to educate the fish:eek:eek Nice thinking, nice call, VERY NICE RESULT!:ok Damo
  2. Re: Cooler KK in the BB - re-shove from a tight player

    To judge how relevant that info is, I think we also need to know what the chip stacks of the players were then. Here he is a huge favourite to cash if he folds, but is risking getting crippled by going all-in. Was that also the case last time? Also, last time I presume there was no raise pre-flop? If so, you don't know what he'd have done with his queens if somebody had raised. I'd only consider playing the way he has on this hand with aces, so playing against me I'd fold like a shot.
    Last time blinds were 50/100 (they went up last hand) he limped from mid-late position with about 1600 chips or so; SB made up BB checked. Flop Jxx. SB checked, BB shoved for about 1300 or so, He calls, BB has J9 and doesn't improve. I made a note on his play and so it was fresh in my mind about an orbit later when he played like this. I don't think he is a muppet, I don't think he is shoving with shite. I think he is probably slightly better than average for this level. I have made a couple of similar raises (odd numbers) from LP and shown AK and QQ, so my raise is not unusual for the table. I got my chips from a BB special with A3, I flopped 2 pair and the A9 limper couldn't let his hand go to my CRAI. Does that help? Damo
  3. Re: Cooler KK in the BB - re-shove from a tight player

    Would you have been better off shoving, rather than making the mini raise and giving yourself the tough decision? Then you're giving him the tough choice (potential to make a mistake) rather than giving yourself a tough choice (and the potential to make a mistake) - chances are he hasn't got aces (unless he's called teaulc :tongue2)
    Why would I want to shove against one limper? I am not desperate, if I fold I still have 8-9BB's left, about average for the table. I am suprised folks are talking about shoving here. And the min raise? I raised about 2.5BB (488) I am sure someone else mentions that as their standard raise....... (OK I didn't take into consideration his limp, but its not different to me raising his BB if I am the CO).
  4. Villian limped QQ about 4 hands ago and got his cash all-in on a rag flop So I am folding this right? Damo ***** Hand 1343980488 ***** 100.00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 01 December 2008 15:59:40 Cooler (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: falkfeier (3040.00) Seat 2: hammern2 (1992.00) Seat 3: Marusan (1680.00) Seat 4: Unknown (0.00) Seat 5: diamondis (1519.00) Seat 6: Unknown (0.00) Seat 7: Spade83 (1255.00) Seat 8: robilaruk (2619.00) Seat 9: elomicka (2370.00) Seat 10: adivat (525.00) Spade83 post SB 100.00 robilaruk post BB 200.00 ** Deal ** robilaruk [Ks, Kd] *** Bet Round 1 *** elomicka Fold adivat Fold falkfeier Call 200.00 hammern2 Fold Marusan Fold diamondis Fold Spade83 Fold robilaruk Raise to 688.00 falkfeier All-in 3040.00

  5. Re: Teaulc`s cooler challenge for a new laptop

    Not really, Coolers are fun but will destroy your game longer term. There is no concept of post flop play or slow play.
    There isn't? and there is in a standard STT? I think coolers are essentially the same as standard STT's, very tight early and then shove when necessary later - I don't see the difference really except you don't need to go for first place? An what 'game' will they destroy? if you only play coolers/STT they I don't see that. I do understand it better if you play MTT's and cash as well, but I can't see how they will destroy anything? YMMV of course Damo
  6. Re: Coolers - lets discuss strategy

    If you do play the hand, you probably want to shove and either get HU, or create a side pot, calling here is not a good play, so shoving was better:ok I am undecided on whether you should have shoved - and even though I am trying to ignore the HH it is there! best to only post the PF action methinks that way we can't be swayed by the result (however subtlely that maybe). Will have a thunk and get back to you - I am erring towards folding as a gut reaction but big blinds and too many to go to the money might make this a reasonable play :unsure. Damo
    I have had a thunk and I think shoving is a bad play here, you have to be 80-90% certain that Jhedman folds if you shove as you don't want a call with 88, you are probably racing agianst the short stack shove and also racing against Jhedman as well. You obviously need to win the race against Jhedman to stay in, but if you shove and Jhedman folds and you lose the race against shortie you have quadrupled him up and made him more of a threat. Calling is still bad IMHO but after thinking about it is better than shoving as it gives you a chance to knock out shortie with only risking 400 chips and potentially winning a nice pot. So with two bad choices the only choice left is to fold, which is what I now think you should have done. Fold 80% Call 15% Shove 5% Very nice post, had to really think about this :ok:ok:ok Damo
  7. Re: Coolers - lets discuss strategy

    Call ?
    For me, probably yes, he has checked behind you twice when he had a chance to bet and on the river on a straight drawing board he shoves? if he has a made hand why not value bet here? Call and be gutted when he shows trip 8's...... Damo
  8. Re: Cooler, xx on Button

    does XX mean ten ten ? regardless of that, there is 230 chips in the middle and blinds are getting bigger. take it down with a bet of 400
    An if the BB shoves for another 600 or so, should he fold? If the BB is folding for 300 more, he will fold for 200 more or so, raise to 300/330 if you are going to raise small, I am not really a fan of small raises in this position unless I know the SB and BB are tight, if they are not tight then shove to maximise fold equity. Now as to what cards I would need..... Any Ace, PP 77+, KQ, KJ - I am not a fan of ATC as yet, you still have some play in your stack and everyone is getting slightly desperate (so let them make the mistake first). Just my thoughts Damo
  9. Re: JTs in Big Blind in $20 cooler, 2 short stack shoves

    $20 Cooler, multi-tabling so no reads. Should I be calling this for about 1/3 of my stack? Seat 1: ChristopherT (870 in chips) Seat 2: Zorden666 (1330 in chips) Seat 4: KoquiK1 (1855 in chips) Seat 5: marcol1969 (2125 in chips) Seat 7: MONEYMAN0613 (935 in chips) Seat 8: kugster67 (4040 in chips) Seat 9: one and safe (1585 in chips) Seat 10: JadedJ (2260 in chips)
    No, they are unlikely to split so one is 'effectively' out. If the one who wins is ChrisT he is in the BB next hand and Zorden another shortie in the BB the hand after - either way they both have less chps than you after paying the BB/SB and are struggling - If MoneyM wins he doubles up but his stack is still less than yours, and with one and safe also having a smaller stack this is an easy fold. Let them take each other out here, MM is only calling as the other shortstack with something better than crap, ChrisT might be shoving crap of course being UTG and desperate. Easy fold for me Damo
  10. Decided to step up to the 10 euro coolers as the 5's are doing my head in! This was my first game (I might step back down as I only have about 130 euro in the account and am not properly BR for this level :$ and found I was playing scared :eyes) Massa is sat out (has been for a good 10 mins or more) and Arnberg is on his button - every hand its folded to him he shoves and perulau in the SB folds..... fecking annoying as he had close to 4K in chips when it started and arn about 600...... So with only 30 chips left after paying my BB I get the following hand :) The 10 euro's seem to be filled with people who think any 2 broadway are good to call AI shoves for 1200 chips at 50/100, or that 33 is a great reraising hand AI after raise and call.... maybe they understand ICM :lol Damo ps WHO-HOO I CASHED:eek ***** Hand 1337190828 ***** 100.00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 26 November 2008 16:40:11 Cooler (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: massa10 (1640.00) Seat 2: befomaxi (1226.00) Seat 3: robilaruk (230.00) Seat 4: Kebbe-E (3200.00) Seat 5: Unknown (0.00) Seat 6: Grogg11 (4535.00) Seat 7: Unknown (0.00) Seat 8: arnberg89 (905.00) Seat 9: Unknown (0.00) Seat 10: perulau (3264.00) befomaxi post SB 100.00 robilaruk post BB 200.00 ** Deal ** robilaruk [10h, Ah] *** Bet Round 1 *** Kebbe-E Fold Grogg11 Fold arnberg89 Fold perulau Fold massa10 Fold befomaxi Call 200.00 robilaruk Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [8c, 6c, 10d] *** Bet Round 2 *** befomaxi Bet 200.00 robilaruk All-in 30.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [8c, 6c, 10d, 6d] *** River(Board): *** : [8c, 6c, 10d, 6d, Ad] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 460.00 robilaruk [10h, Ah] Two pair aces and tens Win: 460.00 The last hand ***** Hand 1337204513 ***** 150.00/300.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 26 November 2008 16:50:09 Cooler (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: massa10 (740.00) Seat 2: Unknown (0.00) Seat 3: robilaruk (1680.00) Seat 4: Kebbe-E (2636.00) Seat 5: Unknown (0.00) Seat 6: Grogg11 (6080.00) Seat 7: Unknown (0.00) Seat 8: Unknown (0.00) Seat 9: Unknown (0.00) Seat 10: perulau (3864.00) perulau post BB 300.00 ** Deal ** massa10 [N/A, N/A] robilaruk [10c, 4s] Kebbe-E [N/A, N/A] Grogg11 [N/A, N/A] perulau [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** massa10 Fold robilaruk All-in 1680.00 Kebbe-E All-in 2636.00 Grogg11 Raise to 4016.00 perulau Fold

  11. Re: Understanding ICM analysis in Coolers Can we use ICM here? Villians shoving range is huge, blinds are big and he is UTG Yes/No? Damo ***** Hand 1336382752 ***** 150.00/300.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 25 November 2008 22:21:46 Cooler (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: Taurus1985 (2620.00) Seat 2: Turbala (1295.00) Seat 3: asgr76 (2450.00) Seat 4: lomurrid10 (3090.00) Seat 5: Unknown (0.00) Seat 6: Unknown (0.00) Seat 7: robilaruk (2345.00) Seat 8: llunatic1 (610.00) Seat 9: Unknown (0.00) Seat 10: RINNERTJE7 (2590.00) RINNERTJE7 post SB 150.00 Taurus1985 post BB 300.00** Deal ** robilaruk [8c, 8d] *** Bet Round 1 *** Turbala All-in 1295.00 asgr76 Fold lomurrid10 Fold

  12. Re: AJ cooler - shove over the top?

    He's not through the blinds next. For some reason Boss HH seems to move people around these days. He's in Seat 7 whilst the BB is seat 1. For that very reason, and the fact that you've still got some players to get through I'd fold. If you were on the BB or SB then it could be worth shoving our the top, but not here.
    eagle-eyes (:tongue2) is correct again! :ok Hadn't noticed the shift in seats myself in the HH - most odd Thanks for the thoughts on the reshove DP:ok Damo
  13. Re: Coolers - lets discuss strategy

    I'm not sure if I played this hand correctly so thought I'd open it up for discussion. Capa00 was soon to be in the blinds and the previous hand had just lost most of his chips, hence his range of hands he could shove with was quite wide. What concerned me was the call from Jhedman. Had it been the bubble I would have happily called and checked it down, but with the high possiblity of over cards on the flop I felt I had to fold or shove. Ignore the fact that I won the hand - was I right to shove?
    If you do play the hand, you probably want to shove and either get HU, or create a side pot, calling here is not a good play, so shoving was better:ok I am undecided on whether you should have shoved - and even though I am trying to ignore the HH it is there! best to only post the PF action methinks that way we can't be swayed by the result (however subtlely that maybe). Will have a thunk and get back to you - I am erring towards folding as a gut reaction but big blinds and too many to go to the money might make this a reasonable play :unsure. Damo
  14. Re: Cooler QQ in the BB Bubble 150/300

    Easy fold IMO. What does the maths say? (with holdemresources.net, should be able to do the maths you were doing before in about 2 minutes ;) )
    tut tut - if something is worth doing, it is worth doing properly:ok (bit like checking the HH to see what position I am in:tongue2) anyhoo the calc only shows shoving and calling ranges, it does not take into account your cards or if anyone limps etc Damo
  15. Re: Cooler QQ in the BB Bubble 150/300

    Surely you'd want to check not fold - see what the flop brings. Folding an unraised BB would be foolish to say the least with ATC not a mind QQ. Having said that I'd need the nuts on the flop to put any more chips in the middle. 2 very short stacks, I could fold AA in this situation.
    :rollin Glad someone noticed :rollin Damo
  16. I have played one hand about 3 hands ago when I shoved AK on the button and showed Villian is a bit loose, raising at least once per orbit Damo ***** Hand 1336371257 ***** 100.00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 25 November 2008 22:15:01 Cooler (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: Taurus1985 (2920.00) Seat 7: robilaruk (1445.00) Seat 2: Turbala (2395.00) Seat 3: asgr76 (1350.00) Seat 4: lomurrid10 (1575.00) Seat 5: 4 Penguins (1965.00) Seat 6: Unknown (0.00) Seat 8: llunatic1 (1060.00) Seat 9: Unknown (0.00) Seat 10: RINNERTJE7 (2290.00) RINNERTJE7 post SB 100.00 Taurus1985 post BB 200.00 ** Deal ** robilaruk [Jh, Ad] *** Bet Round 1 *** Turbala Fold asgr76 Raise to 400.00 lomurrid10 Fold 4 Penguins Fold HERO??????

  17. Can anyone explain what is happening and what the hand ranges are Preflop? ***** Hand 1336331554 ***** 15.00/30.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 25 November 2008 21:51:46 Cooler(Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: ELLUISO (2092.00) Seat 2: tinitus82 (1485.00) Seat 3: zsolek (1440.00) Seat 4: Gismo354 (1470.00) Seat 5: robilaruk (1500.00) Seat 6: Arnkos (923.00) Seat 7: gizu (1440.00) Seat 8: riri76140 (1260.00) Seat 9: Valdis11 (1380.00) Seat 10: Namco17 (2010.00) Gismo354 post SB 15.00 robilaruk post BB 30.00 ** Deal ** robilaruk [8d, Ad] *** Bet Round 1 *** Arnkos Call 30.00 gizu Call 30.00 riri76140 Call 30.00 Valdis11 Fold Namco17 Call 30.00 ELLUISO Fold tinitus82 Call 30.00 zsolek Fold Gismo354 Call 30.00 robilaruk Check Nice to get to see a flop with my suited Ace :) Made your choices yet as to what the others have? *** Flop(Board): *** : [5d, Qc, Ks] *** Bet Round 2 *** Gismo354 Check robilaruk Check Arnkos Check gizu Check riri76140 Bet 30.00 Namco17 Fold tinitus82 Fold Gismo354 Raise to 60.00 robilaruk Fold Arnkos Call 60.00 gizu Call 60.00 riri76140 Raise to 90.00 Gismo354 Call 90.00 Arnkos Call 90.00 gizu Call 90.00 Any idea now? *** Turn(Board): *** : [5d, Qc, Ks, 2s] *** Bet Round 3 *** Gismo354 Bet 180.00 Arnkos Call 180.00 gizu Fold riri76140 Call 180.00 who is drawing? *** River(Board): *** : [5d, Qc, Ks, 2s, 9h] *** Bet Round 4 *** Gismo354 Bet 120.00 Arnkos Fold riri76140 Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 1110.00 Gismo354 By default Win: 1110.00 any clearer? Am totaly bemused by this hand - I always watch the first 6-10 hands on a cooler to work out who the wombles are and to see/guess what hand ranges are being played, but I don't have a clue here:unsure All help greatfully appreciated Damo

  18. So whats my play and why? Itchigo is becoming the serial limper every hand, even when 1st in the pot - his range includes K7o UTG......... Cheers Damo Hold'em (No Limit ) - 25 November 2008 21:33:05 Cooler (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: B.Michael (3800.00) Seat 2: Unknown (0.00) Seat 3: ITCHIGO (4280.00) Seat 4: Unknown (0.00) Seat 5: djams (1095.00) Seat 7: robilaruk (2615.00) Seat 6: Unknown (0.00) Seat 8: tauqeer2 (2415.00) Seat 9: Tinagirl08 (795.00) Seat 10: Unknown (0.00) djams post SB 150.00 robilaruk post BB 300.00 ** Deal ** robilaruk [Qh, Qd] *** Bet Round 1 *** tauqeer2 Fold Tinagirl08 Fold B.Michael Call 300.00 ITCHIGO Call 300.00 djams Fold

  19. Re: Your shove range in Coolers - big blinds eating stacks up

    ok - punched the following scenario into SnG Power Tools 6 players left: BB 1300 SB 2700 BTN 2700 CO 2700 CO+1 2800 CO+2 2800 Blinds are 125/250 (Ante.25) I'm amazed at how loose the Btn and SB should apparently be :loon That doesnt seem right to me :unsure But if it is right - someone will always shove into the BB and he should nearly always fold :unsure
    that is odd and very loose for Btn/SB vs a short stacked BB, surely his calling range here is much wider than 1010+ with only 1200 chips left? However you have the chip stacks in the wrong order for my question, you are the but/sb with only 1200 chips shoving into the blinds/BB who have about 2.4K each - so what should you shove with as the small stack? Thanks Damo
  20. Re: Understanding ICM analysis in Coolers

    We can also see that in the BB here, we can only put all our chips in with QQ, KK and AA if he shoves with any two.
    thanks GaF - thinking about it afterwards I thought you meant the 77 hand. Glad to see I was close with my assumption of what I would play against the raiser - Queens seems obvious, but part of me still wants to fold them....... This is a very good example of a +ev situation (;)), where the BB can only have 3 hands to call a shove. Perhaps ev is your next topic:ok Damo
  21. Re: Understanding ICM analysis in Coolers

    Ok - next question then ;) from a purely mathematical ICM perspective - which hands could you shove with positive expectation?
    that surely depends on chip stack to blinds ratio including position? :hope am a bit confused as this is a very open-ended question :unsure Damo
  22. I am trying to put a spreadsheet together matching my BB hand against perceived shoving ranges from the SB/Button in coolers. Scenario: 3/5/10euro buy-in cooler: you are on the button/sb have the lowest chip count 1000-1200 or so, everyone else folds, players left to act have a 2200-2600 chips left, (similar to the other players). No one is LAAG and seem to be average for this level. Its the bubble. Blinds are 100/200 what cards would you shove and what is the bottom of the range i.e shove any ace or only A6+, any K or only K8+ etc. What would be the lowest 'highest' card you would need (Qx, Jx, 10x etc) Do suited cards make a difference to you? What would be the lowest pair you would shove? Alternatively if you prefer not to announce your range :tongue2 what do you think is the shoving range of the average player at the 3/5/10 euro level given the scenario above. If there were 7 players left, would the range be different? Thanks Damo

  23. Re: Understanding ICM analysis in Coolers

    Ok - so it's a pretty simple fold - which seems to have surprised you somewhat. Any thoughts on why it might be such a straightforward fold? ...
    I was thinking you were the short stack - hence the insta-call remark - realised then that UTG was shorter than you, so it becomes an easy fold, simply because they are really under pressure the next 2 hands as the blinds go through, I would (90%) probably fold AK and JJ here as well - unsure about QQ, might shove(probably half the time) with KK, defo reshove with AA. Why play AA - simply because UTG might double up next hand/hand after. so you are now in trouble, I think this is one of the times that you don't pass AA in a cooler on the bubble. Just my thoughts Damo
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